Examples of Stop Helping Me! in Web Comics include:

  • In The Order of the Stick, Elan's enthusiastic attempts to help his friends with his music are sometimes... less than useful.

Elan: ♪ Bluff, Bluff, Bluff, Bluff the stupid ogre! ♪

  • The sparks of Girl Genius often get a little carried away with having fun and forget they're supposed to actually, you know, be doing things.
    • Also, Moloch trying to argue with what was sadistically insane AI when it was functioning properly.
  • Happens all the time in Schlock Mercenary. One notable occasion is when Schlock accidentally lets slip to the clients they're planning to con that they made plans to... well, con them. Elf manages to explain it away as a security precaution.

Schlock: Nice cover.
Elf: Stop helping.

Mark: You're totally not allowed to rescue me any more.

Abbie: Never fear!! Twitch will come to the rescue!
GM: Heh. I don't even need to throw bad guys at you. I just have to give Twitch half a chance and you all go boom!