Hybrid × Heart Magias Academy Ataraxia

Hybrid x Heart Magias Academy Ataraxia, known in Japanese as Masou Gakuen HxH, is a Light Novel series written by Masamune Kuji and illustrated by Hisasi.

The series is set Twenty Minutes Into The Future, in a world where humanity has been nearly wiped out by giant Magitek mecha from another universe, which appear through portals on landmasses above a certain size. The human survivors reside on large floating structures called Mega Floats. Humanity's only defense against the invaders are personalized superweapons called Heart Hybrid Gears (HHGs). The protagonist of the story is one Kizuna Hida, wearer of the HHG Eros. His unique power is to recharge the wielders of HHGs... by being lewd with them. At first Kizuna finds this to be an annoyance, but eventually he finds out ecstasy might actually not be that bad...

An anime adaptation aired as part of the Summer 2016 anime season.

Tropes used in Hybrid × Heart Magias Academy Ataraxia include:
  • Adaptation Explanation Extrication: In episode 11 of the anime, when Nayuta is explaining how her magic power plant works, an important piece of information is left out. In the light novel it's clarified that she only absorbs half of the energy humans recover in one day, because if she drained more then they would die faster and thus less energy will be obtained. The lack of this explanation makes it look like she plans on draining the energy of the inhabitants of Tokyo until they all die.
  • Aerith and Bob: Women of Batlantis have names like Grabel, Aldea, Zelshione, Ragrus… and Grace.
  • Aliens Speaking English
  • The Alliance: Izgard and Ataraxia eventually form an alliance to take down Batlantis. After the empire gets defeated (and befriended) they all make an alliance against Deus Ex Machina.
  • All Your Powers Combined: Eros can use this thanks to its' Power Copying ability and Kizuna wielding the powers of his harem girlfriends proves to be the key to defeating Zelshione and her forces.
  • Almost Kiss: Kizuna and Aine in vol. 7. The new Big Bad Ensemble interrupts them.
  • Artifact Title: The titular academy matters little past vol. 4 of the series. Nayuta lampshades this in vol. 11.
  • As You Know: Reiri explains the state of the world in Episode 2 of the anime to the students of Ataraxia. Obviously, this serves as an infodump for the viewer.
  • Babies Ever After: Kizuna impregnates Zeyclone and Grabel, so those are potential babies for him. The rest of his harem barring Reiri has little to no chance bearing kids because of the HHG cores each girl has, though this is not an impossibility.
  • Badass Army: Friendship does mean a lot in a war.
  • Bathtub Bonding: Between Yurishia and Scarlet, enforced by Kizuna. It helps in mending their broken friendship.
  • Battle Harem: One of the better known "mecha musume" examples.
  • Beach Episode: "Time of Seaside School", the Electronic Special Short Story of Volume 11.
  • Beam-O-War: Kizuna vs. Grabel. Kizuna wins.
  • Beehive Barrier: Standard on HHGs.
  • Bittersweet Ending: The dimensions separate for good, but some Batlantis members stay and Kizuna is very much happy with his harem, doing s-ahem, Ecstasy Hybrid in the hopes of having kids one day.
  • Bleached Underpants: Hisasi illustrated many doujin prior to doing HxH.
  • Breather Episode: Vol. 11 is one.
  • Brother-Sister Incest: Kizuna and Reiri have the hots for each other, and they actually find it to not be all that bad or Squick as they imagined it to be.
  • Cast from Hit Points: All HHG do this, but the -ros series can actually kill the user.
  • The Cavalry: The American West Coast Mega Float for Amaterasu in vol. 2.
  • Clothing Damage: Oh yes, whenever a HHG runs low on power you can expect female beauty to be revealed.
  • Cooldown Hug:
    • Kizuna and Aine in vol. 6.
    • And then Aine and Grace in the very next volume.
  • Cool Ship: Tons, from the Batlantis' Oldium, through Baldein's guardian-deity-slash-warship Golden Dragon, and finally the titular Ataraxia of Izgard and Lemuria.
  • Christmas Cake: Reiri, though it's downplayed in that she's 27, which is still fairly young.
  • Chivalrous Pervert: Kizuna isn't really immune to all the girls surrounding him, and he's very much willing to play into what's their Fetish Fuel for mostly their benefit.
  • Curb Stomp Battle: Grabel vs Amaterasu and the Masters.
    • Played with in regards to Kizuna vs Gravel and Zelshione: Kizuna destroys Gravel but Eros fails at a critical moment. Thankfully Aine saves the day with her all new ability, Code Breaker, wrecking Zelshione and the Batlantis force.
  • Deus Sex Machina: How Eros works. First it starts out with a Heart Hybrid, then it can progress into Climax Hybrid (with Aine, Yurishia and Hayuru). The first recharges the power of a HHG while the second activates a Super Mode. Then there's the Connection Hybrid, and finally Ecstasy Hybrid which makes Kizuna's girls go full-on Physical God mode.
  • Discount Lesbians: Grabel and Aldea, as is most of Batlantis since they're a single sex race. Anyways, they like Kizuna either way.
  • Ecchi: And a particularly sexy example, too!
  • The Empire: Batlantis; according to Aldea it controls half of the world in their dimension.
  • Excuse Plot: Downplayed; the plot isn't bad but most people are there for the sexy women.
  • Fanservice: Consistently so. The authors love curvy girls; even Hayuru, who has A-Cup Angst from time to time is curvy. The only exception here is Silvia; she's there for the Moe fanservice. Most of the time, anyway...
  • Foreshadowing: Hayuru, Yurishia and Silvia present themselves as "school idols for a day" in the school idol episode of the anime, foreshadowing they becoming an actual Idol Singer group in the later volumes of the novel… in the Batlantis Empire.
  • Happiness in Slavery: Yurishia as a more traditional example of a Sex Slave, while Hayuru gets to be the house cat. Thankfully, it's Safe, Sane, and Consensual in both cases.
  • Hope Spot: A rather cruel one in volume 7. The war is over, both worlds were saved, and the main cast managed to befriend their enemies without having to kill anyone. Then the Big Bad Ensemble show up and promptly turn the happy ending into a "Shaggy Dog" Story by destroying both worlds anyway. The fight isn't exactly over, however.
  • Hot Springs Episode: The Special Short Story of Volume 9, as well as the third chapter of Volume 11.
  • Idol Singer: As mentioned above, Hayuru, Yurishia and Silvia become an idol group… after being made prisoners by the Batlantis Empire. They're sent as "goodwill ambassadors" to the Lemurian Empire afterwards, but still.
  • The Immodest Orgasm: A given for everything from Climax Hybrid above.
  • In Medias Res: Starts out with a big, climactic battle that's revealed to be the climax of vol. 4/episode 11 before returning to the beginning of the plot.
  • Life Energy: What powers the HHGs. Batlantis can also drain it from humans.
  • Magic Kiss: Kizuna can juice up a girl's power level with a Kischarge Hybrid, which releases the remaining Hybrid Count of the girl at once but at the expense of both of them dying if their Hybrid Count reaches zero.
  • Magitek: Both the HHGs and their AU equivalents.
  • Mecha-Mooks: Most magitek weaponry wielded by the enemy.
  • Ms. Fanservice: Every. Single. Woman. Is Ridiculously Sexy. We're not exaggerating. Well, except Silvia.
  • Mundane Utility: The Love Room was originally a combat simulation room.
  • Nipple-and-Dimed: Home video releases of the anime only, otherwise the series avoids showing nips even in the otherwise highly explicit LNs.
  • One-Gender Race: The humans of Batlantis are all this; Reiri claims in vol. 7 that this was due to Batlantis wanting more magic power, and men traditionally have less magic, so they were rendered useless.
  • Powered Armor: The HHGs.
  • The Power of Love: The LN effectively runs on this.
  • Power Limiter: HHGs had these so Deus Ex Machina could never be defeated by his own creations. Too bad Nayuta found a way to disable them.
  • Serial Escalation: Goes from low-level and pretty subdued to epic as the novels go on. And so does the Fanservice, which has Kizuna and the entirety of his harem finally engage in a very steamy polygynous sex scene in Vol. 13. as a "culmination", so to speak.
  • Stripperiffic
  • Sexy Discretion Shot: The HHG core has to go straight up to the womb of the female wielder. Silvia's is the most discrete, since she's barely legal in Japanese legal terms, so the anime cuts out that part.
  • Super Mode: Aine, Yurishia and Hayuru get Immoral Weapons once their Hybrid Count goes above full.
  • Their First Time: For everybody in Vol. 13. For real.
  • World of Action Girls: Women are more magically inclined than men so they do all the fighting in this world. Kizuna is the exception since his Core was intended for his older sister, Reiri, but a freak accident caused it to effectively become part of Kizuna's penis.
  • World of Buxom: Except for Silvia.