/wiki/Juan Giménezcreator

Juan Giménez is an Argentinian Comic Book artist. He is known for his gorgeous, fully hand-painted artwork.

An example of his Robosexual leanings

Giminéz is most well-known globally for his art on Alejandro Jodorowsky's seminal series, The Metabarons. He also worked on Heavy Metal, and has contributed frequently to Heavy Metal Magazine. Other works he's illustrated include La Cittá with Italian Ricardo Barreiro, his own Le Quatrième Pouvoir (The Fourth Power), and contributions to Italian fantasy magazine L'Eternauta.

His personal website is here, in Spanish only. A gallery of his work can be found here. Most of his work contains nudity.

Not to be confused with José Jiménez.

Juan Giménez provides examples of the following tropes:
  • Author Appeal
    • Buxom Is Better: No surprise here, he is a comic book artist after all.
    • Robosexual: A look at the gallery linked above shows that he likes drawing hot women in compromising positions with robots.
  • Scenery Porn. Giménez is applauded for his incredible attention to detail, which extends to his beautiful scenery. He can paint space battles and paradise landscapes with equal skill.
  • White-Haired Pretty Boy / White-Haired Pretty Girl: Most of his characters have white hair. This is not just because Jodorowsky told him to in The Metabarons, he also keeps the hair white in most of his other work.