King's Quest V Abridged

A two-part Abridged Series by ExcaliburBrothers from 2009 that mocks King's Quest V's terrible voice acting.

"The CD version of Kings Quest V was one of the first ever games to have voice acting. Unfortunately, gamers wished the characters had kept their mouths shut when they were treated to some true audio atrocities."

Watch the first part here.

King's Quest V Abridged provides pOIsonous examples of:

Mordack: "You big meanie, Graham! Your son Alexander turned my brother Manannan into a cat! What did he do to deserve that? Other than enslaving a series of boys and killing them before they could grow strong enough to oppose him!?"

Mordack: "I love to steal castles and shrink families in the morning... because that's what I'm doing now!"

Cedric: "Watch your money around the gypsies, Graham! They come from far away and wear weird clothes!"
Graham: (with a close-up of Cedric) "Look who's talking, Cedric!"

  • Improbable Weapon User: Graham seriously thinks that Mordack's kitchen is actually his armoury. Why else would he leave those deadly peas lying around?
  • Incredibly Lame Pun: Apparently Harpies like harps. And also when Graham dispatches the blue monster in Mordack's castle.

Graham: "It's time to give peas a chance!!"

Manannan: "I'll have my revenge, Graham! You'll see! One day, I'll pee in your shoes!!"

Graham: "Cedric! Fetch me the snake-repealing tambourine!"