• And, if you fail that mission, in the cutscene "Oh lord, down I go."
  • "I've always wanted to do that."
    • Also from their into:

*after sawing an unfortunate woman in half*
Reed: "Dammit! Not again!"
Chuck: "Hey that's not magic! She's dead!"

  • There's a movie theatre where Chuck can plop himself down. What's hilarious is his expression of anticipation during a horror film, with his knuckles at his jaw, and his look of rapt, slack jawed attention at a soap opera. It's glorious.
    • Most of the movies themselves are hilarious, especially "Mutant Crunch".

"Brian, get me the anal probe. Its time to teach that son of a bitch a lession."

  • In the final battle with Tyrone King, Chuck and him will have the following exchange:

TK: You gotta risk it all, if you're ever, really, gonna...
Chuck: (throws him off the railing and to his death) Win big?

    • In Off the Record, this is changed to:

TK: You gotta risk it all, if you're ever, really, gonna...
Frank: (throws him off the railing and to his death) FALL TO YOUR DEATH!?

  • Frank wearing a wrestler's outfit in the completely different version of Terror is Reality in the trailer.
    • Wait, it gets better: after you're done playing Terror is Reality, you can wear it. FOR THE REST OF THE GAME. There's something hilarious running around killing zombies in a wrestling outfit, a viking helmet and yellow sneakers.
  • The entirety of the E3 2011 Uranus Zone trailer for Off the Record.
  • The entire boss battle with Evan, which is a complete 180 in mood from the battle with Adam in the original Dead Rising.
    • Especially, especially this line:

Frank: I don't think you're going to sell a lot of ice cream right now. And I am not getting into your car.

  • During an early part of the game, Chuck walks by Amber's dressing room on his way to get Katey. If the player actually steps into the dressing room, she'll get mad and scold Chuck.

Amber: "Hey, stay out of my dressing room Chuckie! Are you trying to catch a peek of a naked woman without having to pay for it for once?"

Frank: This... is my VACATION!
Frank jumps out of the helicopter towards a horde of zombies below with a cheerful smile on his face, the screen freezes while in mid air like in action movies while incredibly cheesy music plays in the background.

  • The double dildo you can use as a weapon.
  • Off the Record has this lovely gem after Stacey gets crushed:

Frank: I always thought you had a crush on me. Too bad I don't dig flat chicks.

Dead Rising 2: Case West

  • One cutscene features Chuck and Frank sitting in the Shipping Office, with Chuck repeatedly clicking a pen to Frank's chagrin. Eventually, Frank has enough and throws the pen into a wall. Chuck then delivers one of the best lines in Case West.

Chuck: Y'know, you're a little high-strung for a guy who's covered wars.

  • Hey! I just found a mask of Dr. Wily! Anyone??