Hikonin Sentai Akibaranger/Heartwarming

  • #1: After the first transformation, you can just feel the joy when Nobuo and Yumeria are shouting about how awesome it is that they've transformed.
  • #2: Although it does come at the cost of Nobuo being depressed, Ryuuji Sainei's cameo is pretty heartwarming that even if Nobuo is a 29-years old otaku obsessing on the aimed-at-preteen-kids Sentai, he still thanks and bows at him for being a Dekaranger fan.
  • #5: Yumeria's mother is Dead All Along in #5 as she died five years ago, but the Grand Delusion allowed Yumeria to see her once again. Even more heart warming when you consider that the Grand Delusion syncs delusions together, so in a way, it's really Nobuo and Mitsuki who allowed Yumeria to see her mom.