Trivia about Dungeons & Dragons (animation) includes:

  • Germans Love David Hasselhoff: For some reason, this series has enjoyed decades of immense popularity in Brazil, which no doubt led to the next entry on this page.
  • Live Action Adaptation/Shout-Out:
    • In May 2019, Renault released a commercial in Brazil in which a live-action version of the cast escapes back to earth in a KWID Outsider SUV. Additionally, Tiamat, Uni, Dungeon Master and Venger all make appearances.
    • During the arena sequence in the 2023 film Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves, one of the other teams competing is very clearly the cast of the cartoon -- and are identified by name as such in the film's cast list. Bobby seems to be a clean-shaven adult dwarf instead of a ten-year-old, though...

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