Improbable Aiming Skills/Web Original

Examples of Improbable Aiming Skills in Web Original works include:

  • A Survival of the Fittest example is Trish McCarroll. Using an AK (notorious for recoil) that she'd never fired before (or any guns for that matter), she managed to hit Sloan Henriksen four times in the heart and six in the lungs in a single burst of fire. It's put down to luck, but still, for somebody who has never used a gun it was an incredible feat. Amusingly, given that SOTF is a play by post game, it was actually Sloan's handler that caused the Improbable Aiming Skills. (by mentioning which places the characters was hit in the death post)
    • Along similar lines is Reika Ishida who was shot in the heart or where her heart would have been had she not been a mirror-image twin by Kris Hartmann who not only has no gun experience, but was turning around at the time of firing. The killer later shot Amber Whimsy in the heart as well, this time while lying on their back and not bothering to set up the shot. This can be somewhat forgiven, however, as both characters were relatively close to one another.
    • Clio Gabriella was able to shoot Chris Davidson in the face despite the fact that not only did the character have nerve damage to their hand, but they hadn't been intending to pull the trigger.
  • Chaka. It's part of her superpowers. She can use her Ki to throw just about anything wherever she wants. Knives, shuriken, throwing spikes, you name it. She has a 'dartboard' that is the size of a quarter, and she throws sewing needles at it. She still hasn't missed the bullseye.
    • Also, Hive and Deadeye have superpowers that let them be unbelievably good snipers. Okay, Hive had decades of experience as a U.S. Navy sniper before getting those powers.
  • Ballistic, a superhero from the Global Guardians PBEM Universe is said to be the best shot in the world with a handgun, and qualfiies as a Trick Shot, a master of Gun Fu, and is absolutely a Quick Draw.
    • Red Eagle, Briar Rose, The Bowman, Obsidian Arrow, Yeoman, Artemis, and Warpath are all "super archers", and are able to skim the wings off flies in mid-flight with their arrow-shots.