• Granny Weatherwax's trip to the theater, after refusing to admit that she doesn't quite get the concept.

Someone tapped Granny on the shoulder and a voice said, 'Madam, will you kindly remove your hat?'
Granny turned around very slowly on her stool, as though propelled by hidden motors, and subjected the interrupter to a hundred kilowatt diamond-blue stare. The man wilted under it and sagged back on to his stool, her face following him all the way down.
'No,' she said.

    • There's a nice Call Back to this many books later in Maskerade, where another man asks Granny the same in the Opera House and she shrugs and does so — he's fated to die the next day, so it's the least she can do.
      • Possibly made even funnier when she admits to Nanny that she didn't warn him because she could be wrong.
  • The bit about apple-peeling.

First, [Magrat] had to find out his name. The old peel-the-apple trick should do that. You just peeled an apple, getting one length of peel, and threw the peel behind you; it'd land in the shape of his name. Millions of girls had tried it and been inevitably disappointed, unless the loved one was called Scscs.

  • Death plays himself in a play... and gets stage fright, since he's not used to people being able to see him.
    • He also does a tapdance.
  • Lord Felmet acting like a ghost while Death keeps trying to convince him that he's still alive.
  • The stone-henge like slab that hides from people.
  • "Is that a dagger I see before me?" "Um, no, sire, it's a handkerchief. You can tell the difference if you look closely. Not as many sharp edges."
  • For that matter, all the parodies of Shakespearean dialogue. "There is a knocking without!" "...A knocking without what?" "A knocking without the door, stupid." "A knocking without a door? Is this some kind of Zen?"

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