Obstructive Bureaucrat: Difference between revisions

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* The bureaucrat from the Disney comic [http://coa.inducks.org/story.php?c=D+95200 "Cosmic Confrontation"] originally sneaked up aboard Gyro's rocket to check how many laws it violated, but when the rocket came face-to-face with a squad of giant alien constructor workers out to destroy Earth to make room for a space highway, he proceeds to use his bureaucracy to drive them away and save Earth.
* In ''[[Judge Dredd]]'', Mega-City One has the Bureau of Creative Bureaucracy. It's motto is "Saving the city's money by making life difficult for you!"... which is surprisingly honest for a bureaucracy.
* In one issue of ''[[Harley Quinn|Harley Quinn 2000]]'', the anti-heroine knows exactly how to deal with two snooty bureaucrats while apartment hunting:
{{quote|'''Bureaucrat #1:''' …of course, we’ll need a copy of your current state medical license, your DEA number so we can run a check on your prescription history, and an up to date resume, as well as six letters of recommendation.
'''Bureaucrat #2:''' This is a very exclusive building.
'''Bureaucrat #1:''' If it seems like we don’t rent to just anyone, it’s because we don’t.
'''Bureaucrat #2:''' If it seems our standards are high, it’s because they are.
'''Bureaucrat #1:''' The doctors and psychiatrists here are among the best in the country.
'''Bureaucrat #2:''' The best.
'''Harley:''' [[Every Man Has His Price| I have cash.]]
'''Both Bureaucrats:''' Welcome to the building!}}
=== Fan Works ===
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** In a deleted scene, as Gozer the Gozerian was wreaking havoc, the Stay-Puft Marshmallow Man was smashing up the city and the End Of The World was quite seriously nigh, Peck's response was to grab a fleeing police officer and order him to go up to arrest the Ghostbusters for "going too far". Said officer's response, not unreasonably, was "''You'' go and arrest them!"
** Atherton played the part to such perfection that he had a serious problem with being typecast for a while afterward; not that no one thought he could play anything other than an Obstructive Bureaucrat, but that ''no one liked him, period.'' He does, fittingly, reprise the role in ''Ghostbusters: The Videogame,'' which suggests that {{spoiler|Peck is actually a subversion, a Gozer cultist who knows full-well how absurd his behavior is, and is doing it intentionally to stop the Ghostbusters from opposing Gozer. Though by the end, this is revealed to be a [[Red Herring]], as he's just an [[Unwitting Pawn]].}}
** In ''[[Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire]]'', Peck hasn't changed a bit, and is just as obstructive as Mayor of New York.
* Secretary of Defense Albert Nimziki in ''[[Independence Day]]''. He knowingly concealed the fact that the aliens had visited Earth before, even after they became hostile and any information would have been immensely helpful. He only admits it after the first failed attack and David's father draws attention to the supposed "myth" of the Roswell crash. He wants to continue nuking the aliens even after the first attempt proves that their shields can resist the bombs. Then he has the call to insist that David's plan, which he had demonstrated could actually work, is a bad idea and tries to talk the president out of it. At this point, the president gets tired of his crap and fires him.
* Gilbert Huph, Insuricare Middle Manager from ''[[The Incredibles]]''. His job is explicitly to see that '''Every. Single. Claim.''', no matter how valid or dire that is made against Insuricare is denied. He sees his clients as his stockholders, openly chafes at laws that protect policyholders, and mocks a man Bob sees getting mugged and beaten. He's such a loathsome character that it's a minor [[Crowning Moment of Awesome]] when Bob hurls him through several walls.
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** And even worse, he unleashes Dolores Umbridge on Hogwarts, a ''[[Bitch in Sheep's Clothing]]'' who all Potter fans (rightfully) love to hate.
* ''[[Discworld]]''
** ''[[Discworld/Thud|Thud!]]'': A.E. Pessimal (whose initials don't actually stand for anything). Vimes unwittingly taps into Pessimal's secret dream to be a watchman after making him a Special Constable and dragging him along to quell [[Powder Keg Crowd|a potential riot]], under the pretense of showing Pessimal how things really work in the City Watch. It ''[[Beware the Nice Ones|works]]''.
*** So well that at the end of the book he {{spoiler|joins the Watch}}. Pessimal is also an interesting case, as it's clear from the beginning that he's not being an Obstructive Bureaucrat out of peevishness or a sense of power, he just simply and sincerely believes in efficiency.
** ''[[Discworld/Hogfather|Hogfather]]'' : A traditional Obstructive Bureaucrat appears when Susan is searching for the Tooth Fairy. Although he doesn't actually obstruct Susan by demanding forms and procedure, he does obstruct her by incessantly [[Wangst]]ing about his rather boring life instead of answering her questions. Susan describes him as a very small, very weak bully, who couldn't find anyone smaller or weaker than him to bully and so took to making people's lives just that little bit more difficult.
** ''[[Discworld/Soul Music (novel)|Soul Music]]'': Mr. Clete of the Musicians' Guild, is a nastier version, taking genuine pleasure in the suffering of those ensnared in red tape.
** ''[[Discworld/Interesting Times|Interesting Times]]'': The Agatean Empire, as a [[Fantasy Counterpart Culture]] of Imperial China, has a lot of this. As Cohen puts it "You can't even go to the privy without a peice of paper."
** Thief of Time and Hogfather both feature a group of entities known as "The Auditors." The Auditors are in charge of ensuring that rocks fall in accordance with the laws of gravity, and that light does not travel any faster than it is supposed to. They love neat, predictable objects. They despise sentient life because it is inherently unpredictable and disorderly. Thus, Thief and Hogfather both focus on plots by the Auditors to destroy humanity to keep the paperwork neat.
* Frank Herbert's ''[[Con Sentiency]]'' universe has the "Bureau of Sabotage", whose job is to create or destroy red tape. However, BuSab obstructs the government to protect individual rights (when governments become ''too'' efficient, bad stuff occurs). Instead of paper work, the Bureau employs some rather humorous sabotage to get the job done. Jorj X. McKie, saboteur extraordinary and protagonist, subverts the trope by speeding up a meeting in one story. Also, he's a specialist in dealing with the alien mindsets (and in ''Con Sentiency'' they are ''[[Starfish Aliens|really alien]]'') standing out even in mixed-species team of BuSab, and solved more than one crisis of "go comprehend the incomprehensible before everything goes down in flames" sort.
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* In Nickelodeon's TV show ''[[The Adventures of Pete and Pete]]'', the younger Pete befriends Clothing Inspector #27, who proceeds to make the entire neighborhood rule mongers equal to himself. {{spoiler|Finally defeated when Pete challenges him to an eating contest of barbeque chicken. Inspector 27 finishes every bit of meat on his chicken without getting a bit of sauce on his hands or clothes. Only to be reminded by Dad "You're supposed to get dirty eating chicken." Causing Clothing Inspector 27 to realize the error of his ways, and not be such a perfectionist.}}
* Dean and Sam from ''[[Supernatural]]'' meet quite a few of these in their [[Monster of the Week]] scenarios, but are very, very good at getting round them. Mostly because they have a seemingly limitless supply of fake identification.
* Elevated to an art form by Sir [[Humphrey]] Appleby in ''[[Yes Minister]]'' and ''[[Yes Prime Minister]]''.
** As a matter of fact, pretty much the entire British civil service is portrayed as such in those series.
*** On the other hand, you do see their perspective on things—though the writer clearly disagrees, the Civil Service seems to genuinely believe that it knows what's best for the country, and Humphrey himself is hardly a one-dimensional character. He actually gets a fair number of sympathetic moments in. In the end, you see that they're still Obstructive Bureaucrats, but also see that there's a kind of twisted method to their obstructiveness. And the (very) few times when the goals of the politicians matched theirs, their efficiency is deadly.
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** Shepard can threaten to get Illium's own obstructive bureaucracy involved in ''[[Mass Effect 2]]'' when trying to convince a Synthetic Insights representative to buy a contract for an [[Insistent Terminology|"indentured servant"]]. The representative is ''extremely'' quick to take up the contract because they ''don't'' want the bureaucracy to get involved.
** Councilor [[No Mere Windmill|"We have dismissed that claim"]] Sparatus.
* ''[[SimCity]] 4]]'' combines this, [[Shaped Like Itself]] and the [[Department of Redundancy Department]] withinto the Bureau of Bureaucracy building. Its description? "The bureau that handles bureaucracy".
* Go through anyone's mind in ''[[Psychonauts]]'' and you will find hundreds of these guys running around Censoring thoughts that should not be there. Normally, this is vital to the mental health of whoever owns the brain. But consider, technically ''you're'' not supposed to be in there either.
===Web Webcomics Comics===
* In ''[[Freefall]]'', Mr. Kornada and the Mayor both qualify as these.{{context}}
* Protocol Officer Quine of ''[[Starslip]]'' is a humorous examination of the default characterization of these characters: when he's introduced, he sounds like a typical regulations lawyer who is [[Red Shirt|unceremoniously killed in his first away mission]]. Then we are introduced to his personal resurrection machine (that creates a clone of him and transfers his consciousness to it whenever he dies) and he gradually starts morphing into a [[Butt Monkey]] who is just trying to do his job surrounded by people who openly insult him for no reason other than the fact that he's the only guy willing to apply regulations on what is ostensibly a ''military vessel'' and often getting killed in the process. The pinnacle of this was a recent storyline where he used his machine to "single handedly" (in other words, going through ''a lot'' of dead clones) to take back the ''Paradigm'' from hijackers and saving the lives of the rest of the crew...only for Vanderbeam to berate him for taking too long and giving all the credit to his dead clones. [[The Woobie|Poor guy.]]
** He ultimately turns out to be a good guy when he is confronted with just how corrupt the government really is. Even then, he is slightly conflicted about breaking laws. Then {{spoiler|his wife}} points out that the government's leadership is betraying the founding principles of the government, so Quine's "insubordination" is actually nothing of the sort.
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* [[Daisy Owl]] [http://daisyowl.com/comic/2009-07-20 And she's pleasant, and agrees that the fees are unreasonable, to add insult to injury.]
* In ''[[Sinfest]]'', [https://web.archive.org/web/20130730153916/http://www.sinfest.net/archive_page.php?comicID=3 the forms to sell your soul.]
* Luna's bureaucracy in ''[[Schlock Mercenary]]'' is completely ridiculous, requiring private contractors to fill redundant information on 300 pages of paperwork (this is the ''short'' form) before they can get some work from the government, forbidding automation of this process (even using a sapient A.I. to make it quick is considered borderline), the bureau of licences in their capital city is so damn slow that people have been waiting in a queue of 20,000 for 18 months, although their archaic computer system may be partly to blame, and getting paid for a contract with the government can also take several years. Everything seems to have been made agonizingly long and slow on purpose.
=== Western Animation ===
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** In the same novel, the Ghosts were barred from using their flamers by the planetary government. This was partly because most of the city was built out of wood, but mostly because the use of flamers was reserved for their own elite forces.
** It's ''The Guns of Tanith'' that takes this [[Up to Eleven]] as the book opens to a pair of Ghost sergeants trying to requisition the proper ammo, since the lagsun packs they were issued were the wrong size, but the munitorum adept's only response is "Size 5 is the standard pattern". The exchange ends with one of the Ghosts threatening to kill the adept if he says "standard pattern" one more time.
* In [[Terry Pratchett]]'s ''[[Discworld/Night Watch (Discworld)|Night Watch]]'', Vimes refused to hand over people to the [[Secret Police|Unmentionables]] without a receipt. And proof of ID from the man who signed it. He insists that it is regulations—though regulations that had not been enforced before due to watchmen being scared. This stops them for a while, as no member of the Unmentionables wants to have his name connected to what they do to people. And asking for proof of ID made sense since the Unmentionable who initially signed for the prisoners did so with the name "Henry the Hamster" and Vimes, quite reasonably, pointed out that he'd look a bit silly if he went back to his captain with that on a receipt.
** In ''[[Discworld/Men At Arms|Men Atat Arms]]'', Mayonnaise Quirke of the Day Watch has completely screwed things up, leading to a riot. When a Day Watch officer arrives at the Watch House for help, Carrot first points out they've been relieved of duty, and then asks him a series of questions. Based on the answers he announces that, according to the Laws and Ordances of Ankh-Morpork, the "Citizen's Militia" is now in control of ''everything''. The Citizen's Militia consists of the Night Watch and whoever else they felt like recruiting.
* ''The Small Back Room'' the novel (later film) by Nigel Balchin details the internal struggles of a team of [[World War II]] scientists/public servants who are the embodiment of this trope. The team spends its time working on an anti-tank weapon that is theoretically efficient but has little practical field value. The protagonist is a decent yet weak man who fails to take the tough steps needed to improve matters, while his [[Manipulative Bastard]] friend delights in deposing those whom he's deemed incompetent, but ends up putting an even more incompetent man in charge of the team.
* Vice-Chancellor Nesselrode is portrayed as this in [[The Death of the Vazir Mukhtar]]; he seems more funny at first, but his decisions, based on the high political considerations of avoiding all and any possible turbulence, could easily be fatal for some of his subordinates ( {{spoiler|and end up being fatal for the Russian mission in Persia}}).
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== Examples of the dark version ==
=== Anime &and Manga ===
* Captain William Sutherland, a member of the Earth Forces' General Staff in ''[[Mobile Suit Gundam SEED]]''. During his initial appearances he interrogates the crew of the ''Archangel'' about the alleged improprieties in voyage, transfers the crewmembers he views as politically reliable to other assignments, than puts in motion a plan that will get not only the remaining ''Archangel'' crew, but also most of the Earth Forces' Eurasian allies killed off. He's later revealed to be [[The Dragon]] to [[Fantastic Racism|Blue Cosmos]] leader [[Complete Monster|Muruta Azrael]], and in his own banal, pencil-pushing way, a major mover and shaker behind the plan to [[Final Solution|exterminate]] all of the [[Gattaca Babies|Coordinators]]. A truly reprehensible, if dull personality.
=== Card Games ===
* In the ''Ravnica: City of Guilds'' set of ''[[Magic: The Gathering]]'', the Azorius Senate can be seen as an entire guild of such characters. Just look at the cards [http://ww2.wizards.com/gatherer/CardDetails.aspx?&id=96929 Droning Bureaucrats] and [http://ww2.wizards.com/gatherer/CardDetails.aspx?&id=97083 Minister of Impediments]. Naturally, the guild's cards lend themselves well to stalling and control strategies. The Guild Charter of Ravnica explicitly states that the purpose of the Azorius Senate is to make the most complex and confusing laws possible.
{{quote|"Where much work is done to make sure nothing is accomplished." - flavor text for Prahv, headquarters for the Azorius.
"...and you must also apply for an application license, file documents 136(iv) and 22-C and -D in triplicate, pay all requisite fees, request a ..." - flavor text for Droning Bureaucrats }}
*** In 'Ravnica' fluff, Orzhov are shown to be more or less the same - a massive obfusticating bureaucracy, but this being black, partially staffed by the undead - adding a whole new meaning to the idiom ' corporate zombie '.
** This is pretty much the modus operandi for a good portion of White's cards. Being the color of light and law, [[Lawful Stupid|(though not]] [[Light Is Not Good|necessarily good,)]] White has no trouble using the Long Arm of The Law to strangle you to death. Of course, since the ''military'' falls under the technical definition of "law," they're just as likely to strangle you the old-fashioned way as well.
** And the [http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?multiverseid=3014 Aysen Bureaucrats] from the ''Homelands'' set.
{{quote|'''[[Big Bad|Baron Sengir]]:''' ''[[Even Evil Has Standards|All the tortures of my vault of horrors pale in comparison to dealing with those petty Bureaucrats.]]''
'''Murat, Death Speaker:''' ''I would say that our Bureaucrats are no better than vipers - [[Insult to Rocks|but I shouldn't insult the vipers]].'' }}
** Parodied with Bureaucracy, an Unglued card where the bureaucratese is not only in the flavor text but in ''the entire text of what the card does''.
=== Comic Books ===
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*** Death has been shown as being the only remaining thing at the end of the universe, and then waiting for another one to inevitably form. His job is safe.
**** By the end of Reaper Man, he makes it clear that he cares, first by asking the Ultimate Death, "What can the harvest hope for if not the care of the Reaper Man?", and, later, having installed fields of corn in his deathly estate, proceeds to carefully notice that they are ''not'' all alike, but are individuals each worth caring for. Of course, his waiting for a new universe occurs in an earlier book (he started out as an [[Omnicidal Maniac]]) and this was his [[Character Development]] book.
** In ''[[Discworld/Reaper Man|Reaper Man]]'', Miss Flitworth helps Death against them because he explains they are like revenuers—which everyone knows are worse than death. (You only have to die once.)
* [[Harry Potter/Characters|Dolores Umbridge]] in ''[[Harry Potter|Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix]]'' is a [[Smug Snake]] who, initially appointed as Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher, gradually works her way to a [[Tyrant Takes the Helm|position of supreme power]] at Hogwarts ... and eventually, assumes a great deal of control over the wizard government. Percy Weasley also became one of these, though he managed to [[Heel Face Turn|redeem himself]] at the end.
* ''[[Warhammer 40,000]]'' Imperial bureaucrats will tell you you're dead to your face if they have the paperwork, and there are ''planets'' of them, running a million-world Imperium as best they can. However, the bureaucrats rarely mess up on large scale due to rather brutal checks and balances: the higher authorities don't feel obligated to accept all and any excuses, and the real direct power is mostly in the hands of Inquisition and feudal hierarchy, who got enough of overrides, in that most of the time they can ensure things which ''must'' be done will be done… or will be done a little later by other people, feeling very motivated after being told what happened to their predecessors.
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* ''Sisterhood'' series by [[Fern Michaels]]: A major plotline that develops is how Martine Connor becomes the first female President of the United States, and she is trying to secure pardons to the Vigilantes. It proves to be more difficult than it appears. Here's why: ''Deadly Deals'' reveals her chief of staff, Aaron Lowry, who is [[The Napoleon]], had been obstructing the presidential pardons, supposedly because it would be political suicide for the president to even try it. She ends up firing him as well as charging him in ''Game Over'', because he turns out to be in bed with Baron Bell, a lawyer and [[Villain with Good Publicity]] who had been selling babies! ''Game Over'' also has the president obstructed by her advisors, who are more interested in their own agendas than in being loyal to her. At the urging of Henry "Hank" Jellicoe, head of Global Securities, she ends up throwing out many more people, and he supposedly pulls strings to replace them with people 100% loyal to her. She also has the pardons signed, and she paves the way to make it easy for the Vigilantes to sneak in and snatch the pardons! It's hard to be president!
=== Live -Action TV ===
* Agent Mahone from ''[[Prison Break]]''.
* Too many in ''[[24]]'' to list.
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** Special mention goes to people in charge of homicide, all the way to the top, being more obsessed with their crime stats than with actually finding the guilty parties and jaling them, going so far as to being willing to jail someone innocent of the crime on dodgy evidence or refusing to go looking for bodies for fear it will worsen their statistics.
=== Tabletop Real Life Games ===
* In the ''Ravnica: City of Guilds'' set of ''[[Magic: The Gathering]]'', the Azorius Senate can be seen as an entire guild of such characters. Just look at the cards [httphttps://ww2web.wizardsarchive.comorg/gathererweb/CardDetails20191017073346/https://status.aspx?&id=96929wizards.com/ Droning Bureaucrats] and [httphttps://ww2web.wizardsarchive.comorg/gathererweb/CardDetails20191017073334/https://status.aspx?&id=97083wizards.com/ Minister of Impediments]. Naturally, the guild's cards lend themselves well to stalling and control strategies. The Guild Charter of Ravnica explicitly states that the purpose of the Azorius Senate is to make the most complex and confusing laws possible.
* A number of Nazis at the Nuremberg trials post-[[World War Two]] defended themselves against charges of war crimes with the excuse that they were "[[Just Following Orders]]." The Nuremberg Defense has been ruled invalid in situations involving genocide or crimes against humanity, though it is still a completely valid legal defense in many military situations: the prosecution has to prove that it was unreasonable not to know the order was illegal. Opening a gate to let a convoy through: reasonable. Slaughtering twelve million people: unreasonable.
{{quote|"Where much work is done to make sure nothing is accomplished." - flavor text for Prahv, headquarters for the Azorius.
** Early on in his career, Hitler would get around both the law and this trope by making intentionally vague orders to be interpreted in the harshest way possible, mostly as a way of [[Villain with Good Publicity|downplaying his involvement]] in some of the Nazis' more violent doings. You can bet that if he wanted some Social Democrat or Communist "taken care of" he meant that he wanted that person to get the crap beaten out of them, or worse.
"...and you must also apply for an application license, file documents 136(iv) and 22-C and -D in triplicate, pay all requisite fees, request a ..." - flavor text for Droning Bureaucrats }}
*** In general, though, one of the things leading to the Nazi regime's downfall is how Hitler, fearful of usurpation, tended to set his various departments against each other, in the end, causing a ton of time, manpower, and resources that could have otherwise gone to fighting external enemies to instead be used to obstruct any other department from looking better than one's own.
**:* In 'Ravnica' fluff, Orzhov are shown to be more or less the same - a massive obfusticating bureaucracy, but this being black, partially staffed by the undead - adding a whole new meaning to the idiom ' corporate zombie '.
** Otto Skorzeny did, however, successfully acquit himself of war crimes charges regarding sabotage, dressing in enemy uniforms, etc., by calling various members of Allied special operations forces as witnesses and asking them to talk about instances where they'd done the same things to the Germans. He then told the tribunal 'Either charge them, or drop the charges against me'. They chose the latter.
*:* This is pretty much the modus operandi for a good portion of White's cards. Being the color of light and law, [[Lawful Stupid|(though not]] [[Light Is Not Good|necessarily good,)]] White has no trouble using the Long Arm of The Law to strangle you to death. Of course, since the ''military'' falls under the technical definition of "law," they're just as likely to strangle you the old-fashioned way as well.
* [[Ronald Reagan]] once claimed, "There seems to be an increasing awareness of something we Americans have known for some time: that the ten most dangerous words in the English language are, 'hi, I'm from the government, and I'm here to help.'"
*:* And the [http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?multiverseid=3014 Aysen Bureaucrats] from the ''Homelands'' set.
** Politicians and bureaucrats don't always see eye-to-eye, as [[Yes Minister]] can demonstrate.
{{quote|'''[[Big Bad|Baron Sengir]]:''' ''[[Even Evil Has Standards|All the tortures of my vault of horrors pale in comparison to dealing with those petty Bureaucrats.]]''
* Before he became the Soviet dictator, [[Josef Stalin]] was General Secretary of the Communist Party, which gave him powers of patronage, the resources he needed to build up a power base in the party, and control of the civil service and Politburo. Effectively, he was Russia's chief bureaucrat, and he was good at it, by all accounts. Other members of the party gave him names like "Comrade Card Index" and "the Grey Blur", but he certainly showed that a list of names and a telephone are as useful as a gun when it comes to taking over a country. That said, [[Tsarist Russia]] had relied on the bureaucracy (as well as the church and army) as a major part of controlling the country.
'''Murat, Death Speaker:''' ''I would say that our Bureaucrats are no better than vipers - [[Insult to Rocks|but I shouldn't insult the vipers]].'' }}
** This directly led to General Secretary of the Communist Party becoming the ''de facto'' highest office in the USSR; Stalin managed to turn a bureaucratic office into the imperial seat. It wasn't until Mikhail Gorbachev that the USSR underwent a political shakeup in the early '90s and the Executive President became the Soviet Union's highest office.
*:* Parodied with Bureaucracy, an Unglued card where the bureaucratese is not only in the flavor text but in ''the entire text of what the card does''.
* There is a reason why almost all procedural laws relating to the filling out and filing of court documents say "A document is not invalid simply because it doesn't follow a form."
** Of course, some don't help by immediately specifying the forms to horrifying detail (Margins, spacing, font, etc.)
* A positive example was with Dr. Frances Oldham Kelsey of the US FDA. In the early sixties, she was driving a major drug company nuts demanding more extensive scientific testing documentation about a profitable new drug called thalidomide. Despite the corporate pressure, Dr. Kelsey refused to give in and approve the drug for market because her personal alarm bells were going off at the info about the drug. Eventually, the drug's infamous birth defects were revealed to the world and Dr. Kelsey was hailed as a hero for largely sparing the USA the same tragedy.
** Of course, the current FDA's regulations have looped back around to a straight example. Ever wonder why so many drugs list cold and flu-like symptoms or, even more alarmingly, ''cancer'' as possible side effects? Because one or more people in the testing group caught a cold or just happened to be diagnosed with cancer while they were taking the drug. (Something that is especially likely when your study group is full of older people.) Since FDA regulations are extremely strict about not being able to count these as "outliers", they instead have to be listed as possible side effects... and possibly scare people off from taking the drug.
* Indian Agents in [[The Wild West]] were notorious for this. They would steal the subsidies meant to keep the reservations from being more miserable than was perceived as necessary. Then they would sell guns to the Indians. They thus provided both the provocation and the means at the same time. Of course the ones who suffered from this were indians and soldiers, and not Obstructive Bureaucrats. This was alluded to in [[John Wayne]] 's cavalry trilogy.
=== Theatre ===
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* Captain Perry in ''[[Heavy Rain]]''.
=== Web ComicComics ===
* Jack Noir of ''[[Homestuck]]'' was originally this, stating that he'd rather gut someone than do paperwork for them that he doesn't feel like. This is dropped when he later goes on to be the [[Big Bad]] of the series.
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* [[BOFH]] regularly meets these, so there are plans for such a case.
{{quote|[http://www.theregister.co.uk/2010/06/18/bofh_2010_episode_7/ Risk 1:] A lifetime of filling out meaningless paperwork to appease some glory-hogging control freak. Contingency Plan:}}
=== CardReal GamesLife ===
* A number of Nazis at the Nuremberg trials post-[[World War Two]] defended themselves against charges of war crimes with the excuse that they were "[[Just Following Orders]]." The Nuremberg Defense has been ruled invalid in situations involving genocide or crimes against humanity, though it is still a completely valid legal defense in many military situations: the prosecution has to prove that it was unreasonable not to know the order was illegal. Opening a gate to let a convoy through: reasonable. Slaughtering twelve million people: unreasonable.
** Early on in his career, Hitler would get around both the law and this trope by making intentionally vague orders to be interpreted in the harshest way possible, mostly as a way of [[Villain with Good Publicity|downplaying his involvement]] in some of the Nazis' more violent doings. You can bet that if he wanted some Social Democrat or Communist "taken care of" he meant that he wanted that person to get the crap beaten out of them, or worse.
*** In general, though, one of the things leading to the Nazi regime's downfall is how Hitler, fearful of usurpation, tended to set his various departments against each other, in the end, causing a ton of time, manpower, and resources that could have otherwise gone to fighting external enemies to instead be used to obstruct any other department from looking better than one's own.
** Otto Skorzeny did, however, successfully acquit himself of war crimes charges regarding sabotage, dressing in enemy uniforms, etc., by calling various members of Allied special operations forces as witnesses and asking them to talk about instances where they'd done the same things to the Germans. He then told the tribunal 'Either charge them, or drop the charges against me'. They chose the latter.
* [[Ronald Reagan]] once claimed, "There seems to be an increasing awareness of something we Americans have known for some time: that the ten most dangerous words in the English language are, 'hi, I'm from the government, and I'm here to help.'"
** Politicians and bureaucrats don't always see eye-to-eye, as [[Yes Minister]] can demonstrate.
* Before he became the Soviet dictator, [[Josef Stalin]] was General Secretary of the Communist Party, which gave him powers of patronage, the resources he needed to build up a power base in the party, and control of the civil service and Politburo. Effectively, he was Russia's chief bureaucrat, and he was good at it, by all accounts. Other members of the party gave him names like "Comrade Card Index" and "the Grey Blur", but he certainly showed that a list of names and a telephone are as useful as a gun when it comes to taking over a country. That said, [[Tsarist Russia]] had relied on the bureaucracy (as well as the church and army) as a major part of controlling the country.
** This directly led to General Secretary of the Communist Party becoming the ''de facto'' highest office in the USSR; Stalin managed to turn a bureaucratic office into the imperial seat. It wasn't until Mikhail Gorbachev that the USSR underwent a political shakeup in the early '90s and the Executive President became the Soviet Union's highest office.
* There is a reason why almost all procedural laws relating to the filling out and filing of court documents say "A document is not invalid simply because it doesn't follow a form."
** Of course, some don't help by immediately specifying the forms to horrifying detail (Margins, spacing, font, etc.)
* A positive example was with Dr. Frances Oldham Kelsey of the US FDA. In the early sixties, she was driving a major drug company nuts demanding more extensive scientific testing documentation about a profitable new drug called thalidomide. Despite the corporate pressure, Dr. Kelsey refused to give in and approve the drug for market because her personal alarm bells were going off at the info about the drug. Eventually, the drug's infamous birth defects were revealed to the world and Dr. Kelsey was hailed as a hero for largely sparing the USA the same tragedy.
** Of course, the current FDA's regulations have looped back around to a straight example. Ever wonder why so many drugs list cold and flu-like symptoms or, even more alarmingly, ''cancer'' as possible side effects? Because one or more people in the testing group caught a cold or just happened to be diagnosed with cancer while they were taking the drug. (Something that is especially likely when your study group is full of older people.) Since FDA regulations are extremely strict about not being able to count these as "outliers", they instead have to be listed as possible side effects... and possibly scare people off from taking the drug.
* Indian Agents in [[The Wild West]] were notorious for this. They would steal the subsidies meant to keep the reservations from being more miserable than was perceived as necessary. Then they would sell guns to the Indians. They thus provided both the provocation and the means at the same time. Of course the ones who suffered from this were indians and soldiers, and not Obstructive Bureaucrats. This was alluded to in [[John Wayne]] 's cavalry trilogy.
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