• Hilarious in Hindsight: The whole story was finished and uploaded before The Cutie Mark Chronicles aired. Events in that episode cast certain parts of the story in a whole new light...
    • Not "hilarious," but consider the description of Nightmare /Lonliness in the story. Now, what other black-coated, green-eyed, shapeshifting, hammy emotional manipulators have we seen in the series. Give Nightmare some holes in the legs and his origin can be seen in a different light. He might have actually starved to death for lack of love after he was abandoned.
  • Les Yay
  • Moral Event Horizon: Hitting Ponyville with a hurricane, while tormenting Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash in their despair, completely overshadows Nightmare's plot to use Luna to cast The Night That Never Ends.
  • Never Live It Down: Applejack frets about this when Pinkie reacts to a batch of familiar-looking muffins by shrieking about "baked bads!"
  • Tear Jerker: 'Muffin ... '