Improbable Aiming Skills/Fan Works

Examples of Improbable Aiming Skills in Fan Works include:

  • In the notorious badfic Sailor Moon: American Kitsune, Davey Crockett manages to shoot and completely destroy a throne on the Moon from the Earth with a sawed-off shotgun without hurting the character sitting in it. Don't think about that too hard, or your head will explode.
  • In Light and Dark - The Adventures of Dark Yagami, Dark buys a sniper rifle with which to assassinate Near, and aims at him from the top of the "Eyfal Tower". The implication is that he could have killed Near with a single bullet and didn't need to buy a box... if Near hadn't used a Nerf gun to shoot out Dark's bullets and scope. Later, in what might be due to a typographical error, Dark manages to kill 1000000 (one million) Stormtroopers with 100000 (one hundred thousand) bullets, which requires killing on average, ten people with a single bullet, and only misses once.
  • And then there's Monty Oum's Haloid. The Spartan soldier in that video is simply put, an insane marksman with just about ANYTHING. Ricochets from sniper fire hitting moving targets and ricoheting off of OTHER moving targets, insane levels of accuracy with rapid-fire weapons at a full run, THREE TON VEHICLES, SHOTGUN FU. Seriously. It's like watching every action movie hero's specialty with a weapon crammed into a can of complete fuckwin.
  • Tiberium Wars has a deliberate Take That directed at the official novelization, where a character gets a headshot on a target a hundred meters away with a pistol... except unlike in the official book, the one making this headshot is Colonel Nick "Havoc" Parker.
  • In the Poke Wars 'verse, Dawn (yes, that Dawn) becomes an amazing sharpshooter after her dampeners are disabled. Her key highlights:
    • In The Coalescence she lands "headshots" from a pistol on a swarm of Cloyster. Their "head" (actually the black pearl) is small relative to their body, they are leaping up and their shells are open only for a short time. She doesn't miss a single shot.
    • In Dawn of a New Era she kills three Fearow, one after the other, with headshots... from three kilometers away.
    • In The Pokémon They Carried, it is implied that all the snipers defending Groudon's Wall can easily make two kilometer shots and Dawn happens to be the best of them all.
  • Jun-A266 in Halo: A Fistful of Arrows gets some pretty good shots, like sniping an abductor holding a hostage from a helicopter. But he's also shown struggling to snipe a Hunter, and one improbable shot turns out to have been a Gone Horribly Right for him.