Avatar: The Last Airbender - The Promise/Funny

  • Toph and the Gaang are watching a fireworks show while riding on Appa's back.

Toph: Hey, wanna know what fireworks are like for me? Close your eyes.
[Sokka does so]
Toph: [shouting in Sokka's ear] BOOM!!!
Sokka: O_O

  • The three students at Toph's metalbending academy have some pretty funny lines between them. "The city's probably doomed! We're probably doomed!" "I hate doom."
  • Sokka's fantastic Moment Killer scene when he walks in on Aang and Katara's passionate kiss, and constantly referring to them as "oogie" afterwards, much to Katara's annoyance.
    • Even better, the moment that he killed was originally the last scene of the series, and an extremely emotional one at that. Hilarious.
  • After Toph stops the Earth Kingdom rioters:

Sokka: Good thing you listened to her, folks! I was about to bust out Mr. Boomerang! Whack-a-pow!
Random Guy: Ooooh! "Mr. Boomerang"! Soooo scary!
(Sokka hits guy in the head with "Mr. Boomerang")

  • Let's not forget when, at the end of the comic, Toph licks Katara on the hand to demonstrate what "oogies" are.
  • Plenty of moments when Sokka assists Toph's Metalbending class.
    • And a Spongebob reference much?

Sokka: You have to not only see the metal. But hear the metal. Taste the metal. And BE the metal!