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{{quote|"I was guilty as sin, but Valentine couldn't prove it. And he was the rarest breed of law enforcement officer: the type who knew I was breaking the law, but wouldn't break it himself to bust me."|'''Yuri Orlov''', ''[[Lord of War]]''}}
|'''Yuri Orlov'''|''[[Lord of War]]''}}
{{quote|"Police work is as much about preventing crime as it is about fighting crime. Most importantly, it is about procedural correctness in the execution of unquestionable moral authority." |'''Nicholas Angel''', ''[[Hot Fuzz]]''}}
|'''Nicholas Angel'''|''[[Hot Fuzz]]''}}
The '''By-The-Book Cop''' is a stock character in [[Cop Show|police shows]] and crime fiction in general. They're the older (and usually whiter) cop, who believes in following the law as it is written, playing by the rules even when the criminal scum they're after does not. A stickler for procedure, the BTBC is quick to chide their rookie partner for playing fast and loose out in the streets, and when they're [[Da Chief]], you'll see them constantly threaten to [[Turn in Your Badge|suspend]] the loose cannon for their impulsive heat-of-the-moment shoot-first-ask-questions-later behavior. If they deem that the situation warrants it, they may ''bend'' the rules slightly, but they'll never go so far as to break them; they are, after all, honest and incorruptible.
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== Anime and Manga ==
* Togusa in ''[[Ghost in the Shell]]'' used to be a regular cop and sticks very close to the rules to seperateseparate himself from the masses of corrupt cops. In the counter-terror unit Section 9, he is the rookie and painfully out of place, as they usually deal with people who have the courts at their call. To his superiors, the laws are merely a "suggestion" for how to achieve justice and safety.
* [[Sympathetic Inspector Antagonist|Inspector Zenigata]] of ''[[Lupin III|Lupin The 3rd]]'', quite possibly the world's most honest cop.
* Kuroko Shirai from ''[[ToA AruCertain Majutsu noMagical Index]]'' franchise shows that one can be an impulsive By-The-Book Cop.
* ''[[Bleach]]'': [[Tsundere|Soi]] [[Ninja|Fon]] is the head of the Keigun (lit. "punishment force"), which enforces the laws of Soul Society and detains or assassinates violators. She's a stickler for proper procedure and [[My Master, Right or Wrong|follows the law to the letter]], [[Lawful Neutral|no exceptions.]]
== ComicsComic Books ==
* Commissioner JameJames Gordon from [[Batman]], if it was not for his frequently calling upon the services of an unofficial masked vigilante to help police his city. ''[[Batman: Year One]]'', ''[[The Long Halloween]]'' and ''[[Batman: Dark Victory]]'' track his growing relationship with Batman and rising position in the Gotham City Police Department, and they all reiterate his commitment to Lawlaw &and Orderorder and refusal to compromise his integrity and the rules, even to convict criminals he knows are guilty.
== Comics ==
* Commissioner Jame Gordon from [[Batman]], if it was not for his frequently calling upon the services of an unofficial masked vigilante to help police his city. ''[[Batman: Year One]]'', ''[[The Long Halloween]]'' and ''[[Batman: Dark Victory]]'' track his growing relationship with Batman and rising position in the Gotham City Police Department, and they all reiterate his commitment to Law & Order and refusal to compromise his integrity and the rules, even to convict criminals he knows are guilty.
** He slips once when [[The Joker]] was on death row for a crime he might not have committed {{spoiler|and didn't}}. He suggested to Batman that they let Joker fry despite the possibility that he's innocent of this particular crime. Batman tells Gordon that he's going to pretend he didn't say that, and the matter is dropped.
* ''[[Gotham Central]]'' is a [[Police Procedural]] focusing on the Major Crimes Unit of the Gotham City Police Department. Each member of the MCU is hand-picked by the Commissioner of Police in order to insure their integrity and commitment to honest police work, and the series follows them as they try to act honorably [[Bad Cop, Incompetent Cop|in a police department filled with corruption and graft]].
* The title character of ''[[Judge Dredd]]'' is about as extreme as this trope can get. However the the character does grow to question the law every once in a little while, notably just before the "Necropolis" arc and the ongoing issue concerning mutant rights.
** There are also numerous minor aversions to this trope where Dredd himself brings up that part of being a Judge is using onesone's own discretion, meaning he occasionally ignores minor crimes or makes allowances for mitigating circumstances. Just like a real cop, only less often.
* In ''[[Sin City]]'' Dwight tried to be this; unfortunately for him, being the only honest cop in a city full of dirty ones only doomed him to failure, {{spoiler|and he was eventually murdered in ''A Dame to Kill For''.}}
== Film ==
* Eliot Ness in ''[[The Untouchables]]'' In fact, the reason for the film's title means Ness and his team cannot be bribed.
* ''[[Osmosis Jones]]''. Drix is the BTBC, Osmosis is the [[Cowboy Cop]].
* Sergeant Roger Murtaugh in ''[[Lethal Weapon]]'', at least initially.
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* Lt. Ed Exley in ''[[L.A. Confidential]]''. {{spoiler|at least at first}}.
* Inspector David Tosci in ''[[Zodiac (film)|Zodiac]]'' is very by the book both in life and in the film. The film shows all the steps he goes through while pursuing a key suspect in a pretty fair aversion of [[Hollywood Law]], and even in the end he knows there's no smoking gun to prove the killer's identity.
== Literature ==
* Geoffrey Briggs, [[Da Chief]] of the NCD in Jasper Fforde's ''[[Nursery Crime]]'', always does things by the book... the crime fiction book, that is. He habitually suspends the detective once in every case for intentional dramatic effect, and trains his cops for the job by making them watch reruns of ''Columbo''.
* In P D James comparatively realistic ''Adam Dagliesh'' series, Kate and Dagliesh both fit this trope well. When Daniel, the third member of the squad, lets a suspect commit suicide rather than face prison, it really shines through. Daniel is disgusted by their (especially Kate's) belief of absoluteness the law, and they actually have an intelligent conversation about it. Paraphrased a little:
{{quote|'''Daniel:''' [disgustedly]: The law is the only moral code you ever need. You're always so sure about everything.
'''Kate:''' I'm sure about some things. I'm sure about murder. How can I not be? }}
* ''[[Who Censored Roger Rabbit? (Literature)]]?'': Toon police Captain "Clever" Cleaver, working on the Rabbit murder case doesn't want any loose cannons (e.g. Eddie Valiant) wrestling the long arm of the law away from him. In the not-quite-sequel ''Who Plugged Roger Rabbit?'', SargeantSergeant "Bulldog" Bascomb takes a similar role, but somewhat more similar to [[Da Chief]]. (though Cleaver is still mentioned as the one who habitually hounds Eddie).
* Captain Carrot of ''[[Discworld]]'', the [[Literal-Minded]] adoptive son of dwarfs, who is so consistently [[Lawful Good]] that it even rubs off on the otherwise deeply cynical city of Ankh-Morpork.
** "The Book" in this case being ''The Laws and Ordinances of The Cities of Ankh and Morpork'', published some six generations previously. Carrot isn't just the only copper who follows the book, he's probably the only one who's ''read'' it, since the equally [[Lawful Good]], but much more pragmatic, Commander Vimes got the Librarian to hide it because it was just causing trouble.
* The ''[[In Death]]'' series. Eve somehow manages to be '''both''' this and a [[Cowboy Cop]]! Peabody is a straighter example of By-The-Book Cop but not entirely.
* [[Sano Ichiro]], in the series bearing his name, is an interesting twist as he is also a [[Samurai]]. Unlike many of his compatriots, he actually follows the code of Bushido and is an honest man.
== Live -Action Television TV ==
== Live Action Television ==
* ''[[Alien Nation (TV series)|Alien Nation]]'': George Francisco.
* ''[[The X-Files]]'': Not quite a cop, but a similar example: Director Walter Skinner of the FBI likes things clean and easy, with Mulder and Scully turning in matching reports, preferably with no mention of aliens, [[Mad Scientist|mad science]], or [[Monster of the Week|miscellaneous monstrosities]]. In a way Scully herself plays stern By-The-Book Cop to Mulder's enthusiastic [[Cowboy Cop|cowboyesque]] shenanigans.
** Skinner is no stranger to cowboyish attitude but he is also perfectly aware how dangerous is the environment he is moving in.
** The real BTBC here is Doggett, who actually got his start as a cop. Once you get over the fact that [[Replacement Scrappy|he replaced one of the most beloved characters in the series]], the poor fellow's attempts to adapt from his world of by-the-numbers L&Olaw and order to the weird and wacky world of the''The X-Files'' can be somewhat charming.
* Peter tries to be this on ''[[White Collar]]'', but Neal's brilliant-but-not-quite-legal schemes make it hard for him. More often than not he ends up looking the other way, or even ''helping'' Neal, if he knows it means catching the criminal.
* ''[[The Dakotas]]'': Ragan is the perfect example of this. The show is set in the [[Old West]], and Ragan believes that deviating from the law in any way devalues it.
* Odo in ''[[Star Trek: Deep Space Nine]]'' is from a species that has by the book as [[Planet of Hats|its hat]]. As the head of law enforcement on the station, he does have mercy with people who meant no harm or acted out of desperation, but that does not stop him from taking loitering children to his office and calling their parents to get them.
* ''[[Due South]]'': Mountie Benton Fraser. Not just that, he goes by [[Fish Out of Water|a completely different book than people might expect]].
* P.C George Dixon of ''Dixon of Dock Green'' is a British example.
* The police officers on shows like ''[[Law & Order|Law and Order]]'' and ''[[Homicide: Life Onon the Street]]'', at least in their earlier seasons, generally tended to be this sort of cop; they might not have been quite the 'friendly police officer' of earlier tropes, but they generally tended to do their jobs following procedure.
** With a rather lax interpretation of the Bill of Rights, however.
* Just about every police officer in a [[Dragnet|Jack Webb]] production. When an exception shows up, it's usually the main characters who have to catch or stop him.
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* Signalman from ''[[Gekisou Sentai Carranger]]'', oh so very much. [[Played for Laughs|Played to the hilt for laughs]], of course.
* Sky from ''[[Power Rangers SPD]].'' Constant head-butting with the much more laid-back Jack, naturally.
* The ''[[CSI]]'' franchise can both play this straight and subvert it. Brass in original [[CSI]] and Mac in [[CSI: NY]] are usually very by-the-book. But, lately, Mac in particular, and Brass to a smaller extent will break rules if it comes to it.
== Radio ==
* Joe Friday from ''[[Dragnet]]'', especially in [[The Movie]]. (Although in the latter case it's actually the original Friday's same-named nephew.)
== [[Tabletop Games]] ==
* In ''[[Feng Shui]]'', the By-The-Book Cop is usually a Karate Cop. He may bend the law to serve higher justice, but only if he has no other choice.
== Video Games ==
* Katsuya from ''[[Persona 2]]'' is by-the-book to a ridiculous degree, even in supernatural situations where the law shouldn't really apply. (In a reversal of the usual way of this trope, he's quite young; his rule-breaking, dubious-method-using foil, Baofu, is much older.)
* Citadel Security (C-Sec for short) in ''[[Mass Effect]]'' is apparently made up of nothing ''but'' By The Book Cops, if the player is to believe their leader. The outwardly-reserved [[Cowboy Cop]] on your crew split with the force over increasing frustration with C-Sec's regulations; [[Player Character|Commander Shepard]] has the option to either encourage him in his [[Cowboy Cop]] behavior or convince him of the value of doing things by the book.
** Of course, in the second game a C-Sec officer admits during Thane's loyalty mission that he's been looking the other way of a certain criminal as long as he "buys tickets to the C-Sec charity ball." The same cop will later {{spoiler|skirt rules to let Thane's son off the hook for attempted murder (and, if you choose the Renegade option, the murder you ''finished'')}}, although that's shown as an act of compassion. Overall, not exactly a [[Cowboy Cop]]'', but he's certainly breaking a few rules at this point.
* Norman Jayden from ''[[Heavy Rain]], whose by the book-ness naturally puts him at odds with [[Cowboy Cop]] Lieutenant Blake.
* Your squad in ''[[SWAT 4]]'', the best score will be awarded to players who follow this trope—handcuff and report all suspects and civilians, subdue suspects with non-lethal methods and bring them in alive unless they're openly hostile, and confiscate all firearms and other evidence.
* ''SWAT'''s predecessor ''[[Police Quest]]'' is similar, docking points or giving game overs for violation. This even extends to procedure that isn't related to handling criminals such as an infamous early game over if you failed to inspect your car exactly as the book says prior to use.
== [[Visual Novels]] ==
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* Detective Gurski from the [[Murder Mystery]] [[Visual Novel]] ''[[Jisei]]'' spends most of his time guarding the crime scene and making calls to get a background on the victim. He will not hesitate to arrest you if he manages to see you trying to get another look at the body. However, he does defy this trope by encouraging the protagonist to do most of the questioning on his own.
== Web Comics ==
* ''[[Schlock Mercenary]]'' has some.
** Detective (Ozvegan Griz,) who investigated murder of Toughs' client and ended up proving Schlock's innocence (uh... in this articular case). He also was convinced that the mercenaries are "Violent throwbacks to an uncivilized past", but was demonstrated some advantages of having one or two around (with smoking corpse of an Ob'enn bounty hunter who threatened him as the educational aid).
** Major Alexia Murtaugh of [[Law Enforcement, Inc.|Sanctum Adroit]]. Naturally, she joined the action as a [[Hero Antagonist]]. After it turned out that their current job stinks and her detachment is set up as the collective [[Fall Guy]], she [[Silent Scapegoat|sacrificed her reputation and was fired]] to set things somewhat right. Later joined the Toughs and tried to somewhat improve the new company.
** Jurisindependent Security Covenant - Sol System's [[Martial Pacifist]] police who are "more like a religion than an armed force". Of course, many thousands of them ended up backstabbed and dead, so there's that.
== Web Original ==
* Used as a positive in ''[[]]''{{'}}s list of [ Movie Characters that didn't make horrible decisions]
{{quote|'''Perfect Partners:'''
After Danny Rizzo loses yet another wisecracking maverick partner to an explosion, he dreads being paired up with still another loose cannon who gets things done. Instead, he gets James Flynn, a cop who likes to do everything the same way he does. When they find themselves reading suspects their Miranda rights in unison, they know this partnership was meant to be.
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== Western Animation ==
* Police Chief Suarez, Frida's father, in ''[[El Tigre]]''.
* From ''[[Fillmore!]]'': Wayne Ligget, Fillmore's old partner, was said to be the good cop to Fillmore's [[Cowboy Cop]].
{{quote|'''Fillmore:''' You're always by the book.
'''Wayne:''' You ''threw out'' my book. }}
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* Zachary Foxx in ''[[Adventures of the Galaxy Rangers]]'' defaults to this, and was much more "by the book" at the start of the series. His more "colorful" [[Badass Crew]] sometimes rubs off on him, though.
* ''[[Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 1987]]'' has the Shredder's brother.
* Lin Beifong from ''[[The Legend of Korra]]'' is honest almost to a fault; break the law in her jurisdiction, and she ''will'' arrest you, no excuses. She once busted her own sister for being an accomplice to robbery, and in the same arc, had the Avatar arrested for public brawling. Add to this the fact that she’s an Earth-bender and no pushover in a fight, it’s little wonder the crime rate in Republic City is so low.
== Real Life ==
* Chilean cops are generally this, especially the young ones fresh out school. Don't ever, EVER''ever'', try to bribe one to get out of a ticket. Lie, cry, say your mother is dying, but do not try to bribe the cop. This is even mentioned in tourism information about the country.
[[Category:Cops and Detectives]]
[[Category:Crime and Punishment Tropes]]
[[Category:By-The-BookBadass CopServant]]