The Voyage of the Dawn Treader/Awesome

  • King Caspian re-conquers the Lone Islands by sheer force of awesome because he doesn't have nearly enough men to take them by force of arms. When Governor Gumpas fails to display the proper degree of respect, Caspian impresses the seriousness of the situation upon him by overturning his table, summarily deposing him, and naming a more loyal nobleman Duke of the Lone Islands right in front of Gumpas' face.
    • The newly-appointed Duke Bern delivers the final You Suck to Gumpas.

"The question is whether you and the rest of your rabble will leave without a flogging or with one. You may choose which you prefer."

  • Reepicheep, a walking CMOA, gets a whole new one when, being swung around by his tail by a prankster four times his size, he has no trouble in drawing his sword and beating said prankster into a blubbering mess.
    • And when he has to be specifically forbidden from challenging a dragon to single combat. And his response to an island of the worst things imaginable, that is, basically calling everybody else wusses for wanting to leave. Frankly, he's pretty much awesome in convenient mouse form.

Caspian: "You may say what you like, Reepicheep. There are some things no man can face!"
Reepicheep: "It is my very good fortune, then, not to be a man."

  • The whole scene with the sea serpent.
  • Lucy going into the magician's house all alone to take the spell off the Dufflepuds.