Examples of Brain Bleach in Video Games include:

Joker: Me? In a thong?

  • Early in Sam and Max Freelance Police: Culture Shock, Jimmy Two-Teeth the rat steals the duo's phone. When they catch him and make him return it, he vomits it up. Sam's reaction is a stunned "Oh, for the love 'a - I wish I could unsee that!"
    • Speaking of Sam and Max, in one of their comic book adventures, Max, in the previous panel having been unarmed, is suddenly waving around a rather large firearm. Sam asks, "Where did you have that thing hidden, li'l buddy?" Max's response exemplifies this trope: "None of your damn business."
    • Happens again in Beyond The Alley Of The Dolls. Flint Paper leaves to go "kill a few neurons" after seeing Girl Stinky kiss Sam.
    • In Ice Station Santa, Sam and Max both want their eyes clawed out after seeing Bosco's latest disguise. He's not wearing one.
  • In Dragon Age II, at one point Hawke can comment on some dirty image Isabela apparently saw in the Amell family crest, and when s/he finds it s/he says "Oh, Maker! I can't unsee it!"
    • Another, and possibly funnier, exchange occurs when you accept a male hooker's invitation with Bethany in the party, but decline when she protests

Bethany: Maker's breath! Can't you...do this when I'm not around?
Hawke: Fine. I'll do this some other day.
Bethany: It's too late. The images are already in my mind and they will never, ever go away.

  • Tales of Monkey Island, Episode 1: Guybrush Threepwood goes to open a cabinet, which the Voodoo Lady yells for him not to open. He asks her what's in it, and she replies, "My unmentionables." Guybrush shudders, and the cabinet from then on is named "The Scariest Cabinet In the World."
  • Planescape: Torment accentuates not only the use of Brain Bleach but also the importance of keeping a note of doing so. A story is told in-game about a man who at one moment came to consciousness with no memory of himself. He then encounters a woman, who tells him that he has "one more wish". She then explains that she granted him three wishes earlier and that he already made two of them. The man wishes to know who he is. The witch cackles and remarks that "That was your first wish".
  • Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney: Trials and Tribulations has Jean Armstrong rubbing lotion on himself. It elicits a call for brain bleach by Phoenix.
    • Prior to that:

Phoenix: So the particular feature you recognize about the waitress is...her outfit!? But anyone could wear just such a uniform! Even me!
Judge: Mr. Wright! Please spare the court of any further mental anguish from that image.

Kott: "'The sky boils, the sea burns, the soil begs forgiveness.' You ever heard anything like that?"
Qualstio: "No, but, it's pretty creepy. I wish I could un-hear it."

  • On one episode of Help Me! Professor Kokonoe!, Makoto runs right on in with a tone in her voice and a facial expression that suggests she needs the biggest glass of the stuff the titular professor can offer. Considering that the bad ending required to get here is Demon Path lite, can you really blame her?

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