• And the Fandom Rejoiced: The reveal that Yasha will be playable was met with high praise.
  • Awesomeness Withdrawal: The Likely result of anyone playing the game.
  • Best Boss Ever: There are several awesome bosses in the game as it is. Chakravartin, however, really takes the cake here, and how.
  • Brick Joke: The rock shelf on the moon that was raised up during the Augus fight is pushed back down during the fight with Ryu in Lost Episode 1, only to be brought back up again during the fight with Akuma in Lost Episode 2. Also in Lost Episode 1, Augus' discarded scabbard can be seen.
  • Broken Base: Due to the game's overall design and gameplay, there's a clear division between those who think it's an over-the-top cinematic action game and those who think it's an over-the-top interactive movie.
  • Complete Monster: Sergei, Sergei, Sergei. He gloats about killing a woman and stealing her child away from her... to that woman's brother.
    • Chakravartin, who acts like he's protecting humanity, yet he sent the monstrous Gohma to test the Trastrium Civilization's resolve, even if meant making them start harvesting human souls to do so. He caused the world's suffering just to find an heir, and doesn't care about it one bit. He tries to come across as saintly, but it falls flat on his face in the end. Asura even calls him out on this.
  • Crazy Awesome: Even moreso than Bayonetta, which is really saying something.
  • Critical Dissonance
  • Counterpart Comparison: Lots of gamers compare Asura to Kratos, since they're both insanely Hot-Blooded demigods who wage war on other gods for killing/kidnapping their family, and have a giant Berserk Button for anyone who hurts and brings grief to their daughters, or even girls who remind them of their daughters.
  • Crowning Moment of Awesome Oh so many moments.
  • Crowning Moment of Funny: See here.
  • Crowning Moment of Heartwarming: Shown here.
  • Crowning Music of Awesome: Here.
  • Cult Classic: Slowly becoming one of these, due to relatively poor sales. Not unlike Okami, another Capcom-related game with poor sales.
  • Designated Protagonist Syndrome: How some players feel about Asura, feeling he's kind of one-note compared to the other protagonist, Yasha, who changes more significantly from a Well-Intentioned Extremist at the beginning of the game to The Atoner at the end.
    • However, in Part IV: Nirvana, Asura does end up having a justified reason for his anger.
  • 8.8: IGN's 7.5 review of the game.
    • Even worse, Destructoid's 50/100.
    • Gamespot gave it an 5.5. Asura gained some rivals when it comes to rage.
    • Angry Joe gave it a 6 out of 10, while also giving it his "Badass seal of approval". He explains that, while the story is awesome, the game itself is lacking.
  • Ensemble Darkhorse: Augus is one of the most popular characters thanks to being equal parts hilarious, badass, and awesome. Sadly, He dies around halfway in the game.
  • Excuse Plot: Intentionally avoided, unlike most other action games. The developers even stated that they conceived the story first and adapted the gameplay to it.
  • Game Breaker: The Obliterator Gauge. The Unlimited Gauge is always full, meaning Asura won't be taking any damage whatsoever, and can spam the heavy attack. For Yasha, he can be incredibly fast all the time. The only thing hindering it is that you have to press LT/L2 button to activate it (except on Easy), but it's not much of a problem.
    • It's also somewhat of a Bragging Rights Reward, as you need to complete all episodes with the life-reducing Mortal Gauge to unlock it.
  • Holy Shit Quotient: Words cannot describe how high the HSQ is here.
    • Basically, the whole damn game.
  • Internet Backdraft: The way the game plays out, with high abundance of Quick Time Events (despite probably being some of the best implemented QTEs out there) caused explosions of rage amongst the Hardcore market.
  • It's Easy, So It Sucks: Some feared that this would've been the consequence of the abundance of Quick Time Events. It's actually a subversion, since the demo was set on Easy. Hard mode is so difficult that the developers themselves can't beat it.
  • It's Short, So It Sucks: The game can be completed in about 6 hours, and there's not much replay value besides getting achievements/trophies.
  • Luck-Based Mission: The missions in the 2 Lost Episodes. It starts off simple, but in one mission, you have to beat them under 40 seconds (which is a very strict limit), and in another, you have to beat them without taking a single hit! Also, the last mission against Akuma is to beat 10 consecutive matches against him, slightly recharging your health with each victory.
  • Memetic Molester: Olga.
  • Memetic Mutation: People calling the game Akuma before his Street Fighter days seems to be growing into one of these.
  • Moral Event Horizon: To many players Olga crossed it in episode 12, when she bombed the village and killed the girl.
    • And of course, there's Sergei murdering Durga purely for shits and giggles.
    • Chakravartin starts on the wrong side of this by being the one responsible for the creation of the Gohma in the first place, and he just keeps on getting worse.
  • Most Annoying Sound: Wyzen's laughter during his 2nd phase.


    • Asura's battle grunts can get pretty annoying after a while.
    • Yasha has an array of stock hurt noises, but there is one distinct cry of pain, one that is easily identified when its reused, even in otherwise fully voiced cutscenes.
    • "HA HA, NOT BAD!"
  • Needs More Love: Considering its relatively mixed reviews in the U.S., it definitely needs it.
  • Nightmare Fuel: The deaths of Karlow, Sergei, and Olga. Kalrow gets crushed inside an escape pod (made worse by the fact that we see the whole thing, and it takes a while, as in it slowly closes on him as Asura crushes it and he pleads for him to stop), Sergei has his stomach slashed open (it didn't kill him, and he started shouting in joy; Asura smashes his head like a grape), and Olga gets diced by the Golden Spider's web.
    • May not be diced exactly, but it definitely seems that her spine gets snapped or otherwise broken.
    • The end of episode 11.5 where Asura's power starts going out of control is quite graphical.
    • Sergei speaking enthusiastically with ecstasy after getting gored up by Asura. Not to mention the same look of ecstasy he has when making souls migrate up to his septentrion ship.
  • Player Punch: Episode 12. All of it.
  • Signature Scene: Asura vs. Wyzen's country-sized finger. It was used in 2 different trailers for the game as well as a TV ad in Japan.
  • So Cool Its Awesome
  • Tainted by the Preview: The basic synopsis and some of the earlier trailers scream God of War set in Hindu myth instead of Greek.
    • However, as more trailers showcase the setting, story, and gameplay, this perception of the game is slowly fading. Many agree that the blend of Hindu myth with a coating of Sci-Fi does wonders to keep the setting fresh instead of the mythology by itself, and by the trailers alone, many agree that Asura is much more of a likeable protagonist than Kratos ever was.
    • The abundance of Quick Time Events over traditional gameplay in the demo has rubbed some gamers the wrong way.
  • Tear Jerker: Here.
  • That One Boss: Every boss becomes this with the Mortal Gauge equipped, even on Easy. The first encounter with Yasha in Episode 6 is exceptionally frustrating, and they only get harder from there.
    • Without it, many cite Vlitra's Core, who does a ridiculous amount of damage with its attacks even on Easy.
  • This Is Your Premise on Drugs: Some people say this is Bayonetta with Heavy Rain's focus on cinematic storytelling on preposterous amounts of Testosterone. Preposterone.
  • Visual Effects of Awesome: Yes. The game pushed the Unreal Engine to its absolute limits when it comes to awesome visuals.