Dynasty Warriors/Characters/The Wu Rulers

A list of the rulers of the Wu Kingdom in the Dynasty Warriors series.

Sun Jian

"The Tiger of Jiang Dong"


"Behold the might of Sun Jian!"


Voiced by: Yasuhiko Tokuyama (Japanese), Grant George (English)


Born: 155
Died: 191
Japanese spelling: Sonken

Age: 38
Height: 6'0" (182cm)

Sun Jian is the patriarch of the Sun family and the father of Sun Ce, Sun Quan, and Sun Shang Xiang. Known as the "Tiger of Jiang Dong", he gained fame by single-handedly defeating a crew of vicious pirates in his early teens.

He is known as a calm man, always considerate and courteous to his men. Out of the three rulers for Wu, he is the one who acts most like a gentleman. He is generally kind to those around him and forgives past mistakes with subtle ease. A caring father, he is proud of his children and tries his best to look out for them.

Sun Ce

"The Little Conqueror"


"Alright, I can't wait to get out there and get things started!"


Voiced by: Takahiro Kawachi (Japanese), Yuri Lowenthal (English)


Born: 175
Died: 200
Japanese spelling: Sonsaku

Age: 26
Height: 5'9" (176cm)

Son of Sun Jian and older brother to Sun Quan and Sun Shang Xiang. He is commonly known as the 'Little Conquerer'. He regained the land of Wu his father once ruled over and used it as his base for gaining further control over the land. Despite his success he died young, appointing his brother to lead.

Known as an energetic, outgoing, brash, and informal leader. He is charismatic and well liked by his troops and his family. He often does whatever he likes on whim with a macho and confident attitude. Proud of his heritage and gung-ho for battle, he can get lost in the thrill and forget his limits. Therefore, he relies on the wisdom and responsibility of his friend, Zhou Yu, to keep him focused and on track. He sought out the beautiful Da Qiao for his wife.

Sun Quan

"The Heroic Young Tiger"


"I shall claim this battlefield in the name of the Sun family!"


Voiced by: Hisayoshi Suganuma (Japanese), Gideon Emery (English)


Born: 182
Died: 252
Japanese spelling: Sonken

Age: 24
Height: 5'10" (178cm)

The second son of Sun Jian and first emperor of the Wu Empire, Sun Quan follows Cao Pi who seized the throne and proclaimed himself as the Emperor of China. Sun Quan has ability in gathering important and honorable men to his cause.

Sun Quan is a proud and venerable ruler who dearly treasures his lineage. Contrary to his hot-headed brother, he is a patient, collected, and diligent individual. He is the strictest of the three leaders within his family, as he cannot forgive betrayals or excessive disobedience as easily as his family members.

  • Combat Pragmatist - In the final stage in Wu's Story Mode in DW7, he stabs Zhang Liao after Lian Shi and Ding Feng hold back his weapons.

"This is how I fight."

  • Demoted to Extra - While Sun Quan led Wu during the actual Three Kingdoms period of Ancient China, Sun Jian is generally treated as Wu's answer to Wei's Cao Cao and Shu's Liu Bei.
    • Up to Eleven in DW6, where his father gets a Musou Mode over him. This adds to the reason why 6's reception was polarizing at best.
    • Averted in DW7: he's clearly made The Hero of Wu's Kingdom Mode.
    • And again in DW8, where in both the Hypothetical and Historical Routes he is The Hero for Wu. Hilariously, he keeps trying to hand the role back to his father and brother, but they insist it's his now, and neither of them want the role back for themselves.
  • Dude in Distress - Gets in trouble during two battles and will need to be saved, but luckily on one of them Sun Ce's around, so Quan is just a regular officer and not the commander.
  • Hey, It's That Voice! - Fenris, Orochi, and Balthier in the localization of DW7.
  • Hotter and Sexier - Got a makeover in DW6 that continues into DW7 and DW8. The female fans noticed.
  • Ho Yay - With Zhou Tai
  • Its Pronounced Tropay - Before DW7, his name was incorrectly pronounced as it was spelled (ie: Sun KWAN).
  • The Messiah - In DW7
  • Rain of Arrows - His Tome Special in DW6
  • Red Oni, Blue Oni - The Blue Oni to Sun Ce's Red Oni.
  • Ron the Death Eater - For decades, Sun Quan was the poster boy of this, often depicted as jealous at Ce's potential and success, or making him worst of the two older brothers for Shang Xiang so she can have her angst to be pitied at, these acts were pretty prevalent in fanfics. The Hotter and Sexier treatment as well as the inclusion of Lian Shi may be curing him from those attempts.
  • Rulers Prefer Swords
  • Ship Tease - With Lian Shi
  • Skip Stellrecht - DW5-6
  • Tall, Dark and Handsome
  • The Woobie - Wu's story mode in DW7 consists of his loved ones either dying in front of or leaving him.
    • DW8 softens the blow a little by letting him have some happiness with Lian Shi at least, while the Hypothetical Route spares him from any of the historical consequences.

Sun Shang Xiang

"The Warrior Princess"


"Never has the battlefield seen anyone wield a bow like me!"


Voiced by: Emi Uwagawa (Japanese), G. K. Bowes (English)


Born: (Unknown)
Died: (Unknown)
Japanese spelling: Sonshoukou

Age: 18
Height: 5'6" (167cm)

The daughter of Sun Jian and sister of Sun Ce and Sun Quan, the rulers of Wu. Sun Shang Xiang is an upbeat and independent woman who always is eager to lend a helping hand. She frequently wants to show her worth in battle, which usually worries her father and brothers.

Considered a tomboy, her living quarters are decorated with all manner of weapons, and the women that attend to her are all armed. She is torn between her loyalty to her Love Interest Liu Bei and her family.

  • Action Girl
  • The Archer - In DW6, true to novel form.
    • Although her archery skills were nerfed in 7 (ie: her ex-weapon is now back to her pre-6 wheels), as stated below, her second musou is a very powerful aerial fire-arrow assault
  • Badass Princess
  • Bare Your Midriff
  • Chickification - Was a ball-busting Action Girl, until DW6 demoted her to Liu Bei's Love Interest, though ironically she becomes an even stronger fighter. She got back most of her earlier badass credentials by DW8.
  • Conflicting Loyalty - She falls in love with Liu Bei, and depending on the game, chooses to either marry or follow him after leaving Wu. In DW5 she leaves Shu and returns to Wu. After Guan Yu is killed by Lu Meng, she is forced to chose sides when Liu Bei declares total war against Wu. She chooses her family, and fights against Shu, even though she still loves Liu Bei. In DW6, she stays with Liu Bei and fights with him at Yi Ling against her family. In DW7 she also stays with Liu Bei. DW7 also adds a new wrinkle with her best friend/bodyguard Lian Shi also on the other side. DW8 tends to write her out of the plot in the Wu Historical Route, while the Hypothetical Route keeps her on the side of the Shu, which is firmly allied with Wu.
    • Amusingly, her switch from returning to Wu to remaining loyal to Shu, though justified as being more or less what happened in the novels, coincided with Liu Bei becoming rather noticeably more Bishounen.
  • Defector From Decadence - Ends up leaving Wu for Shu on her own accord, and even fights alongside Liu Bei against her brother at Yi Ling in DW6.
    • Averted in DW7, as Zhou Yu marries her off to secure an alliance with Shu. She appears more loyal to Liu Bei afterwords, but she is visibly shaken when she learns that Wu was responsible for the deaths of Guan Yu and Zhang Fei.
    • DW8 splits the difference in the Hypothetical route for Wu by having her remain on the Shu side, but since Wu and Shu are firm allies, nothing really changes except a costume change from red to green.
  • Ensemble Darkhorse - Very popular with the fan base.
  • Hair Decorations
  • Fashionable Asymmetry
  • Game Breaker - Due to her bow moveset in DW6, which can shoot up to five enemy-piercing arrows at once at maximum.
  • Hotter and Sexier - Her look in DW7. DW8 toned this down a little.
  • Michelle Ruff - DW4-5
  • Never Live It Down - Possibly the reason why she only has two stars in her proficiency with Bows (Despite being known as "The Bow Princess" since DW6) instead of three in DW7 is because of her Game Breaker status in DW6.
    • Funnily enough, she does get an homage in the form of her second musou - an aerial fire bombing...with arrows...fired in conjunction with her feet for added strength.
  • Perfectly Arranged Marriage - To Liu Bei in DW7, at least on her end. DW8 makes it bit more balanced for both sides in the Wu Hypothetical.
  • Plucky Girl
  • Precision Guided Fire And Wind Wheels - From DW3-5,7 and 8, they always come back to her even if the weapons plow through several dozen bodies.
  • Rain of Arrows - Her Tome Special in DW6.
  • Rings of Death - Her weapons except in 6. It's lampshaded in the third Warriors Orochi game, where she states that she experimented with other weapons before settling back to the rings.
  • Secret Character - In the first Dynasty Warriors, she was unlockable via Video Game Cheats.
  • She Fu - Her fighting style has her doing backflips and gymnastic cartwheels.
  • Shipper on Deck - For Sun Quan with Lian Shi.
  • Tomboy - Notably becomes less of one as she reappears in each main installment, though she regained some of this in DW8.
  • You Keep Using That Word - Her weapons from DW3-5 and 7 are called "Fire And Wind Wheels", but they were mistakenly called "Chakrams". 7 seems to have fixed this.