• Crowning Music of Awesome: Stu Phillips' theme for the series, complete with prelude in the pilot episode.
  • Fridge Horror: if the Ovions are eating any humans that come to Carrilon, does that mean that the food they're serving the Colonials is people?
    • Not to mention the eventual fate of the minor colonies that the fleet encountered on their way to Earth. Consider what happened to them when the Cylons retraced the fleets path.
  • Idiot Plot: You would think leaving at least a token defense fleet at your home system would be common military sense.
  • Nightmare Fuel: there is a reason why no one has heard of the planet Carrilon. The screaming doesn't help.
  • Sci Fi Ghetto
  • WTH Costuming Department: Apparently we will all wear togas and discowear in space.