Little Witch Academia (2017 series)/Characters

Characters from Little Witch Academia (2017 series) include:

#Atsuko Kagari
#Sucy Manbavaran
#Lotte Jansson
#Amanda O'Neill
#Diana Cavendish


Red Trio

Atsuko Kagari

Akko on her way to Luna Nova.
Akko in episode 17, transformed into a mouse
I finally made it. A dream come true. I'm in the place where Chariot learned to use magic!
—Akko, Episode 1 "Starting Out"

An enthusiastic person who starts life in the Luna Nova Wizarding School. She's not too good at magic, but she's determined to learn. Over the course of the series, she slowly learns magic, and becomes more composed and talented.

She goes by the nickname "Akko", and her given name is rarely mentioned.

Nationality: Japan.

Tropes exhibited by Akko include:
  • Action Girl: If there's action in the series, several things will probably happen. There's probably Animation Bump, it probably involves magic, but what is almost guaranteed is that Akko will find some way to show up, even if it means tearing a hole in the fabric of reality and begging the Martian gods to teleport her away. If a Philosopher's Stone got stolen, Akko will attempt to get it back. If there's a magic festival, she will put on a magic show even though she's supposed to be sacrificed. If a student departs because they need to deal with family issues, Akko will get in on the action of persuading her not to go, before being involved in real action in the Story Arc. An intercontinental ballistic missile launched, and you can probably figure out what this girl is going to do. She chases after it.
    • Whether she's good at the "action" part is up for debate; Akko successfully casting a spell is a feat worthy of monumental celebration.
  • Ambiguously Bi: She receives Ship Tease with both Diana and Andrew. She starts off the series getting teased with Andrew, especially in the episode "Bee Affection". In that same episode, a small tease between her and Diana is created as the love bee stings Diana, and Diana gives a confession of love while essentially under the influence of a Love Potion. As the series progresses, she tends to be teased with Diana more, although Andrew still remains as a distant target. Her sexuality is never confirmed in the series.
  • Amusing Injuries: The world needs Atsuko Kagari's DNA. Her DNA, when injected into any human body, ensures the recipient can survive any injury possible, from failed spells and falling off broomsticks, to surviving explosions and going Mach 5. Good luck finding an episode in which some sort of amusing injury doesn't happen to Akko.
  • Ascended Fangirl: Growing up, Akko has always been a big fan of Shiny Chariot and her magic shows. Her first ascension was being accepted into Luna Nova, where Shiny Chariot attended. Her second ascension was receiving Professor Ursula as a mentor, helping her learn magic and become more like Chariot. Her third ascension was realising that Professor Ursula is Shiny Chariot, thus being with her childhood idol. Chariot helping Akko stop the missile in the season finale is icing on the cake.
  • Ash Face: Often, when she fails a magic spell (which is a funny way of saying "almost every time she casts a spell"), she gets this.
  • Badass Adorable: We've got a really really fancy spellcasting wand, the ability to perform basic magic, determination, and No Indoor Voice. Akko, in the latter episodes, is perfectly equipped to be a badass. The "adorable" part comes from the fact that she's a Kid Hero and doesn't really know what she's doing.
  • Berserk Button: To illustrate this trope, we shall create an imaginary scenario starring Atsuko Kagari and the All The Tropes community.
    "Hey, Akko! Shiny Chariot sucks!"

    Oh no. What's that dust cloud up in the distance. Here, pass over the telescope. Is that... Atsuko Kagari? And is she charging over to the All The Tropes HQ at over 300 kilometers an hour, on a broomstick she can't even control? Cruising past aeroplanes, and leaving ducks behind in the dust, Akko has more than a few words to say. The dust cloud in the distance is growing, a vast stream of earth soaring from land to sky. With it, Akko's shadow grows larger and larger, soon to engulf the light and all it stands for. Her face is stern, with eyes fixated on the distance--on us.

    Oh no, we've angered her good. We've done it by talking bad things about Shiny Chariot. She's going to Noctu Orfei Aude Fraetor us into oblivion! Quick, apologise to her, say good things about Shiny Chariot! This is the only way to save All The Tropes! Sorry Akko, Shiny Chariot is like, the world's best witch! Her magic shows are, like, super good! No need to be enemies, we're fans of Chariot as well!

    As you can see from this totally realistic, 100% guaranteed not hypothetical scenario, you should not insult Shiny Chariot in front of Akko. Those who do so would face the wraith of her two magic spells: one transforming herself into a rat, and the other giving herself cat ears.
  • Blithe Spirit: Her status as a Muggle gives her a new perspective of the magic world, and thus she aims to change the status quo. Examples of this include pouring the bucket labelled "creativity" over the traditional Samhain Magic Festival in episode 13, and helping Constanze with a battleship-turned-mecha in episode 18.
  • Break the Cutie: She's quite heartbroken in episode 22, after finding out what Shiny Chariot really did to her magic. Imagine your idol taking away your ability to cast magic, turning it into energy for a fancy show. Take 12d6 psychic damage.
  • Brilliant but Lazy: She's not conventionally "brilliant" in the first half of season 1, but she is quite "lazy". Her determination makes up for the lack of brilliance, and when she really wants it, she can accomplish impressive feats and become a talented witch. There is a reason why she is chosen to revive the Seven Words of Arctus. In the second half, though, the "brilliant" part gets a boost, while the "lazy" part wears off.
  • Broken Pedestal: Akko builds a pedestal as high as Mount Everest and places Shiny Chariot firmly on top of it. Shiny Chariot falls faster off the pedestal than Akko off her broom when she learns what Chariot really did on the day of her magic show.
  • Butt Monkey: Because she isn't the best with magic, episodes where she doesn't get hurt, yelled at, or fail to cast a spell are rare.
  • Catch Phrase: Early on, "alright!" is one. It gets dropped as the series progresses, though.
  • Character Development: Her visit to a magical fountain in episode 6 made her realise there is no easy way to cheese the learning of magic, and that magic can only be learnt with proper dedication. As the series progresses, she gets better at magic, eventually mastering transformation spells. By the end of the very last scene in the series, she even learns to fly!
  • Determinator: Please do not get in Akko's way when she needs to do something. Although she is quite incompetent, she will stop at nothing to do the things that needs to be done. Often, this means her impulsiveness will lead to consequences, and she'll barely save herself with the help of Plot Armor. The Philosopher's Stone got stolen? Don't worry, she'll charge in there and get it back, despite knowing almost nothing about magic. About to be sacrificed and eaten for a festival? Nah, she'll break the conventions and do something innovative. A ballistic missile got launched? Nah, don't worry. Akko will pursue and destroy it.
  • The Ditz: In episode 1, we establish her three biggest character traits: she is enthusiastic and irrational, likes Shiny Chariot, and isn't good with magic. The last point is the focus here, and she often screws up something casting a spell, or nothing will happen at all. She's alright with other aspects of school life, but is utterly incompetent and stupid when it comes to magic. That wouldn't be so bad in any other school, but when you go to a school specifically established for magic tuition? Not the best look, Atsuko Kagari.
  • Establishing Character Moment: Ah, the first day of school. The birds are chirping, the sun is shining, the Akko is frantically running everywhere and asking everyone for directions on how exactly to get to this place called "Luna Nova" but people around her has no clue and she will be late and oh no the punishment for being late is expulsion hold on there's a magical bus stop thingy up ahead and all she has to do is to reach it and then she'll be at school and all will be fine and this sentence can end.
    She made it to where she has to go, and all she needs to do is get on her broomstick and fly. That's one of the simplest spells for a witch to cast. Akko will reach Luna Nova in no time!

    What's that Atsuko Kagari? You can't fly a broomstick? You have to hitchhike on another witch's broom? From the first five minutes in the first episode, we can clearly see Akko is not the most talented at magic.
  • Fearless Fool: She starts like this, being inept at magic, and struggling with even the most basic skills. You think that by the thirty-seventh time of yelling "Tia Freyre", her broom would at least move, but nope. It remains as inanimate as ever. Her inexperience, combined with her hot headedness, means she gets into a lot of trouble, barely escaping with the help of her friends and tutors.
  • Foreign Exchange Student: Being the creation of a Japanese studio, she is Japanese. She attends the British Luna Nova, along with students from many different nationalities. Despite the language differences, she has no difficulties communicating with any of them.
  • Genki Girl: She's very enthusiastic, and perhaps too energetic, constantly yelling things out loud. The series opens with her asking around everyone where the bus stop to Luna Nova is, and proclaiming her love for Shiny Chariot.
  • Graceful Loser: When Akko loses the Broom Relay race, she took it in stride because she finished second. Yes, she can't fly a broom, but she had lots of fun being in the race.
  • Handicapped Badass: She's handicapped by Shiny Chariot's act taking away her magic through her dreams, but does that stop her? No. Not one bit. She still manages impressive feats despite this, doings things many witches could never dream of doing.
  • Heroic BSOD: Hits her hard after the second major reveal. The first reveals that Chariot is Professor Ursula. The second reveals that, in the past, Chariot used spells to siphon away her future as a witch to generate energy for her magic show. She invokes the Screw This, I'm Outta Here trope, and runs away. She spends the rest of the day Angsting on a chair under the snow. Diana finds her again.
  • Inept Mage: She's pretty bad at magic. Justified in-universe, since unlike the other students, she is not from a family line of witches. Also, plenty of the other witches at the academy have their faults, even the faculty. To get a sense, in episode 5, the Sorcerer's stone is taken from the academy and pretty much nobody, not even the faculty are able to actually do much magic without it. The reason is connected with magical energy throughout the world being sealed and lessening each year, and culturally, it seems like lots of witches, especially much of the academy's faculty, don't seem to be trying to adapt/adjust how they teach the students to use magic in the modern era.
  • In-Series Nickname: Akko. This was never given as an Affectionate Nickname; she starts the series with it. Characters usually call her Akko, although characters such as Andrew, trained to be more formal with language, call her "Miss Kagari". You'll be really lucky to find a moment when the word "Atsuko" is used. If that happens, treasure it like how Atsuko Kagari treasures cards of Shiny Chariot.
  • Leeroy Jenkins: If Akko wants anything to happen, she will make it happen, regardless of its consequences. Want to charge into someone's entire family affairs despite them not wanting you to? She'll do it, in the "Cavendish" episode. Want to be like Shiny Chariot and win a broom race? Why are you even asking? Akko already signed herself and you up, despite that, for Akko the only viable use for a broom is cleaning. Fortunately, she mostly avoids combat situations, because we do not want to know what happens if Akko gets in a fight; the series would turn TV-14 real quick. She only gets into more challenging scenarios after she Took a Level In Badass.
  • Loser Protagonist: A literal loser protagonist, given how she lost the broom race in episode 3, and lost the position of being the Moonlit Witch in episode 13. Outside of competitions, she's also not good. She's unskilled in magic, clumsy, and doesn't get along well with others who are tired of her antics. She gets better, though, as others warm to her, she gets better at magic, and is chosen to revive the Lost Words of Arctus as episode numbers count up.
  • Master of One Magic: Transformation spells are the only thing Akko can do without completely screwing something up. Even then, it takes half the series to get to the point, and often she will be unable to change back. It takes her the entire series to learn to fly. This is not an exaggeration.
  • Meaningful Name: Depending on the writing system you choose, "Atsuko" can be written either as "温子" (literally "warm child") or "熱子" (lit. "Hot child"), representing her passion for magic and Chariot. It's also a nice allusion to Atsuko "Akko-chan" Kagami from Himitsu no Akko-chan, one of the first Magical Girl shows ever.
  • Muggle: She's not born into a prestigious, magical family. In fact, she has ordinary parents, leading to her being not-so-good with magic.
  • Naive Newcomer: To the Luna Nova Wizarding School, so the audience can learn alongside her how magic works, because the magic in the series certainly is not something wielded by a Wizard Classic.
  • New Transfer Student: A Japanese child transferred to a British Wizarding School.
  • No Indoor Voice: Due to her being a Genki Girl. Towards the end of the series, she finally learns to speak in an indoor voice.
    • Is it mandatory for Akko to yell out the Seven Words of Arctus, with dramatic pauses in between? Can't she say them like a normal person?
    • If she fails a flight spell, her first course of action is to repeatedly yell out the incantation in a voice so loud the martians can hear it.

Akko: Tia Freyre! Tia Freyre! Tia Freyre!!!

  • Omniglot: Given that she's Japanese, attending a British school, and has no difficulty communicating with students, it's implied that she is fluent in both English and Japanese. She talks to the British Diana, the Finnish Lotte, or the French Professor Ursula. As the audience, you don't hear the different languages, though. Everyone speaks Japanese or the language of whatever country did the dub.
  • Only Known by Their Nickname: The name "Atsuko" is mentioned on this page more than the series. A very rare mention of her given name appears in the first episode.

Atsuko Kagari: I'm Atsuko Kagari, but you can call me Akko.

  • Plucky Girl: Despite the fact that Akko can't use magic, Akko sucks at learning magic, she can't cast two spells in a row without messing up, she can't fly on a broomstick, she wasn't born into a magical family, and Shiny Chariot stole her ability to cast magic, she still keeps going at Luna Nova. The "plucky" attribute is seen in the 2 episode Samhain Magic Festival arc, where she practices magic on her own, only rushing to her spot at the last second.
    • Also demonstrated in the episode "Pohjola's Ordeal", where she keeps finding ingredients for the cure even after her friends froze due to the Greenman Disease.
  • Red Oni, Blue Oni: She's the much more energetic red to the Defrosting Ice Queen Diana. Whereas Diana is calm and composed, Akko will rush into any situation she desires and survive with the help of Plot Armor. Bonus points for the matching colours in their uniforms.
    • Akko's "red" is so saturated multiple characters are needed to balance her out. Pick any student other than Amanda, and they'll be the blue counterpart to Akko.
  • Ridiculously Cute Critter: Akko, when transformed into a mouse.
  • Second Episode Morning: After a dream sequence from Akko regarding the events of the previous episode, she wakes up in a dorm in the Wizarding School Luna Nova with some characters she met in the previous episode as her roommates.
  • Signature Move: "Metamorphie Fasciesce", the transformation spell, is the only spell she can cast reliably. She often takes the form of a mouse, and stays in that form for a large amount of "Amanda O'Neill and the Holy Grail". The signature move is even demonstrated in the second opening.
  • Super Mode: In the last episode, she and Diana both enter Super Mode together while wielding the Shiny Rod!
  • Took a Level In Badass:
    Akko in the start of the series: "Ahhh I can't fly a broomstick and I'm about to die and yikes that is a dragon oh no."

    Akko at the end of the series: "With The Power of Friendship, and the Shiny Rod, I shall save the world from anything!"
    • Even the second opening, "Mind Conductor", reflects this, taking some elements--namely the electric guitar--from an Autobots Rock Out piece.
  • Undying Loyalty: To her idol Shiny Chariot. She constantly mentions Chariot in Luna Nova, hangs a massive "Shiny Chariot" poster by her bed, enters everyone in her trio into a broom racing competition because Chariot came first, never shuts up about Shiny Chariot, and the whole reason she is seeking out the Lost Words of Arctus in the first place is to eventually meet Chariot. The Shiny Chariot was under her nose the whole time. Some of that loyalty is lost with the reveal of what Chariot really did in her magic show.
  • Unfit for Greatness: Lots of people take shots at Akko be it for not being from a family of witches or for being too much of a Wide-Eyed Idealist, or for practicing magic at all since they feel that magic is obsolete.
  • Voluntary Shapeshifting: The only magic thing she can reliably do without messing up.

Sucy Manbavaran

Let's count the number of creepy things Sucy does within a single episode!
You're even more obnoxious today.
—Sucy, "Akko's Adventure in Sucyworld"

Akko's creepy and brutally honest roommate who is far too interested in poison and mushrooms. Out of all students at Luna Nova, she's the character who resembles a traditional, cackling witch the most.

Nationality: Somewhere from Southeast Asia.

Tropes exhibited by Sucy include:
  • A Day In The Limelight: She is the focus in episode 8, titled "Akko's Adventure in Sucyworld". We have two characters in the title, and one of them is Sucy!
  • Brutal Honesty: Sucy does not hide her opinions of Akko, frequently stating her thoughts on Akko's magical ability out loud. Since this is the Inept Mage Akko we're talking about, we can safely assume the words are not very nice.
  • Creepy Monotone: In the English dub, at least. This sets her apart from the other two members in Akko's trio, and is perfect for delivering lots and lots of snark.
  • Deadpan Snarker: A typical day in the world of Little Witch Academia goes like this:
    Akko: Epic Fail.
    Sucy: Engaging Sarcasm Mode... Snarcus Deplois Maximus Bombaraium!
  • Demoted to Extra: While Diana was promoted to a more prominent role, Sucy was relegated to the back. Good luck getting more than fifteen words out of Sucy after episode 16!
  • Foreign Exchange Student: Just like Akko. Unlike Akko, she's at Luna Nova to find exotic plants and mushrooms to upgrade her poisons. She doesn't care about this "Shiny Chariot" Akko keeps rambling about.
  • Hidden Depths: In "Akko's Adventure in Sucyworld", it is revealed multiple personas compete for dominance inside Sucy's mind. These personas include a "Fangirl Sucy", "Alpaca Sucy" (who wants to spit on everything), and "Valley Girl Sucy". Akko persuades Sucy that it's alright if she really wants to start the Night Fall series, and tries to save all these different personas from execution by Judge Sucy. There's more sides to Sucy than "poison girl mushroom lover"!
  • Lady of Black Magic: She's not evil... Unless you ask Akko, but she doesn't exactly care about the academy or attending it. The whole reason she went there to begin with was to find special ingredients for poisons and potions she wants to try and make.
  • Peek-a-Bangs: To give her a more exotic and concealed feel, supported by the fact that she's the only character designed with Peek-a-Bangs. Whereas Akko does whatever she wants, Sucy is methodical, and we know much less information about Sucy than Akko.
  • The Quiet One: Sucy is very stoic and doesn't say much, especially when she first appears and meets Akko, but she eventually starts opening up a bit more. Much to Akko's dismay since a lot of what Sucy says and does is to prank Akko.
  • Shoo Out the Clowns: After the arrival of the Knight of Cerebus Professor Croix, Sucy is shooed out because "Manbavaran Dark Humor Solutions Ltd." is no longer required. When episode numbers hit their twenties, the story drops almost every attempt to make jokes, and along with this, Sucy's screen time is reduced. We need drama between Professor Ursula and Akko; we do not need a creepy girl experimenting with mushrooms.
  • Token Evil Teammate: On a sliding scale from good to evil, Sucy is the character who leans towards evil the most out of the main trio. She's in Luna Nova solely to find exotic ingredients to make better poisons with. She's not afraid to experiment on Akko, only pulling out at the last minute. Despite her creepiness, though, there are moments where she cares for her teammates.

Lotte Jansson

This is the nicest character you'll meet in the series. Please be kind to her.
Need a ride?
—Lotte, "Starting Over"

Whereas Sucy is creepy and exotic, Lotte is more like the girl next door: sweet, helpful, and kind. On her own, she wouldn't be interesting as a character. However, her gentle personality is balanced out by the utter insanity going on in the red team. A typical Nice Girl provides a desperately needed getaway when every day is filled with failed spells, mushrooms, and explosions.

Hey, you know how Akko is a big fan of Shiny Chariot? Well, in true Atsuko Kagari fashion Lotte is a die-hard fan of the Fictional Document series Night Fall. She memorised almost every bit about the books, right down to the tiniest detail. That's quite impressive, but keep in mind there are 365 instalments in Night Fall (the 365th instalment was released during episode 4 of the series), and we're rapidly approaching Photographic Memory territory.

Nationality: Finland

Tropes exhibited by Lotte include:
  • Ascended Fanboy: Subverted. She is offered a chance to write the next instalment in her beloved Night Fall series, but she rejects it. Instead, she gives a motivational speeches to the author Annabel Crème and persuades her to keep writing. The existing Annabel continued, and Lotte rejects the opportunity to become an Ascended Fanboy.
  • Demoted to Extra: Just like Sucy Manbavaran! Her last significant appearance was in the A Day in the Limelight episode "Pohjola's Ordeal". After that, Professor Ursula, Professor Croix, Shiny Chariot, Diana, and Akko take over.
  • Chick Magnet: Gender reversed. Lotte briefly becomes this in the tenth episode, "Bee Affection". The Love Bee stung a bunch of dudes at the party, ensuring they would be attracted to the next person they laid eyes on. They happened to look at Lotte, and congratulations, Lotte. You have yourself an Unwanted Harem!
  • A Day in the Limelight: In episode 16, where she visits her family.
  • Establishing Character Moment: Her character is established to be kind, patient, and helping when she offers Akko a ride to Luna Nova on her broomstick. She's not exactly a perfect student though, considering she's running late to school bogged down with possessions, but she's the best of the red trio in terms of school discipline.
  • Eye Glasses: So... where's her eyelids and eyelashes? Please tell us that it's hidden by the diffraction of the glasses, and the glasses did not swallow and eat them up.
  • Fairy Companion: Her magic allows her to communicate with and summon fairies (or spirits, depending on translation), and the one most often seen is the one inhabiting Lotte's skull lantern which she is seen taking with her and interacting with most often.
  • Fan Girl: To the Night Fall series where she has a Photographic Memory of the events that happened. She easily wins a Night Fall trivia, able to answer every question within the time it takes light to travel 1.3 meters. How does this set her apart from any other fan girl? Well, the Night Fall series is 365 books long when the quiz happened. Lotte needs to both buy all 365 books, read all 365 books, and memorise what happens in all 365 books. Let's do some maths here. Lotte is sixteen years old. 365 is the number that allows us to conveniently figure out that, if Lotte's claim was true, she would have read, on average, around a book once every sixteen days ((365 days in a year) × (Lotte's age sixteen) ÷ (365 books)), from her birth right up to the episode taking place. The Night Fall books aren't thin either, and falls just under Doorstopper territory.
    • The term is applied positively, as Lotte is a genuine fan of the series, rather than only liking it as a shallow personality trait. The book series makes cameos in several episodes after it was introduced in episode 4 "Night Fall", including "Akko's Adventure in Sucyworld".
  • Fire-Forged Friends: With Akko and Sucy. When you're Akko's roommate, you will be roped into adventures; Will I go on an adventure? is not the question to ask, the question is How long will it be before Akko drags me into something?. Thus, the friendship between her and Akko is strengthened by all the tough times they survive, especially in the episode "Pohjola's Ordeal", where they work together to save each other.
  • The Heart: Lotte is the kind hearted person in the core trio. Her gentle nature balances out Sucy's creepy and Akko's adventurous personality.
  • Innocent Blue Eyes: The most innocent member of the red trio. Sucy is automatically eliminated from innocence. Akko's innocence was lost in the latter episodes, leaving only Lotte with accompanying Innocent Blue Eyes.
  • Nice Girl: From offering Akko a ride to Luna Nova after meeting her for fifteen seconds, to balancing out Sucy's more sarcastic remarks, Lotte is the go to stop if you need cheering up!

Green Trio

Amanda O'Neill

She tries too hard.

A hot-headed witch who tends to cause a lot of trouble.

Nationality: United States of America.

Tropes exhibited by Amanda include:
  • Action Girl: Frequently gets into a lot of trouble and fights. For example, in episode 17 she sees action by Breaking the Bonds, before engaging in a High Altitude Battle.
  • Breaking the Bonds: In episode 17, she does this after being tied to a chair for an interrogation. Yes. An interrogation at a school by the students.
  • Crossdresser: She does so to sneak into Appleton Academy in episode 17.
  • A Day in the Limelight: In episode 17, "Amanda O'Neill and the Holy Grail".
  • Establishing Character Moment: In episode 3, she is established to be reckless and rebellious as she does acrobatics, right after a teacher instructed they should not do acrobatics. This is followed by the teacher stating "How many times do I gotta tell you, no acrobatics!"--the "how many" implies this isn't the first time she disobeyed orders. She calls the teacher a "party pooper". Amanda even steals Akko's Arc Words of "Alright!"
  • Fiery Redhead: That hair is pretty close to red, although hints of orange are shown. How is she fiery? Glad you asked, because her actions are even more reckless than Akko's. Violating almost every single rule is a daily occurrence in almost every school she attends, including Luna Nova and Appleton Academy.
  • Lovable Rogue: She sees her time at Luna Nova as a time for having as much fun as she can.
  • Tempting Fate: After Amanda is captured in episode 17, she thinks to herself, "Don't you dare get caught, Akko." One second later, Akko's voice comes through a fan and Akko gets caught. No, Akko. Please do not try to rescue Amanda when you transformed yourself into a rat.

Constanze Amalie von Braunschbank-Albrechtsberger

Constanze inventing the next world-changing gadget... a flying skyship!
She flew.
—Constanze, Episode 25, her only dialogue in the whole show

A silent Gadgeteer Genius part of Amanda's trio. She doesn't get a lot of screentime, only playing a prominent role in episode 18 "Stanship Take Off!" That's a shame, because her inventions would really help Akko in some situations...

Nationality: Germany

Tropes exhibited by this character include:
  • Gadgeteer Genius: Can build a battleship which can transform into a Humongous Mecha out of parts like hand mixers. She also has helper Stan-bots that follow her around. She even builds a mechanical flying broomstick for the flightless Akko, which promptly disappears due Negative Continuity between the episode and the series.[1]
  • Overly Long Name: Try to fit "Constanze Amalie von Braunschbank Albrechtsberger" on a business card. Go ahead. try! Her name is the bane of sporting announcers and wiki titles throughout the world.
  • The Quiet One: Throughout the entire series, she gets two words of dialogue. Other times, she prefers communicating by writing things down on boards or through her Stanbot. She never speaks a single word in episode 18, which is supposed to focus on her.
  • Shorter Means Smarter: She's the shortest in both Amanda, Akko, and Diana's trio. Although Diana is adept with magic, can she invent flying airships or helper bots? Nope. That's Constanze's job.

Jasminka Antonenko

A minor, Out of Focus character who eats way. Too. Much. Food.

Other Students

Diana Cavendish

She eventually becomes nicer to Akko. This image is from after the "eventually".

The top student at Luna Nova, and a member of the prestigious Cavendish wizarding family. She is focused and academic, appearing cold to those around her. However, she's never a bully, and cares about those closest to her.

Because of her attitude, Akko believes Diana is her rival. Diana, on the other hand, doesn't believe this, thinking of Akko as just another student, an incompetent student at that. Their relationship changes during the "Cavendish" and "Intellect and Sensibility" episodes, where Diana warms up to Akko. After the episodes, Diana gets more screen time, and becomes closer to Akko.

Nationality: Britain.

Tropes exhibited by Diana include:
  • Academic Athlete: The "Academic" part comes from her talent in magic. Given that this is called Little Witch Academia, there should be someone academic. The "Athlete" part comes from her talent as a broom flier, being talented and graceful with her broom, resulting in speedy but subtle tricks unlike Amanda's over the top, flamboyant acrobatics.
  • Ascended Fangirl: Just like Akko. Who thought the real Shiny Chariot was in front of her face all along? Unlike Akko, her love for Shiny Chariot is covert, unlike Akko who can't go 2 episodes without talking about Chariot.
  • Brutal Honesty: Often expresses exactly what she thinks of Akko's brashness and boldness. These words are exactly what's on her mind, although they don't make Akko feel very good.
  • Character Development: Both her character and the audience's perception of the character changes as the series progresses. Her character changes in that she becomes much nicer to Akko, and becomes concerned about Akko's safety while still maintaining a formal demeanor. The audience's perception changes in that we see Diana is not just an academic witch, but as a real person who has to meet expectations set out by her family.
  • Defrosting Ice Queen: Initially starts out cold towards Akko, but warms up to her in the "Cavendish" and "Intellect and Sensibility" episodes. Diana was never rude; only the two characters who follow her around was mean to Akko. She remained cold and academic towards Akko, though, and isn't afraid to give her a scolding for being rash or getting into trouble. After warming up, she still maintains a formal way of speech, but becomes closer to Akko. In the climax, she and Akko are the last character remaining. Her becoming more attached to Akko while keeping up her rigid attitude and formal language can be seen in an exchange at the end of episode 20, when Diana is flying Akko back to Luna Nova.

Diana: Akko.
Akko: What?
Diana: I just remembered that there was something important that I needed to tell you
Akko: Huh, what is it? I didn't do something wrong again, did I?
Diana: I appreciate everything you've done for me.
Akko: You what!?[2]
Akko: Say it again, come on Diana!
Diana: Don't push it.
Akko: I couldn't hear it with all the wind. One more time!
Diana: No.
Akko: Please, for me.
Diana: Absolutely not.
Akko: You don't have to be embarrassed.
Diana: Do you want to walk?

  • Draco in Leather Pants: Given that she gets a lot of Ship Tease moments with Akko, the fandom will look for any excuse to make them a couple.
  • Establishing Character Moment: Her character is established in the second episode as academic and intelligent when she deciphers a series of ancient letters no one else is able to.

Diana Cavendish: Bless the one who lets the stone remain untouched. Woe betide the one who moves it.
Professor Anne Finnelan: That is most impressive, Ms Cavendish. In all my years you are the first student to decipher this.

  • Grudging Thank You: The exchange listed under Defrosting Ice Queen when Akko and Diana are flying back to Luna Nova.
  • Hidden Depths: Who would have thought the most stoic student at Luna Nova is actually a fan of Shiny Chariot, and even attended the same show Akko did? Rewatch the magic show in the first episode; look for another character with vastly different colours than the crowd.
  • Icy Blue Eyes: To reflect her cold attitude towards Akko.
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold: It's pretty obvious she's not actually a bad person nor is she as stuck up as she seems, but she has her family duties to uphold. In fact, throughout the series, she is never the one to mock Akko or her friends, its pretty much just her two friends/followers that do it.
  • The Lancer: Towards Akko in the season 1 finale, calling her attacks alongside her.
  • Love At First Sight: She immediately falls in love with Akko after being stung by the love bee in episode 10. Akko freaks out. The ontological inertia wears off when the love bee is killed. She's back to her normal self, which is to say, a person who is the last candidate to be Akko's love interest until the Cavendish episodes roll around.
  • Parental Abandonment: In episode 19, it is revealed that her parents left her at a young age.
  • Red Oni, Blue Oni: At the start of the series, Lotte and Sucy act as the blue counterpart to Akko's aggressively saturated red. As the series progresses, she takes over the role of the blue counterpart.
  • The Reliable One: Who do you go to when you need help with magic? Say it with the Luna Nova students: Diana! Cavendish!
  • Rewatch Bonus: Go back to the first episode and rewatch Chariot's magic show. Guess who's in the crowd along with Akko? Now think about why she's unable to cast magic at a young age.
  • School Idol: Everyone in Luna Nova knows the name "Diana Cavendish". Diana is the most talented student, and is the go to if anyone needs assistance with magic. It's no wonder she's the most popular.
  • Sparkling Stream of Tears: She cries five sparking droplets in the "Cavendish" episode, when flying away from Luna Nova.
  • The Stoic: She initially appears this way to Akko. Over time, her Hidden Depths are revealed, and she begins to display some emotions. She still remains calm and composed in most situations, though. When Akko is panicking about what to do, Diana is usually thinking it over.
  • Sugar and Ice Personality: "Ice" comes from how she initially appears to the people around her, being calm, and composed. "Sugar" comes from how she cares about the people around her underneath the icy demeanor, demonstrated by how she's the person who finds Akko after Atsuko Kagari goes into a Heroic BSOD.
  • Teen Genius: As a child, she is an incompetent magic user, unable to cast basic spells just like Akko. As a teenager, she is consistently top of class and able to cast almost any spell someone can think of.
  • Took a Level in Badass: Diana as a child is a worse magic user than Akko. Before reading further, please pause and consider the implications of this statement, and realise truly how untalented you must be to be beaten by a Genki Girl carried by The Power of Friendship. Diana as a teenager is the best magic user in Luna Nova. Also pause to consider the implications of this statement, and the fact that Luna Nova is one of the most prestigious magical academies in existence.
  • Took a Level in Kindness: After spending 2 episodes together in "Cavendish" and "Intellect and Sensibility", she becomes much nicer to Akko.
  • You Gotta Have Blue Hair: You gotta have green hair. Depending on the Artist, this can change to blonde hair.


Ursula Callistis

One of the only frames of Professor Ursula without Opaque Lenses. Enjoy it while it lasts.

A kind and patient teacher who takes on Akko as a student, serving the role of a mentor. Unlike most mentors, she survives the events of the series.

This character is totally 100% certainly guaranteed to have no relationship with Shiny Chariot!

What do you know, this character has a relationship to Shiny Chariot. In fact, this character is Shiny Chariot.

Nationality: France.

Tropes exhibited by Professor Ursula include:
  • The Atoner: She becomes a tutor for Akko, to make up for the fact that she took away Akko's magic.
  • Badass Teacher: Although she appears gentle, she can be quite protective of her students student when necessary, defending Akko against the wraith of other teachers. Then she turns into Shiny Chariot.
  • Big Good: The most supportive member of Akko and her friends. Professor Ursula is patient towards Akko, regardless of how many magic Epic Fails she makes[3]. A huge part of Akko's abilities can be attributed to Professor Ursula. She is quite a powerful witch, too, and isn't afraid to stand up for what is right. The "big" part of "Big Good" turns into "Mega-colossal" once it's revealed this is the same character as Shiny Chariot.
  • Brought Down to Normal: She loses the ability to fly after protecting Akko from Wagandea's Pollen.
  • Clark Kenting: Take a look at her picture, then at the picture of Shiny Chariot. What do you notice? They have the exact same eyes. Her Paper-Thin Disguise is her hair and glasses, which does the job... mostly. When her glasses are off, it's quite obvious from the colour of her eyes that she is also Shiny Chariot, but Akko never realises this. Shiny Chariot's disguise works when Akko talks to Shiny Chariot about Shiny Chariot while staring at Shiny Chariot.
  • Foreshadowing: The series briefly drops hints that Professor Ursula = Shiny Chariot before it is officially revealed in episode 15. For example, there is no record of a person called "Ursula Callistis" attending Luna Nova, and she gets uneasy when Diana criticises Chariot. The 2013 short film also drops a hint, with how Professor Ursula's hair has a hint of red at the end of the work.
  • Mama Bear: Please do not harm or threaten to harm Atsuko Kagari within the vicinity of Professor Ursula.
  • Meaningful Name: Ursula Charistes kind of sounds like "chariot", but it means means "bear Charis", and one of the Graces/Charities is called Aglaea meaning "shining one". Her childhood name "Chariot du Nord", "chariot of the north". All of these are names for the Big Dipper, also depicted on the Shiny Rod, which is all kind of obvious symbolism once you think about it. There were definitely a few fans out there declaring I Knew It!
  • Mentor Occupational Hazard: Subverted. Being the mentor of the number one troublemaker in Luna Nova isn't easy, but she has more than a couple of tricks up her sleeve to defend herself. She never dies in the series; in fact, she's there to help Akko out at the end. However, her persona as Professor Ursula figuratively dies once Akko discovers she's also Shiny Chariot.
  • Motherly Side Plait: To reflect her motherly attitude towards Akko. Averted while she takes her Shiny Chariot form.
  • Nerd Glasses: Stuffed with two Opaque Lenses, and surrounded by black framing, Professor Ursula's glasses are guaranteed to make anything look nerdy! The Opaque Lenses serve an in universe purpose, in that it hides her eyes and true identity from any student whose name begins with "a" and ends in "tsuko kagari".
  • Not So Above It All: Professor Ursula ends up getting roped into a lot of Akko and her friends' schemes. This causes her to also get in trouble when they get busted, but she takes it in stride.
  • Parental Substitute: For Akko. Akko's parents are never mentioned in the series, and she leaves them behind when she attends Luna Nova. Professor Ursula displays all the gentle qualities of a good mother.
  • Power Dyes Your Hair: Whenever she really need to perform spectacular feats of magic, her hair turns red. Suspiciously, this is the exactly same shade of red Shiny Chariot's hair is. Coincidence? I think not!
  • You Gotta Have Blue Hair: You literally gotta have blue hair.
  • Walking Spoiler: If you've seen the series, then you know why the trope is here. For the morbidly curious who haven't seen the show: think about why Professor Ursula is never ever seen in a room together with Shiny Chariot, and why Professor Ursula isn't that pleased when Diana criticises Chariot. It's almost if Professor Ursula is Shiny Chariot in disguise.

"Shiny" Chariot du Nord

Chariot performing magic.

Welcome to...

the world of magic!
—Shiny Chariot, Episode 1 "Starting Over"

A performer of magic, who specialises in public spectacles and magic shows. She is Akko's idol, although her magic shows gives her a bad reputation in the magical community, due to it portraying magic as something only used for spectacle.

Nationality: France.

Some people knows her as Professor Ursula.

Tropes Exhibited by Shiny Chariot include:
  • Big Good: Just like Professor Ursula.
  • Brought Down to Normal: After using the Shiny Rod to deface the moon, her status as The Chosen One is revoked and the rod leaves her hands.
  • Cute Witch: Chariot while she was still a kid at Luna Nova.
  • Curtains Match the Window: Let's take a look at her facial features. Hair colour: red. Eye colour: red. The red eyes carry over to Professor Ursula, but the red hair does not.
  • Dream Stealer: She casts a spell that turns dreams into magical energy. This results in spectacular magical performances, at the cost of the magical abilities of the audience.
  • Fiery Redhead: She's quite proficient with combat magic, and when this happens, her red hair starts glowing. In the world of Little Witch Academia, Power Makes Your Hair Grow!
  • For Happiness: She wants to bring the joys of magic to the world, through great and magical stage shows. It worked in the show Akko attends, but whether she succeed as a whole is up for debate. Bringing temporary happiness is useless if one has to lose their magic for the performance.
  • Hero with Bad Publicity: The magical community does not see her the same way Akko does, because she only performs spectacle.
  • Hot Witch: She in her performing costume, seen right at the start of the first episode.
  • It's All My Fault: She blames herself for casting the spell Professor Croix gave her, turning dreams into magical energy, but crippling the magical ability of those affected. In reality, it's not her fault, because Professor Croix never told her about the side effects of the spell.
  • Lovable Rogue: Compared to the rest of the magical community, she was known for being very theatrical with her use of magic to perform shows for people. Akko had seen one of Chariot's performances as a little girl and had assumed that all witches were like Chariot.
  • My God, What Have I Done?: In a desperate attempt to perform a spectacle, she blasts the moon using the Shiny Rod, leaving behind a four-point star. The memories of everyone in the audience had to be erased, and the Shiny Rod leaves her hand. She only realises that she probably shouldn't abuse the Shiny Rod after she's performed.
    • She has a similar revelation once she discovers what the spell Professor Croix gave her really does, and that she'd just robbed Akko of a future as a witch.
  • Power Dyes Your Hair: Whenever she uses combat magic, or gets into a fight with Professor Croix, the animators dragged that "glow" slider up on their computer. This results in bright red, glowing hair that can probably illuminate the entire world, contrasting with the usually more subdued red colour.
  • Rose-Haired Girl: Which often glows and shines when she performs magic.
  • Stage Magician: Shiny Chariot had been using magic to put on shows and inspire audiences to demonstrate how wonderful magic was. We know she at least succeeded with doing that for Akko.
  • Walking Spoiler: See that character above? The one that says "Ursula Callistis"? That's Shiny Chariot. Other wikis documenting the series gave up trying to hide that they are the same person. Instead, they list information for both persona under the same page. This page, however? It tries its best to put all the information behind spoilers. It's a nice page, and deserves a cookie. Just look at how many spoiler tags are here!
  • We Used to Be Friends: With Professor Croix. They are friends back when they attended Luna Nova. After being chosen by the Shiny Rod to seek out the Lost Words of Arctus, their friendship begins to deteriorates as Croix believes she should be chosen. The situation is not helped by Croix suggesting to Chariot she should use a Dangerous Forbidden Technique to power her magic shows, sacrificing the magical ability of those who attend her shows in exchange for spectacle. The fallout resulting from these interactions is why Croix became the antagonist of the series, and why Studio Trigger spent a lot of money on fight scenes.
  • White Mage: In her prime she wore a white outfit, which set her apart from how most other witches seem to enjoy wearing dark attire.

Croix Meridies

Professor Croix's first introduction in episode 14.

A witch who appears in the second half of the series, specialising in combining technology with magic. Her inventions help combat the decline in magic throughout the world, but have consequences if they're abused...

Professor Croix is the Antagonist of the series, although she never ventures into being a villain. Her personality and methods create issues with Shiny Chariot's, resulting in a Conflict between how the two wants to counter the diminishing magic in the world. Later, the methods that Professor Croix uses start causing issues, resulting in another conflict.

Tropes exhibited by Professor Croix include:

  1. The rest of the series isn't like this, and the show is quite serialised once episode numbers hit 19.
  2. This is appropriately accompanied with a shattered glass sound effect.
  3. Akko makes so many Epic Fails with magic the series often turns into a one-girl fail compilation.