Just Launch It Already

Oh, c'mon, people, this candidate has been slumbering in the Trope Workshop for eons now! It's been edited and re-edited, discussed from here to Hawaii, and has gotten far more than the minimum five examples! Just launch this monster already, before it grows even more and starts rampaging across downtown Tokyo!

It's all prepped and ready! Just strap in and push the Big Red Button!

A common syndrome among Trope Workshop entries is when the original poster of the entry for some reason (forgot about it/had no internet/write your own excuse) and starts ignoring it. In this case, instead of being launched immediately after accumulating a critical example mass and finding a nice title, the candidate sits in the Workshop for weeks or even months, repeatedly edited or commented upon by people who find it tropeworthy but dare not launch it themselves out of fear to offend the original poster.

Also, if you think yourself smart for declaring a your trope ready and hoping that somebody will launch it, we have bad news for you: no one will. Instead, the entry will accumulate another 60 edits and/or comments and just sit there because nobody would ever want to sort that mess out. Or just go down as it is, because everybody is busy monitoring and launching their own tropes. Either way, your trope ain't gonna get launched, period. So take responsibility for your creations, damn it.

The wiki's official made-up rule on the use of this trope is as follows: If Just Launch It Already is used twice in a single proposal, "ownership" of the proposal falls from whoever made it to whoever has been demanding a launch. So quit yer yappin' and Just Launch It Already!

However, the same corollary applies here as in Godwin's Law in that this rule cannot be invoked deliberately in order to steal proposals. Yeah, like that's gonna happen.