Brain Bleach/Web Animation

(ten seconds [or so] of screaming)
Oxhorn: It's horrible!
Staghorn: Oh god, why?
Oxhorn: I can't see! I'm blind!
Staghorn: Never will I be able to love another woman again!
Oxhorn: Beat the images out of my eyes!
Staghorn: We gotta run! RUN!
They retreat to Thunder Bluff, shouting various things like "Run like your mama!"

  • Homestar Runner and Strong Bad are bemoaning the fact that The Cheat and Marzipan are going on a date.

Homestar Runner: Mainly, I just want to keep 'em from making out.
Strong Bad: Ewww! The disgust! It won't wash off!

  • In Sonic Shorts, quite a few of the shorts involving Eggman involves this. The worst of them all is arguably his "ultimate weapon."
  • In Helluva Boss, after Stolas gives Blitzo a description of oral sex that is so-disgusting-the-MA-rated-cartoon-bleeps-out-most-of-it, Blitzo hangs up on him, then breaks the mobile phone in half, then smashes it to little bits, then liquifies the pieces in a blender. Then he gives the liquified remains to Loona, tells her to drink it - which she does - and then go to the bridge over the freeway and "shit off it!" Keep in mind, this cartoon takes place in Hell and Blizto is a demon and an assassin.

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