Fairy Tail/Characters/Guilds

This page lists the other official guilds besides Fairy Tail, as well as their prominent members.

Phantom Lord

Phantom Lord is the guild that was considered the single most powerful guild in Fiore before Fairy Tail came to prominence. An entire story arc is dedicated to a war that breaks out between the two guilds, which ends with Phantom Lord's defeat and ultimate disbandment for breaking guild rules and starting the war in the first place.

Jose Porla

Magic/Weapons:Darkness Magic, Thought Projection

The master of Phantom Lord, and one of the Ten Wizard Saints. He is Makarov's self-fashioned rival, and is jealous of Fairy Tail's quick rise to fame. Upon learning of Lucy Heartfilia's membership in Fairy Tail, he decides to kidnap her and take control of her family's fortune, waging war against Fairy Tail.


Voiced by: Takashi Matsuyama (JP), Ed Blaylock (EN)


Gajeel Redfox

For more information, see New Members

Element 4

A team of four elemental magic specialists with power equivalent to that of Fairy Tail's S-Class wizards.

Juvia Lockser

For more information, see New Members



Magic/Weapons: Air Magic, Airspace


The leader of Element 4, also known as "Aria of the Great Sky." He wears a blindfold and constantly cries over everything. He specializes in a form of air magic called Airspace, which allows him to drain his opponents' strength.


Voiced by: Katsui Taira (JP), Chris Rager (EN)




Magic/Weapons:Earth Magic, Sand Magic


A creepy man with a French accent, also known as "Sol of the Great Earth." He is Element 4's earth magic specialist who is able to combine his body with the ground.


Voiced by: Eiji Sekiguchi (JP), Barry Yandell (EN)




Magic/Weapons:Rainbow Fire, Katana


He is Element 4's fire magic specialist, also known as "Totomaru of the Great Fire." He is able to conjure multi-colored flames that have different properties based on their color.


Voiced by: Daisuke Endou (JP), Justin Cook (EN)


Blue Pegasus

This guild is mostly made up of pretty boys and women, as well as people who think of themselves as such when they really aren't. Following the Time Skip, they become the third most powerful guild in Fiore.



The master of Blue Pegasus and an old friend of Makarov's. He's a man, by the way.


Voiced by: Hiroki Goto (JP), Antimere Robinson (EN)


Karen Lilica

Magic/Weapons:Celestial Spirits (Aries and Leo)

A famous celestial wizard known to have been cruel to her contracted spirits, which included Aries and Leo. She was killed by Angel of Oración Seis while on a mission.


Voiced by: Chie Sawaguchi (JP), Stephanie Young (EN)


Ichiya Vandalay Kotobuki

Magic/Weapons: Perfume Magic

The ace of Blue Pegasus. He has a mysterious past with Erza, who would much rather forget about it. He uses perfume magic.


Voiced by: Show Hayami (JP)


The Tri-men

Ichiya's personal entourage of lady-swooning pretty boys.

Hibiki Lates

Magic/Weapons:Archive, Telepathy

A popular wizard ranked high on the "Most Eligible Wizard Bachelors" list in the Sorcerer Weekly magazine. His magic is called Archive, which is pretty much like using a supercomputer.


Voiced by: Takashi Kondo (JP)


  • Magitek: His magic deals with this.
  • Mission Control
  • Mr. Fanservice: Said to be the reason why so many women join Blue Pegasus in the first place.
  • Non-Action Guy: Since his magic primarily deals with the transfer of information, he acts as The Smart Guy for the entire operation.
  • Red Baron: "Hundred Nights".
  • Revenge Before Reason: Subverted for when he found that Angel killed his lover Karen, he was almost overtaken by Nirvana.
  • Telepathy
  • Tsundere: Nice to women, mostly rude to men, like the rest of his team.
  • The Worf Effect: Seems very confident and ready for some show during the MPF test... only to score 92, the second lowest score of that day.

Eve Tearm

Magic/Weapons:Snow Magic

A recent recruit to Blue Pegasus. He uses snow magic.


Voiced by: Fuyuka Ooura (JP)


Ren Akatsuki

Magic/Weapons:Air Magic

A wizard who uses air magic.


Voiced by: Masaya Matsukaze (JP)


Jenny Realight


Magic/Weapons: Transformation Magic


A member of who joins in commentary for day one of the Magic Games.

  • Combat Commentator
  • Designated Girl Fight: Fights against Mira in the fights of the second game, and loses.
  • Didn't See That Coming: During the last part of the fight, she makes a bet that the loser will have to get photographed naked, based on the knowledge that both main judges of their swimsuit contest like younger women (like Mira) and the guest judge would like the sales that having Mira naked would give his magazine. However, she didn't take into account that Mira would actually challenge her to a clash of strength, in which Jenny is clearly outmatched. Whoops.
  • Flower in Her Hair
  • Ms. Fanservice: Used to be Miss Fiore.
  • Ocular Gushers: After losing to Mira.
  • Stripperiffic: Her battle uniform against Mirajane is part bikini part plate mail.

Lamia Scale

Another prominent guild. A handful of defectors from this guild first appear in the Galuna Island arc. They hold the honor of being the second strongest guild after the Time Skip.

Ooba Babasaama

The master of Lamia Scale, an old, foul-tempered lady.

Lyon Vastia

Magic/Weapons:Ice Make (Dynamic), Iced Shell

A former student of Ur alongside Gray. He is an Ice Make wizard but, unlike Gray and Ur, can use his power to create living ice golems. Introduced as the villainous Cold Emperor Lyon, he is obsessed with surpassing his late teacher by resurrecting and defeating Deliora, who Ur sacrificed herself for to seal away. He is eventually beaten by Gray and convinced to move on with his life by joining Lamia Scale.

Voiced by: Yuuki Kaji (JP), Jerry Jewell (EN)
—Young Lyon is voiced by: Sayaka Narita (JP), Leah Clark (EN)

Sherry Blendy

Magic/Weapons:Doll Play Magic

A young wizard with the power to control non-humans like dolls using her Doll Play magic. She is madly in love with Lyon, and acts as one of his loyal followers to take revenge against Deliora, temporarily leaving Lamia Scale. She later cleans up her act and returns to her guild.


Voiced by: Yuka Iguchi (JP), Trina Nishimura (EN)


Yuka Suzuki & Toby Horhorta


Magic/Weapons:Wave (Yuka), Moon Drip, Paralysis Powder: Mega Jellyfish (Toby)


Yuka is a young man with large eyebrows who can negate magic with magic wave pulses from his hands. Toby is a dimwitted man who dresses and behaves like a dog. They both leave their guild to follow Lyon take revenge against Deliora, but return once they learn the error of their ways.


Yuka is voiced by: Masaki Kawanabe (JP), Anthony Bowling (EN)
Toby is voiced by: Daisuke Kishio (JP), Chad Halbrook (EN)


Jura Neekis

Magic/Weapons:Earth Magic

The ace of Lamia Scale, and one of the Ten Wizard Saints. Among other things, he has the power to create indestructible columns of solid rock from the earth.


Voiced by: Yutaka Aoyama (JP)


Chelia Blendy

Sherry's cousin.

Quatro Cerberus


The master of Quatro Cerberus and an old friend of Makarov's.


Voiced by: Yoshimitsu Shimoyama (JP), Steve Summers (EN)




Magic/Weapons: Palm Magic, Drunken Chop-Hanging Fist


The ace of Quatro Cerberus, equivalent in rank and power to Fairy Tail's S-Class. He had a few brushes with Erza in the past and is something of a rival to her.



Magic/Weapons: ???


War Cry


Magic/Weapons: Tear Magic




Magic/Weapons: Man Eating Plant (Unnamed)




Magic/Weapons: ???




Magic/Weapons: ???


Cait Shelter

A guild whose members are descended from an ancient tribe that developed the ancient magic Nirvana...or so they claim. Most of its members are actually just an illusion created by its master for the sole purpose of caring for Wendy.



Magic/Weapons:Though projection, Nirvana


The master of Cait Shelter. He is actually the ghost of the last remaining member of that tribe, refusing to rest until Nirvana is destroyed.


Voiced by: Kazuya Tatekabe (JP)


Wendy Marvell

For more information, see New Members


For more information, see New Members


A guild that rises through the ranks and dethrones Fairy Tail as the strongest guild in all of Fiore over the Time Skip.

  • Anti-Hero: The ones that we've seen enough to guess at their personalities have shown themselves to be rather unpleasant, but as a legal guild who isn't fighting dirty they're still the good guys.
    • Bait the Dog: Chapter 281 officially labels them as Type V, when Guild master Jemma forces Yukino to strip before kicking her out, for ONE failure!
  • Five-Man Band: The team in the tournament seems to fit so far.
  • Mass "Oh Crap": Other than Jemma, everyone seems to get hit with this when Natsu storms their hotel lodging and curbstomps a bunch of their guildmates.
  • Second Place Is for Losers: They seem to have an obsession with being number one.



Magic/Weapons: ???


The master of the guild. He is a HUGE believer in the idea that Second Place Is for Losers.

  • Badass Boast: "To make skies roar... to make earth boil... to make the seas silent. That is Sabertooth."
  • Establishing Character Moment: The first action we see him do was berating the entire guild for losing, then embarrasses Yukino before expelling her. This is all you need to see to get a good summary of him.
  • Gag Nose: Despite being pretty large and bulky, he has a surprisingly thin, long nose.
  • Jerkass: After throwing a wine glass at Yukino, he then has her strip naked in front of the entire guild before tossing her out, all the while belittling her and calling her trash, not just for the crime of losing but for being pitied by her enemy.[1] What a kind and loving Master.
  • Large and In Charge
  • Light Is Not Good: Looks kinda like a Buddhist god with his robes, rosary necklace and crown-like hat, but he seems to lack any "good" qualities.
  • Made of Iron: Took several Lightning and Fire enhaced attacks from Natsu without any visible injury. Course that could have been to Minerva's intervention
  • Prophet Eyes: His eyes are white, round and surrounded by a black shade. They make him look a lot creepier.
  • With My Hands Tied: During his fight with Natsu, he only uses his right arm while his left is in his coat and still manages to hold his own.
  • You Have Failed Me...: Poor Yukino

Sting Eucliffe


Magic/Weapons:Dragon Slayer (Element unknown)


One of the aces of the Sabertooth guild along with Rogue, they are also known as the Dragon Slayer Duo. Sting is the White Dragon Slayer.

  • Anime Hair
  • Arrogant Kung Fu Guy: He and Rogue call themselves true Dragon Slayers since they actually killed a dragon. The two also mock Natsu for failing to kill Acnologia despite not knowing the details behind the incident. Nor, you know, having actually seen the dragon in action.
  • Arrow Catch: Then he eats it and shoots it back with his breath attack.
  • Expy: Sting is incredibly reminiscent of Lucia. He's a blond with a scar by his right eye and a clear rivalry against hero. While not recognized as a wizard saint he his is one of the strongest members of the most powerful guild, and he values strength above relationships. He's just missing the Ax Crazy.
  • Good Scars, Evil Scars: Sting has one on his forehead.
  • Hair of Gold
  • The Hero: Sting is a darker version.
  • Hypocrite: Despite simply giving up when he gets bad motion sickness, Sting still laughs at how weak Yukino was when she got matched against one of the more powerful competitors in the tournament.
  • Jerkass: Though he doesn't say it to her face, Sting mocks Yukino's lack of strength and claims that Sabertooth's better without her.
  • Opera Gloves
  • Self-Made Orphan: He and Rogue killed the dragon who raised them.
  • Suicidal Overconfidence: Automatically assume that they could beat Acnologia despite never having seen it in action.
  • Walking Shirtless Scene
  • Weaksauce Weakness: According to Rogue, all Dragon Slayers suffer from motion sickness.
  • Worthy Opponent: After witnessing Natsu's assault on their lodge, he sees him like one.
  • Yin-Yang Bomb: According to him and Rogue, they are called "Third Generation" Dragon Slayers due to the fact that they learned magic from a dragon, and also had lacrima placed in their body combining the two variations.

Rogue Cheney


Magic/Weapons:Dragon Slayer (Element unknown)


One of the aces of the Sabertooth guild and the Dragon Slayer Duo along with Sting. He is the Shadow Dragon Slayer.

  • Arrogant Kung Fu Guy: Slightly on par to Sting.
  • Badass Cape
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold: After mocking Natsu for what happened on Tenrou Island, revealing he killed the dragon that raised him, and despite simply being a member of Sabertooth, Rogue proves to be a pretty decent person, comforting Frosch and expressing distaste for how Yukino was handled.
  • The Lancer: In contrast to the rest of his team's open arrogance, Rogue is more quiet and contemplative. Still just as arrogant, but not nearly as obvious about it.
  • Peek-a-Bangs
  • Red Eyes, Take Warning
  • Self-Made Orphan: He and Sting killed the dragon who raised them.
  • The Stoic: Rogue barely ever talks or shows interest in anything.
  • Tall, Dark and Handsome
  • Token Good Teammate: After Yukino's kicked out, he openly questions whether or not this is how a guild's supposed to be. He then comforts Frosch when the latter starts to question his right to be in the guild.
    • And also when Natsu tells Sabertooth to treat its members better, Rogue is the only one shown actually contemplating it.
  • Weaksauce Weakness: According to Rogue, all Dragon Slayers suffer from motion sickness.
  • When He Smiles: Here.
  • Yin-Yang Bomb: According to them, they are called "Third Generation" Dragon Slayers due to the fact that they learned magic from a dragon, and also had lacrima placed in their body combining the two variations.

Lecter & Frosch


Magic/Weapons: Aera (by proxy)


A pair of Exceeds who are teamed up with Sting and Rogue, respectively.

Yukino Aguria


Magic/Weapons: Celestial Spirits


Orga Nanagear


Magic/Weapons: Black Lightning


Rufus Lohr


Magic/Weapons: Memory Make




Magic/Weapons: Unknown




Magic/Weapons: Unknown


Mermaid Heel

An all-female guild that came to be over the Time Skip.

Kagura Mikazuchi


Magic/Weapons: Sword of Hatred "Archenemy", Gravity Magic


Arania Web


Magic/Weapons: Web Magic


Beth Vanderwood


Magic/Weapons: Carrot Magic


Risely Law


Magic/Weapons: Gravity Transformation




Magic/Weapons: Kitty Restraint Tube


For more information, see Fairy Tail.

Raven Tail

A guild formed specifically to rival Fairy Tail. Introduced as a dark guild that acts outside the Balam Alliance, it becomes an official guild over the Time Skip.

Ivan Dreyar

Magic/Weapons: Shikigami, Illusion Magic

The master and founder of Raven Tail, as well as Makarov's son and Laxus's father. He seeks revenge against his father after being expelled from Fairy Tail for bad behavior.


Voiced by: Masaharu Sato (JP), Bruce Carey (EN)


  • Abusive Parents/Jerk with a Heart of Jerk: Put Dragon Slayer lacrima in Laxus, which was said to save his sickly body as a child. Then we learn Ivan plans to remove it from his body to sell it when it becomes more powerful as Laxus grows older.
  • Bad Boss: He violently beat Flare offstage for her "poor performance" against Lucy. Possibly due to the fact she needed outside help to win.
  • Beard of Evil
  • Gratuitous Russian: Similar to his dad, "Ivan" is a Russian-sounding name, as is "Alexey".
  • Master of Illusion: He uses a magical projection of himself to sit in the rafters while he participates in the Grand Magic Games disguised as Alexey. He also uses illusion magic to trick the entire audience that he is curb-stomping Laxus just so he can have a moment to reveal his plans to his son.
  • Oedipus Complex: He is on both sides of this trope.
  • Our Souls Are Different: From the little bit seen of his magic, he seems to be able to turn souls into shikigami, which are small pieces of paper.
  • Villainous Demotivator
  • Would Hit a Girl


The leader of the team of wizards sent out to represent Raven Tail in the Grand Magic Games. He is actually Ivan in disguise.



Magic/Weapons: ???


Flare Corona


Magic/Weapons: Hair Magic




Magic/Weapons: Mimicry Magic




Magic/Weapons: Pufferfish Magic

  1. After one failure mind you