  • Ho Yay/Les Yay: has its own page.
    • As an example, Yûko (of ×××HOLiC) simply cannot keep her hands off her female clients or her assistant's female friends. She's partial to tilting their faces up while she leans down, making for an 'almost-kissing' pose at least once with each woman Yûko sympathizes with.
  • Memetic Mutation (Just as CLAMPed.)
    • Any Ho Yay in any of their works is explained by two words: "It's CLAMP." Especially on this site. Goes for Eye Scream, as well.
      • Or Bishounen, or any, erm, interesting relationships, or... just about anything on this page, really, and much else besides.
    • 'At least you're not Subaru.'
  • Moe: Many of their female (and sometimes male) characters are just too cute for words. There's even a convincing argument to be made for the idea that Sakura is directly responsible for kicking off the modern moe "phenomenon".
  • True Art Is Angsty
  • True Art Is Incomprehensible
  • Values Dissonance: CLAMP features a... wide variety of relationships, to say the least.