• Crazy Awesome: Rhino. He is basically the Kamina of Hamsters.
  • Crowning Music of Awesome: "I Thought I Lost You" is an upbeat Heartland tune that plays during the end credits, and is performed by the two main actors. It was nominated for a Golden Globe award!
  • Crowning Moment of Heartwarming: Several. One of them can be Bolt and Rhino freeing Mittens from the local animal shelter, tempered by Bolt's realization that he doesn't have any superpowers to break her out with.

Bolt: "Are you ready for this?"
Mittens: "No."
Bolt: "...Me neither."

Mittens: "[Humans] pretend they're going to always be there for you, and then one day they pack up and move away and take their 'love' with them, and leave their declawed cat to fend for herself! They leave her, wondering what she did wrong...."

      • There's a Fridge Horror element to this as well (or Fridge Tear Jerk, if you prefer): Cats are often lost accidentally during a move, whether it's due to a feline freakout at all the upheaval, or just due to people running out of time to look for their wayward outdoor cat. So it's entirely possible that Mittens' family did love her very much and are just as heart-broken as she is at their separation, and she'll never know.
    • During the fire, when Bolt can't find an exit large enough for Penny, she insists he goes on. But being extremely loyal to her, Bolt chooses to curl up beside her in their potentially last moments. They make it, of course. But his dedication to the very end was indeed a big Tear Jerker.

Penny: You're my good boy. I love you.

  • Ugly Cute: Mittens, to a certain degree. She's a skinny cat humans would look on as a stray, after all. Surprisingly, it is also deconstructed: Since she's not cute in a conventional way, because she's half-starved from being declawed and unable to hunt, humans just tend to scare her away instead of giving her some food, and she's aware that the possibilities of being adopted after falling into a pound are extremely limited for her.
  • The Woobie: Both Bolt and Mittens can count as this.