Shields can have some amazing and intricate designs on them. In particular, those resembling faces. Probably for intimidation.

You got the Mirror Shield! May this face haunt you forever.

No, this isn't about masks.

Examples of Face Design Shield include:

Classical Mythology

Tabletop Games

  • Third edition Dungeons & Dragons had a Lion's Head Shield.
    • In the first edition Dungeons and Dragons Monster Manual, an illustration for the kobold had a fighter with a giant ant's head on his shield.
  • Some of the dwarven lord units in Warhammer Fantasy Battle feature dwarven heads carved into their shields.

Video Games

  • The Mirror Shield in The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask.
  • Very prominent in World of Warcraft — just to show two examples: Humanoid, Lion.
  • In the Final Fantasy series, there is the Aegis shield, a shield that brings terror to all who behold it, and contains a demon within. Said demon's face is on the shield.
  • The Dragon Quest series has numerous examples. The Boss Shield and Tempest Shield have standard intimidating faces, while the Slime Shield bears the face of everyone's favorite Mascot Mook.
    • The Harmour/Evil Armor enemy class has a skull face shield, and the Shielder enemies have shields bigger than their bodies with living faces.
  • In Morrowind, both varieties of Daedric shields have some pretty angry looking faces carved into them.
  • The Defender Heartless in Kingdom Hearts possesses a shield with a living, giant dog's head growing out of it. And it Randomly Drops as one of Goofy's stronger shields.
  • One of the Dragon Age II pre-order items was the Lion of Orlais shield which had the face of a... well, guess.
  • Arcane Shield from Arcanum is a wooden shield with a skull face "surfacing" from it.
  • Guild Wars has several - the Ascalon Aegis (and it's variants), the Guardian of the Hunt, and most prominently, the Gingerbread Shield are just three such examples.

Web Original

  • The logo of the Knights of Good on The Guild has a shield with a smiley emoticon.

Western Animation