Fridge Horror

  • Medusa is last seen clinging to a smokestack with Brutus and Nero snapping at her below. One can only imagine what awful fate Medusa might have met once her strength gave in.
  • Penny, a seven to nine-year old girl was trapped in a Louisiana Bayou with Snoops, a pathetic, no doubt lonely man in his forties.
  • Cody leaves the room with the trapped, sentient, talking animals, with McLeach telling him he won't ever see them again. We never see anything that contradicts the obvious implication that he slaughtered them all.
    • Well, it did seem like McLeach immediately tricked Cody into leading him to the Eagle, then tried to kill him, leading directly to McLeach's own death. All of this appeared to happen in sequence with no time to go back and kill and skin the animals for sale. There again, though, it raises the question of what happened to the chained up animals. All the characters seemed to just forget they existed. That would mean that they all slowly starved and dehydrated to death. Or worse, if Joanna, who appears to be a Lace Goanna (Varanus varius), remembered they were all there and went back, the rest of the animals might have had to watch the carrion eater eat them one by one as they died.
      • Frank the frilled-neck lizard, used his tail once to unlock his cage. Surely he could do it again, and successfully get the keys again with Joanna nowhere nearby to stop him.
      • Also, surely Miss Bianca, Jake, and Bernard would go back to free them once Cody told about their fate.
  • Joanna is seen to be afraid of McLeach -- which leaves open the question of whether she was always that mean.

Fridge Logic

  • It makes you wonder how mice manage to encode a message in what is presumably the Pacific Fleet Headquarters at Pearl Harbor during the "Message Montage" scene.
  • No-one in the Rescue Aid Society thinks of sending Penny's message-in-a-bottle to the police. Lampshaded by Penny:

Penny: Didn't you bring someone big with you, like the police?

  • Considering it's one of Disney's most financially successful and critically acclaimed features, you'd think it would be a good business move to release a soundtrack for the first movie, especially since it had an Oscar-nominated song. Thankfully, the 3 Shelby Flint tracks are included with the newer edition of the Down Under soundtrack.
    • They've released at least a partial soundtrack before. I grew up with a cassette tape of songs from the Rescuers.
  • The encoded message (that you see in Hawaii) simply said that the boy had been kidnapped in Australia. Australia is a large continent. How did they know where to go?
    • The coordinates from the first report (the one transmitted by those that witnessed the kidnapping) may have been included along with the message. I don't remember actually seeing the message, so its possible.
  • When Bernard tries to keep their mission hush-hush, Jake immediately reveals he knows all about the kidnapped boy, proclaiming that it's hard to keep secrets in the outback. But when they get to MacLeach's place and hear him taunting Cody about Marahute and the eggs, Jake has no idea what he's talking about, nor does he recognize where they're headed or that Marahute has a nest there. So apparently Jake doesn't know everything going on in the outback.