Pirates of the Caribbean: Difference between revisions

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* [[Actually Pretty Funny]]: One of Blackbeard's zombified officers laughs at Jack's "Missionary's Position" quip. Which gives said Missionary the distraction he needs to help Syrena.
* [[Adipose Rex]]: King George II.
* [[Amazon Brigade]]: The [[MerOur MaidMermaids Are Different|mermaids]].{{context}}
* [[Ambiguous Situation]]: The fate of {{spoiler|Philip. Syrena pulls him into the water, but we never find out what happened to him. She claims to be able to cure him, and earlier it's said that a mermaid's kiss prevents drowning, but all we have to go on is her word and rumors? Is she reverting to man-eating, or was she genuine in her claims?}}
** {{spoiler|It appears he survived, as his eyes are still open and he's seen swimming alongside her.}}