Andy Hardy is the name of both a film franchise and its main character, played by Mickey Rooney, based on characters originally created by Aurania Rouverol.

Still from Love Finds Andy Hardy. Yes, that is Judy Garland beside Mickey Rooney.

From 1937 to 1958 MGM produced sixteen Andy Hardy films, all of them family comedies. The initial films centered around the whole Hardy family, headed by the stern but benevolent Judge James Hardy (played by Lionel Barrymore in the first film and by Lewis Stone from the second onward), but the character of teenage son Andy became more popular, and soon the movies centered and were titled after him. A very common plot in the films was that Andy embroiled himself in a complicated situation (usually about money or girls) due to his tendency to fudge the truth, and has a man-to-man conversation with his father that prompted him to do the right thing.

Rooney was the only member of the ensemble to appear in all sixteen films, as the other regular characters were recast often.

The films were very popular at their time of release and helped to launch and establish the career of several actors (Rooney included), but declined in popularity after World War II. An attempt to relaunch the series in 1958 with an adult, wiser Andy, turned out to be the last film of the franchise. NBC tried to create a TV series version in 1962, and filmed a pilot with Jimmy Hawkins as Andy, and veteran character actor Philip Ober as Judge Hardy; despite an apparently positive reaction to the pilot, it was ultimately not picked for a series.

  1. A Family Affair (1937)
  2. You're Only Young Once (1937)
  3. Judge Hardy's Children (1938)
  4. Love Finds Andy Hardy (1938)
  5. Out West with the Hardys (1938)
  6. The Hardys Ride High (1939)
  7. Andy Hardy Gets Spring Fever (1939)
  8. Judge Hardy and Son (1939)
  9. Andy Hardy Meets Debutante (1940)
  10. Andy Hardy's Private Secretary (1941)
  11. Life Begins for Andy Hardy (1941)
  12. The Courtship of Andy Hardy (1942)
  13. Andy Hardy's Double Life (1942)
  14. Andy Hardy's Blonde Trouble (1944)
  15. Love Laughs at Andy Hardy (1946)
  16. Andy Hardy Comes Home (1958)
The following tropes are common to many or all entries in the Andy Hardy franchise.
For tropes specific to individual installments, visit their respective work pages.