Azumanga Daioh/Haiku

Revision as of 05:07, 1 September 2014 by Dai-Guard (talk | contribs) (haiku cleanup)
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Nyperold's Vast Collection of 'Azumanga Daioh!' Haikus

Teacher's chain comes off
When a student stops to help
Takes the bike and rides


Just in time for class
Three sizes are a secret
But it's the wrong room


New transfer student
Good thing in a small package
She's just ten years old?!?


Cooking is so fun
Yay, it's ready! Or is it
Not cooking at all?


Master and student
Chihiro's helping Chiyo?
Other way around


Making her own lunch
And string figures, good at them
Not tongue twisters, though


Forgotten homework
Chiyo cowers at the front
Tap power reduced


Cooking is so fun
Yay, it's ready! Cookies, cake!
Don't tell them to wait!


Sakaki's scary
Vet, florist, stuffed toy vendor?
Maybe really nice...


Sakaki is cool
So say all the other girls
...What was that cute thing?


"Are you in a club?
I'm in astronomy club.
Would you be..." *runs off*


What a nice spring day!
Look, a doggie being walked!
Stretch, and then go run


Oh, hey, it's a cat
Should I try to pet it? Yeah.
What could it hurt-- *CHOMP*


"Why's your hand wrapped up?"
"Maybe he was in a mood."
"Did she have a fight?"


The same cat again
Good mood? A second attempt
Ends up the same way


Tomo Takino
Hyper is her middle name
Or just "Wildcat"


Yukari? I'm late!
Standing out in the hallway
Not that teacher cares


Lasting five minutes,
Then ten, fifteen, and twenty,
At which point she falls


Challenging Chiyo
Neither know the answer. Yay!
Now she says they're tied


Going out for bread
A speedy return! Too bad
No one was timing


Racing Sakaki
Starting with an advantage
Moving mountains back


Tomo's in the lead?
Not for long; she falls behind
She's the runner-up!


Another transfer
But she comes from Osaka
A new tsukkomi?


Introductions made
Teacher expects Kansai-ben?
Reluctantly done


Osaka busts myths
Takoyaki expected
"Nandeyanen?" "YAY!"


Get it together
Paying attention in class? No.
Busy saying it


Nickname acquired
But it's after her hometown
Now it's stuck for good


Follow Osaka
Watch her wait at the crosswalk
Whoops, it's red again...


Notice Chiyo-chan
She's a super-smart student
Not a smart aleck


Osaka's spacey?
Soap slips, and handkerchief falls
Now it's soaking wet


Those tiny bubbles
In my eyes make me track 'em
And miss everything


A scream? Huge cockroach!
Tomo pursues, swatting friends
Before killing it


Now it's on her book
Yukari cannot advise
Too squeamish to help


Osaka races
Chiyo is slightly faster
Is she just too smart?


Now for volleyball
Splitting into groups of six
What? Ten million yen?


Served by Chihiro
Chiyo and Yomi set up
Sakaki's great spike


What's Osaka's aim?
To be just like Sakaki
Not to take her out


Tomo's power serve
Pegs the back of Chiyo's head
Will she be okay?


Overhead passing
Osaka and Chiyo-chan
Get their facials here


Osaka totters
Balanced badly, scaring them
Until she sits down


Opening her lunch
Tomo finds a nice surprise
All her top three foods!


Concentrating hard
Osaka pulls carefully
Splits her chopsticks clean


Yomi likes spicy
Osaka can't handle it
Mischievous Yomi


Osaka tries it
Now her mouth is burning up
Then she has hiccups


Try drinking some juice
Now with plugged up ears and nose
But it doesn't work


Balanced on chopsticks?
The cup falls off, spilling juice
Time for music class


Hiccups don't help out
Playing a wind instrument
Will you knock that off?!?


Osaka's hiccups
Have stayed over two hours
Will she die today?


Next, the fear gambit
Please, Osaka, be afraid!
Chiyo's not scary


Smacking on the back
Isn't good at curing them
That's when you're choking


Spasms in the diaphragm
Punch in the solar plexus
Just puts her in pain


Sakaki chimes in
She has a folk remedy
Just brew some kaki


Ah, the classic cure
Holding your breath for a time
Whoops, that went too fast


Push on the eyeballs
And when that doesn't do it
Pull on her tongue. Ow!


Give it to someone?
Sounds a bit hokey, but still --
Don't give it to me!


Could be that she's sick
What might be the problem here?
Probably the brain


While they discuss
Chiyo notices they've stopped
But what was the cure?


All's well that ends well
Except Chiyo has them now?
Try it all again!


Sharks and dolphins are
Fish and mammals, so therefore
Snails are insects?


Osaka's trying
To instigate a punch line
But they don't know it


Chiyo's pigtails
Connected, detachable?
Could she get new ones?


Jolted from her thought
Osaka's shaken awake
Hey! Don't fall asleep!


Chiyo is called in
Kurosawa-sensei gives
her her new swimsuit


Yukari comes in
Talks about going drinking
Now is not the time


"Nyamo"? What's that?
Kurosawa's old nickname
Don't use it at work


Yukari's messy
But she can find everything
...The dictionary?


Starts an avalanche
Chiyo holds it up, but then
is buried... again


Tomo and Yomi
Outrank teachers easily
In terms of classmates


Chiyo doesn't have
Any classmates from past grades
Isn't that a shock


Tomo tells of bread
that evolved into monsters
...It was made up, right?


Minamo begins
To tell about Yukari
But Yukari sings


Who is Nyperold?!
Azumanga's only fan?!
TOMO could do this!


"Reindeer don't exist,"
Says Tomo. Yet she is wrong.
Wails, "I'm not stupid!"

—Nat The Writer

Nyamo is drunk
And sharing some deep wisdom.
Chiyo is baffled.

—Nat The Writer

Wow, there's a lot here!
So many clever haikus
About this weird show.

—Sgt Frog 1

Okinawa mountains
Home to wildcats and trees
And Sakaki's pet

—Man Called True

"We're Team Seaslug!" "What?!"
"But why?! They're so..." [a brief pause]
"Go Team Seaslug!" "Yay..."

—The Hero Hartmut

Farewell to their school
Yet they will all still be friends
Even with Tomo


Why do you all think
"Nyamo" has three syllables?
Nya. Mo. Only two.

—Sensei Le Roof

Creepy orange cat...
Sakaki believes he is
Chiyo's real father.


Summer vacation!
Tomo throws the keys away.
Everyone is pissed.
