• Since Hype went back 200 years in time, that must mean that each jump through time takes hype about 66 and 2/3 years into the future as there are three jumps to be made (I to II, II to III and III to IV). Fair enough, but Hype meets Gogoud as a young man during the era of Taskan I and by the era of Taskan II he only looks about 30 years older, not more than 60 years older. Worse still, Gogoud is still alive by the era of Taskan III, making vague excuses about how the experiments Rajoth performed on him prolonged his life. This, however, doesn't explain how Hype was able to meet Wellet, the town shoemaker as a young boy during Taskan I's era, then meet him again as a grown man (again looking about 30 years older) during Taskan II's era and then meet him again as an old man during Taskan III's era, over 130 years after Hype initially met Wellet as a boy. Also, Hype meets a young Prince Taskan, son of King Taskan III during the latter's era as a boy. Then, during the era of the prince's own reign as Taskan IV, he appears not as an old man in his 70s as he logically should, but rather as a sprightly fellow probably in his 40s... Given all this, the idea that Hype was sent 200 years back in time by Barnak simply doesn't make any sense and the people of Torras are all substantially longer lived than normal humans... This troper feels this whole segment should probably go in a new "Just bugs me" segment...
    • Gogoud is explainable, at least...
      • 30 (or 33.3, if we want to say Hype went back 100 years instead of 200) years per jump would make a Hell of a lot more sense. If we assume Wellet to be around 12 when Hype meets him during the Era of Taskan I, that would make him 42 (or 45) in Taskan II's era and 72 (or around 78), whilst Gogoud, if we assume him to be around 20 during Taskan I's era, that would make him 50 (or 53) in Taskan II's era and 80 (or 86, a very long life for someone living in a medieval setting, wizard or not) in Taskan III's era. This also neatly explains Taskan IV being a young boy when Hype visits Taskan III's era and also Senekal, who would be 50ish in Taskan III's era (still young enough to fight, more-or-less) if he was 20ish in Taskan II's era (also Nolin, who may have been 30-35 in Taskan III's era to be 60-68 in Taskan IV's era).
  • Vibe is extemely unwomanly for a lady in the medieval times. There's absolutely no way that she would be allowed to lead a resistance, let alone wear pants!
  • The time travel shenanigans are a little strange. Karon sends you back in time so that her father, Bolduk, can add a treasure room to the Field of Courage, since there is none in her timeline. After you do it, the treasure room is added and Karon retains all her memories. So, to everyone it would just look like the treasure room appeared out of nowhere? But then how do the black guards in the fourth era forget about you when you erase your history in the Almanacs?