Kingdom Hearts is a Massive Multiplayer Crossover with a penchant for the Kudzu Plot. It's gonna take a lot of Fridge Brilliance to sort this out.

For Fridge Logic and such relating to Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep, check here. For Kingdom Hearts 358 Days Over 2, here it is. For Kingdom Hearts II, look it at here. For Kingdom Hearts 3D, loot it at here.

Kingdom Hearts I

  • Kairi was inside of Sora for most of Kingdom Hearts. Sora was D-Linking Kairi!
    • Which is why Sora has some Magic he lacks in other games during the first, like Gravity-based moves! Brilliant!
  • I used to be annoyed by the scene in Traverse Town where Sora gets depressed about Kairi, and Donald and Goofy have to remind him to believe, right before we see a flashback to Kairi's childhood at the Radiant Gardens. Didn't Sora JUST finish talking about how he still believes that he'll find Kairi, and he's in a good mood because of it in Neverland? But then I remembered, Sora's still a hormonal teenage boy. Words are words, but he's still hurting inside.
  • Something about the surreal intro to the first Kingdom Hearts always just kind of bothered me. When it cuts to Sora falling from the sky -- given I was eight when I first saw that and thus didn't know the pun in Sora's name, but when I learned it I was like, "Oh. Sora, sky. Cute." Then, years later, waiting for 358D, I was thinking about this and realized something. Sora, Kairi, and Riku were all taken from their namesakes. Kairi washed up from the ocean, Riku left Destiny Islands (the earth), and to echo this, Sora fell from the sky -- further symbolic of everything they once knew falling out of place.
    • Also acts as foreshadowing, because within Kingdom Hearts, people can fall into a different world as a shooting star. Sora falls from the sky but isn't a shooting star because he is able to travel from world to world, not actually landing in any of them.
    • Another thing is that the relationships between the three (Sora, Kairi, and Riku) reflects the meaning of their names. So Sora is the sky, Riku the earth, Kairi the horizon bridging OR separating the two.
  • Here's some Fridge Brilliance for you, In the first game you visit the Tarzan themed level "Deep Jungle" however after the first game they lost the rights to the series so they could never use or recall the events of the level. How do they Retcon it? By have the next game take place in a castle that wipes your memories as you progress of course, which means even after getting their memories back they never recovered that memory. Well done Square Enix, well done.
  • I was furious for years after playing the original Kingdom Hearts due to one hanging plot thread that was never explained throughout the games; in the jungle level, when Jane shows you a bunch of slides, Slide 6 shows an unknown castle, which Sora says 'feels familiar', and as far as I could see was never explained. Come to realize, years later, that this was due to Kairi's heart being within Sora, as the castle was actually Hollow Bastion, Kairi's homeworld, and it was her recognizing it and projecting onto Sora. Subtle foreshadowing, game. Good job.
    • This troper recently realized exactly why Roxas wields Oathkeeper and Oblivion: namely, because it reflects his thoughts on himself
    • I actually caught that one when I played it in 2002 - I assumed when I reached Hollow Bastion, that it was the castle projected in slide 6.
  • That voice schooling you in the prolouge... was that Ventus?
    • I really hate to knock good and logical Fridge Brilliance, but...Word Of God says it was King Mickey. (at least from my sources)
      • Wouldn't be the first Retcon made by Birth by Sleep. Considering the voice in Ventus' heart claiming to be "a brand new heart" was a newborn Sora, I really think the logical conclusion is that Ventus is the one now subconciously guiding Sora.
      • Keeping in mind, however, that the things Nomura reveals in interviews tend not to be retconned afterward.
  • Fridge Brilliance: Certain Keyblades in the game are meant to represent certain characters. Oathkeeper represents Kairi, Oblivion represents Riku, etc. Now think back aaaaaaall the way back to the tutorial. What's the last thing your Voice with an Internet Connection tells you? "Your heart is the most powerful weapon of all." Which is the Keyblade that represents Sora? Ultima Weapon.
  • This one verges on the brink of Captain Obvious, but at a first glance, Sora should not be able to win his fights against the forces of DARKNESS with rudimentary sword skills that he picked up from sparring on Destiny Islands with Riku. Then we find out from BxS that he has had Ven's heart inside of him since he was four. He's drawing on the powers of a being who not only became skilled enough to utterly dominate his dark half (Vanitas) in their final battle, but one whose heart is pure light. Sora's Master Swordsman qualities come from his status as a Badass Abnormal, which would explain why he initially fared so poorly in CoM; he had to rely on the abilities he honed without Ven's help.
    • This would explain some of the abilities he learns. Sonic Rave, Strike Raid and Arc Arcanum are all skills learned by Ven. This includes Mega Flare and Holy in KH:COM
      • Would make sense if it wasn't for Word of God saying that Sore didn't inherit anything from Ven's heart. Meaning, Sora's power was his own.
        • Yes but Sora's ability to wield two keyblade's comes from having a second keyblade wielders heart in him.
  • This troper seriously just realized after reading this page why the Kingdom Key is called that. It's the key to Kingdom Hearts!
    • It's also a biblical reference to the Keys to the Kingdom of Heaven. Kingdom Key and Kingdom Key D also have the same colour schemes as the Keys to the Kingdom of Heaven in some illustrations. Trivia-man, AWAY!
      • Neither are true, actually. The X-Blade, on the other hand, qualifies for both. It is a bibilical reference (just look at the keychain) and is actually the key to Kingdom Hearts. Kingdom Key isn't however.
        • Says you. As it is, there has been nothing released refuting the claim that the Kingdom Keys are not what the X-blade became when it shattered.
  • This theory contains a little Wild Mass Guessing, but grin and bear. The Kingdom keys were completely non-existent in BBS, right? What if, after the X-blade was destroyed, it broke in two? Being that Ventus had a heart of pure light, it stands to reason the Kingdom Key of the light realm is the half made from his heart. The opposite applies for Vanitas. So on the Destiny Islands, when the Keyblade chose Sora over Riku, it wasn't just that his heart was stronger, the key was returning to its original owner.
    • But Ventus was originally going to have the Kingdom Key-D as a usable weapon. How does that work?
      • In earlier versions he was going to use it. But not in the final version. Why? Because they decided that according to the plot, it didn't exist yet.
      • In earlier versions, Radiant Garden was also Hollow Bastion (or at least, the part of it Terra and Ven are shown in was underwater in BBS times). Wouldn't be the first thing they removed for chronological reasons.
  • Back in the original Kingdom Hearts where you fight Ansem Xehanort's Heartless at End of the World, he describes the Destiny Islands to the heart seeking freedom as "a prison surrounded by water". You may think he's only talking about Riku, but it takes on a double meaning if you've played or watched Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep, where you find out that the original Master Xehanort was a native of Destiny Islands, who like Riku also wanted to visit other worlds. It's quite interesting to see the similarities between the two.
  • It Just Bugged Me how the anime-styled Sora & co. looked so out-of-place among all the classic Disney characters. Then I realized it's because he is out of place.
    • Except his shoes, because while he's an outsider, he isn't completely alien to them.
    • Actually, it fits in better than you know. The "anime style" is based on the granddaddy of modern manga, Astro Boy. The art style for Astro Boy was inspired by comics starring Scrooge McDuck, a Disney character. The Disney art style is why the anime art style exists. That said, at least in Kingdom Hearts one, it is a bit strange, but this doesn't really seem to be the case in any of the other games, meaning that it's really just an issue of graphics quality instead of art style. Of course, the whole thing is still YMMV.
  • I just realized a funny little thing about Kingdom Hearts. Because so much of the series comes from Disney Animated Canon, it is likely that the series's Global Currency, "Munny", is spelled like that instead of "Money" as a reference to Winnie the Pooh, and how Pooh would always spell "Honey" as "Hunny".
  • When Sora dies, you see him fall over and a heart drifts up... Just like the Heartless (Which are made out of possessed hearts, oddly enough.) It wasn't until my second playthrough that I worked out why: It's not his heart that he's losing there. His heart dies when he does.
  • There is a part at End of the World where Sora is in a large cavern. Lots of multicolored crystals stick out in odd places. It was when I noticed that all the chests in this room contain Gummi pieces that something finally clicked: the crystals in the room are Gummi pieces as well. In other words, Gummi pieces come from dead worlds. Meteor showers have Gummi pieces with them, pieces that originated from a once whole world. Captain Hook's chests had plenty of gummi pieces, because of his constant space travel. The reason travel is impossible when the worlds are restored is not only because the world's walls are put back up, but also because the gummi pieces and ships to get there are from parts of the walls too.
    • Unfortunately it's explicitly stated Gummis are fragments of the barriers between worlds. Also your Gummi ship doesn't fall apart at the end of Kingdom Hearts, because it's seen again in Kingdom Hearts II. Or at least the Highwind model is.
  • In one cutscene, Hades tells Maleficent "Who invited you to the party?" Now remember what happened to Maleficent in her movie?
  • There are no puppy chests in Atlantica for obvious reasons.
    • In a similar vein, you can't use summons in Atlantica either.
  • During your second visit to Hollow Bastion, you find Belle in the library. Nice touch.
    • Hell, this troper went to the library expecting her to be there, figuring the game developers wouldn't look over this particularly unique part of her character.
  • After beating Riku in Hollow Bastion, you can't move on until you solve the puzzle and find the scattered pieces. Why is the puzzle there in the first place? Because the villains knew that Sora would be able to unlock any other lock with the Keyblade.
  • Fridge Logic: Birth by Sleep has shown that in Kingdom Hearts, you can't breathe in space. If that's the case, how was Monstro able to survive in space without his head exploding?
    • It's a whale floating through space. Don't think too hard about it.
    • I'm not even sure how BBS proved that. They wear the armor to prevent themselves from being corrupted by the darkness in space. In BBS, Xehanort refuses to wear the armor, believing that it he should welcome the darkness rather than reject it, while Mickey gets knocked unconscious and is suspended in space without armor until Aqua finds him. It's fair to say you can breath in space.
      • No, it's not that they can breathe in space, it's that Mickey has the magic of his Star Shard protecting him, even when he is unconscious. No character in Birth by Sleep or any Kingdom Hearts game is shown to be able to move around to other worlds without a ship, corridors of darkness, or Keyblade armor protecting them. Monstro might have a way for air to circulate through his body, especially given how insanely complex and weird the inside of the whale is.
    • Air is never brought up, it's just the corrupting influence of darkness, this isn't space as we think of it, it's The Realms Between, We don't kno sure if Monstro could be corrupted, or even if he has a heart.
        • Hell, although we are told that he tore through dimensions to get to Hollow Bastion, it's safe to conclude that Beast managed to utilize the corridors of darkness himself.
    • The main characters spend days building a raft to escape Destiny Islands. I guess the three boats moored to the jetty weren't acceptable?
      • BBS implies that they don't actually own the boats, and simply borrow from their parents, and they'd rather make themselves a boat than steal. That said, we're talking about one obsessive teenager who thought he could travel to another world by raft, and brought his two friends along for the ride, it's fair to say Riku's not quite right in the head.
        • Isn't it implied in the games that space and the ocean are basically the same thing? Lets think for a minute; Kairi floated from Raidiant Garden to the islands, Kiari's note in a bottle made it to the world of darkness by sea and you encounter both Captain Hook's ship and Monstro in the middle of a gummi ship section. I think Riku was perfectly reasonable in thinking you could make it to another world by raft.
      • If you look, the boats are quite small, only suited for rowing themselves between islands, not for a long journey away from them. The raft, in addition to having a sail (so they wouldn't be paddling all frigging day) is much bigger. They could all be together on the same craft, and it would also hold more supplies than all three boats combined. Not that Kairi's list of "supplies" would even last a day, but let's assume they had been gathering stuff for far longer than two days...
  • Ansem/ Xehanort's Heartless wears clothing which is very similar to the clothing Master Xehanort wore in Birth By Sleep. Now, I'll be engaging in a bit of WMG here, but just smile and nod. The Xehanort from which Ansemnort came from was the result of MX possessing Terra, plus Laser-Guided Amnesia. What if, after Xehanort lost his heart, Terra's and MX's hearts split, Terra's becoming Xemnas, MX's becoming Ansemnort. It would explain why Ansemnort wears the clothing he does, and would also explain why Xemnas addresses Aqua's armor as "friend" in Final Mix+. Also, the hammy qualities of both. (Which is ironic, given Jason Dohring's performance as Terra.)
  • If you think about it Sora and Mickey share a lot of similarities. Both star as main characters in their domain, they both are happy-go-lucky with moments of silliness and not to mention share the same outfit (red trousers, large yellow shoes and white gloves anyone?). Did I mention adventurous and curious?
    • Mickey was intended to be the protagonist of the game at first, though there was an argument over Donald getting to be the protagonist. So they made Sora. It's a nice Mythology Gag too.
  • This hit me in my second playthrough. It's shown at the end that Kairi's heart is within Sora, right? Remember the bit at the start of the game where she falls into him and disappears? You can probably put two and two together from here. Now that just blew this tropers mind.
  • Fridge Logic leading into Fridge Brilliance, we see in Birth by Sleep that only a Keyblade wielder has the power to extract the hearts of the Princesses of Heart, leading into Fridge Logic about how Maleficent is able to capture their hearts in Kingdom Hearts. Then Fridge Brilliance kicks in when you remember the princesses were contained in the Sanctuary of Hollow Bastion--she didn't capture their hearts, which was why she kidnapped them physically and sealed them in sleep until she could. This also explains why she recruited Riku for no immediately obvious reason, as she knows from Birth by Sleep she needs a Keyblade wielder to get the hearts.
    • This ascends to Fridge Horror; The Princesses of Heart in Birth by Sleep (albeit Kairi) all look exactly the same ten years later, in Kingdom Hearts. This implies that they were kidnapped immediately after Birth by Sleep by Maleficent and kept catatonic for ten years. Right after they all got their "happy endings", too. Cruel.
  • Sabor is referred to as male here when in the source movie, she's female. All trivia aside, the journal was written by Jiminy. How is he going to know her gender? She just looks like a hungry, snarling animal to him.
    • True, but I imagine Jiminy had a good look at Sabor's... parts when you fight him/her the last time.
    • Perhaps proper Disney characters don't have genitalia and reproduce by some other method? This would mean both that Sabor would have no parts to look at, and Jiminy would have no parts of his own as reference.
      • Um... I was more under the impression that Jiminy took a quick look at Sabor, then spent the rest of the fight hiding in Sora's hood, where he couldn't see anything.
  • Fridge Brilliance: Sora looking for items in the first game is him rummaging in his pockets. And likewise, he's not as used to magic so he has to select it manually. When you shortcut a spell, he "Defaults" to those (Especially Cure) because he knows they're most important. And in the later games when he can do this with items, it's because he's learned he should keep them prepared ahead of time so he doesn't have to rummage through his pockets and get killed.
  • Fridge Brilliance: Remember how after you rescue Kairi, all the Heartless get about 50% stronger? This bothered me, but then I played KHII, and realized: they weren't stronger, Sora was weaker. Half of his power went to Roxas, since a Nobody is said to hold half of the Somebody's power. As for why Donald, Goofy, and the world-specific heroes got de-powered, don't think too hard about it.


  • I initially couldn't stand Namine in Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories. I thought she was a Canon Sue trying to usurp Kairi's position- And then I got further along in the plot, and things were cleared up, and I realized she's actually adorable in a universe's-Butt Monkey kind of way. And wasn't getting in the way of my shipping after all. ... Hey, I was fourteen, gimme a break XD
    • I had a Fridge Brilliance moment with Namine as well, but a rather different one: she seems to be a Canon Sue, but she is in fact a subversion/deconstruction - she has incredible powers, and she does manage to get the main character to like her... but this is shown to be a horrible, damaging thing, since she basically has to erase his memories to do so. That and yes, the universe hates her, which also helps to de-sueify her.
    • Also, she was a Canon Sue trying to usurp Kairi's position -- that is exactly what she was ordered to do.
  • Good God, Larxene's hair. We've all been at least a little annoyed by those antennae, right? Well, given that her power is electricity, it could be argued that she can't get wet at all, and has therefore never washed her hair. If that were the case, she'd need to make it so the slicked-back style looked like it was on purpose instead of by necessity. Hence, the stylized antennae.
    • Maybe it's just static electricity making her hair stand up. I'd rather think that, instead of thinking that her hair is so unclean it can stand.
    • Or, you never know. Maybe's it's just a regular hairdo in the world of Disney and Square Enix's combined powers of ridiculous 'dos...
  • Why do you use cards in Castle Oblivion? Because Aqua created Castle Oblivion from the ruins of the Land of Departure as a means to protect Ventus's body. As an attempt to restrict access and mobility, she ordained that no one could act inside Castle Oblivion without the use of cards similar to the command slots she had trained with.
    • ...Only they're purposefully more annoying! That is brilliant!
  • The marked differences in portrayal of Final Fantasy characters between their original games and Kingdom Hearts, such as altered appearances and personalities, mismatched ages and/or simply being from different games, seems like a strange decision, until you take into account that this is a Disney game. Square was simply adapting the Final Fantasy series as a whole in the same loose manner Disney adapts theirs.
  • At first it bugged me that Kairi won't be taking the Mark of Mastery Exam, but then I realized: She isn't as experienced as Sora or Riku yet.
    • And given that Ven was playable in BBS even though he wasn't taking the exam, Kairi could still be playable.
  • About character themes: Ventus and Vanitas' themes are medleys and remixes of Sora's and Roxas' themes, right? However, remember that this game is a prequel. Ventus' theme isn't an expanded remix of Roxas' theme, Roxas' theme is Ventus' theme, stripped of several of it's instruments and notes. Likewise, Ventus' and Vantias' themes aren't using riffs from Sora's theme, Sora's theme is the union of their themes. You know what this implies for Sora, guys. Pretty ironic, considering that the part which comes from Vanitas is the cheerful one in Sora's theme.
    • On a similar note, No Heart's battle theme, Forze del Oscurita, is a combination of Forze del Male (Xehanort's Heartless' battle theme) and Darkness of the Unknown (Xemnas' battle theme). No Heart is the discarded keyblade armor of Master Xehanort, who would later be split into Xehanort's Heartless and his nobody, Xemnas. In short, Master Xehanort's battle theme (via keyblade armor) was split apart just as he himself would eventually be.
  • As annoying as it is to wait even longer for Kingdom Hearts III because of Zero Point, Nomura did say that he wanted to tell the story of Mickey's time in the Dark Realm. Aqua's appearance is just a Sure Why Not in response to her popularity.
  • At first I thought it was odd how in Re Coded Sora didn't have MP and instead it was just a bar that filled up and depleted when it was used. Then it hit me. You're in a datascape. Your abilities are LOADING!
  • At the end of Chain of Memories, Naminé puts Sora to sleep in a pod that resembles a giant lotus bloom. Traditionally, lotus are associated with the concept of rebirth--meaning that Sora was actually experiencing a Birth by Sleep!
  • The announcement of Birth by Sleep Volume Two in BBS Final Mix annoyed a lot of people, but remember, Nomura said there'd be two games released between Days/BBS/coded and III (he explicitly stated that re:coded wasn't one of the two - quote: "It's like one game's been added"). One is 3D, the other is BBS Vol II. It was always coming. Nomura didn't break a promise - he just kept one that everyone had forgotten! Insert evil laughter here.
  • Ever notice how, in Kingdom Hearts II, you primarily fight Emblem Heartless (the ones with Hearts on their Chests that release Hearts when killed) and only fight Purebloods (the ones that don't have either of those like Shadows, Neoshadows, Darkballs etc) in large numbers in The World That Never Was? Simple: the Purebloods can't easily get to you! Yen Sid specifically states that the actions in the first game prevented a vast number from pouring into the Realm of Light from the Dark Realm, but he never goes into detail about why there's still so many Heartless in general (heck, you fight an army of them halfway through the game). The Emblem Heartless are running around stealing Hearts and being manufacuted, but the Purebloods have to find a way through from the Dark Realm now! That's why you only fight lots of them in TWTNW: it's easier for them to get through because TWTNW sits on the darker side of the Realm of In-Between (the same applies to Castle Oblivion and possibly The Keyblade Graveyard in Birth by Sleep).
  • Sora, Riku, and Kairi have REALLY disturbing names. So, one thing you need to know about Japanese is that it is utterly choked with homophones. Now, fans seem to think Sora's name is from is Sky, Kairi's is from Sea, and Riku's is from Land... And that's totally valid. But remember what I said about homophones? Riku is a word for land. It is also a word that means "the agony of separations". Kairi is actually the word for Nautical Mile, and this is significant, because it shows that the creators were deliberately aiming for names with double meanings. The other meanings of Kairi are: alienation, dissociation, estrangement, detachment, and beaver. I'm pretty sure the last one is coincidental, as you'll see. Sora is the word for sky. It's kanji is 空. The kanji has another definition: emptiness, blank, vacuum.
    • You know what else means emptiness? Vanitas.
  • In the Kingdom Hearts manga, one of the changes made to the story is to give the Organization XIII members quirky little habits; things they do when they're not engaging Sora. Lexaeus fiddles with puzzle rings, Zexion cooks, Larxene reads Marquis De Sade, some of them play Twister, etc. The first time I read it, I thought it was simply an attempt to give them a funny quirk; an amusing, but frankly unnecessary way to make the Organization more like a Quirky Miniboss Squad. Then I played 358/2 Days, and I realized that this totally makes sense! The Organization members don't have hearts; emotions and such are very hard for them, and they don't understand a lot of concepts that we humans take for granted. The "vacation" day brings this into sharp relief. Without any missions to do, Roxas finds it hard to fill a single day without work. He ends up wandering around town before doing the only thing he's ever done to pass time; ice-cream. Axel too; he pretty much just sleeps the whole day away, and Roxas is quoted as saying that he has no idea how humans can remain sane over a month of summer vacation. But back to the manga. In light of that little revelation, it makes sense that the Organization members would have these little habits; they're things that they do simply to kill time. They're probably all things they remember doing as a human, so it's all they really know how to do to pass time.--Enlong
  • I'd recently finished 358/2 Days, and was thinking about Organization XIII's Sigil Spam of the Nobody symbol. Jokingly I thought that it was because they kept forgetting, and kept needing to be reminded that they're Nobodies in Org XIII. Then it hit me. That that's basically what they're doing. Being Nobodies, they have so little identity left, that they're clinging to the scraps they do have (as evidenced with things like catchphrases in Days). Thus posting the Nobody symbol everywhere is just another way of clinging to their present identity (and to a lesser extent their goal of getting a heart). Brilliant!
  • There's some Fridge Logic here: I finished Re:coded, and I'm starting to wonder...Is it a Sequel Hook for Kingdom Hearts II or Kingdom Hearts 3D? It makes even less sense when the normal ending is one for KH2 and the secret ending is one for KH3D.
    • Speaking of the ending of RE:coded: It's said that Xehanort is back because both his Nobody and Heartless have been killed. That means Organization XIII can come back in future installments. Let The Wild Hunt for your favorite sociopath's Heartless commence! Otherwise, if Nomura wants an easy solution (NEVER. EVER.), the bosses from the first game were left unidentified...
      • That reminds me of something I thought. Xehanort had lead Ansem's five apprentices to giving up their hearts, all of them becoming Heaertless. In the first game, the biggest purebloods are Darksides. How many (real) Darksides appear in the game? One in Destiny Islands, one in The End of the World, and three in the Realm of Darkness (the ones Mickey OHKO'd). That makes five...Just some food for thought.
        • In Birth By Sleep, Aqua's story shows additional Darksides actually (when she sacrifices her armor and Keyblade in order to send Terra-Xehanort back to the realm of the light), so your theory is actually null. Of course, I'm not even counting the Darkside that Roxas and Xion fight in 358/2 Days...
    • Re:Coded takes place between Sora and Riku's return to the islands and the final scene of the epilogue. The final scene in Re:Coded and the final scene of the KH 2 epilogue are one and the same, except the former also shows Mickey writing the letter and reveals the contents. The Sequel Hook is for 3D.
  • Another bit of Fridge Brilliance from Days. Why is the fight between Saix and Roxas the only battle between two 'human' characters without any real discussion? Because both of them are Nobodies who are aiming for different things, so there's no way they could change anything by talking to each others.
  • If Sora is holding onto Ven's heart, perhaps Anti-Sora is actually Vanitas?
    • Or heck, even Darkside. It's a good assumption that Vanitas is lodged somewhere in Sora's heart.
  • Why is it that only two of the games has a simple whole number in the name (Kingdom Hearts I by proxy and Kingdom Hearts II by actuality)? They are the only ones where you actually control Sora as a complete being.
    • What about Chain of Memories?
      • He wasn't truly complete; his Nobody was having his own adventure at the time. Due to the uniqueness of Sora's situation, it's difficult to say for sure what he was, but it wasn't whole.
      • My personal guess is, that he was technically a human-form heartless, staying sane on Kairi's light to replace his soul/mind (Which was with Roxas at the time), but that might be a by of a WMG-y stretch...
  • The Sephiroth we see during the series? It's part of Cloud that Sephiroth used to possess and control Cloud through most of Final Fantasy VII. The one that was defeated in the unloseable battle at the end of that game.
  • In Days, we find that Xemnas wants to find the room of Castle Oblivion that Ven is in. In the first game, "Ansem" wanted to get into the Dark Realm. Could he have been trying to find Aqua? Terra still has a presense in Xehanort's Heartless.
    • So wait Ansem/ Xehanort's Heartless while trying to get Kingdom Hearts that was in the realm of darkness was also trying to find Aqua. The heck Xemnas is excusable trying to find the room in Castle Oblivion because he seems to be carry more influence from Terra but Xehanort's Heartless would carry more influence from Master Xehanort.
    • They both carry traits from both, Master Xehanort and Terra's hearts are fused together and became Appreticenort's Heartless, Ansem, Seeker of Darkness, while Xehanort's soul and Terra's body became Apprenticnort's Nobody, Xemnas. Terra's soul became the Lingering Sentiment.
  • In Days and Kingdom Hearts II, Beast is depressed because of Xaldin. That's because he was more succeptable to darkness after the first game. Corridors of Darkness make the users heart susceptable to darkness without protection.
  • Why are all of Organization XIII (& Nobodies in general) so mean & nasty, when not having a heart should mean that they are as incapable of Negative Emotions as they are of Positive Ones? It's because the void where their heart was is being filled by the Darkness, creating a Heart made of Darkness in the same way as the Heartless have bodies made of Darkness. It therefore takes a great effort for the being to overcome the negative emotions that the Darkness brings with it (Fear, Anger, Hate) which based on how everyone views them they may not see the point in or even want to do if they were evil to begin with.
    • Nobodies do not have hearts of any sort, darkness or light. They are incapable of any kind of emotion, positive or negative. Some of them act "mean & nasty" because they do have memories of their previous lives, which they can use to act on, as a force of habit. Xemnas and Saix don't even bother with the act. Nobodies cannot be being filled with darkness, because the darkness rejected them just as the light did.
      • Dream Drop Distance seems to give some support to this theory with the revelation that Nobodies naturally develop a new heart over time, though it varies from individual to individual. Xemnas's true intention was to keep them ignorant of their own returning hearts until he could use Kingdom Hearts to make them all empty vessels for Xehanort's will. That's right. His entire plan was to use Kingdom Hearts not to give them hearts, but to STRIP them of the hearts they didn't realize they were regaining.
  • This hit like a ton of bricks. Terra and Riku share many similarities right? Both are named for the earth in some way. Both are the big brother of their group. Both relie on power more than their friends. They also were body-jacked by the same being in two different states of bodilessness.They also have one more similarity:
    • Remember how at the end of Birth by Sleep that the talk Terra and Xehanort have in the heart that Terra is harboring Eraqus within him. Okay heres the fun part, Riku was possessed by the heartless of the Xehanort created when Master Xehanort possessed Terra, a two for one heartless if you will, and when the encoded blew up kingdom hearts at World that Never Was he was purged of darkness, keep in mind that Terra's heart was not purely darkness. The similarities shown may implie the location of Terra is within Riku.
  • Riku handing Kairi an extra keyblade is weird at first even with the explaination in Birth by Sleep implying that Aqua preform an unintentional keyblade inheritance ceremony with her because it make you wonder where he got the keychain for the Destiny's Embrace. When you think about Signs of What's Next(the secret ending from Re:Coded) Mickey says their close to finding out where Ven's heart is while Yen Sid mentions only Terra remains to be found, meaning they already found Aqua and if that's the case then maybe it was Riku that found her since chronologically speaking Aqua would have had the Destiny's Embrace Keychain. All in all it make one wonder if Nomura had that planned out in his head.
  • This one is fairly simple, but hard to notice due to mislabeling. Axel's chakrams are actually more like Chinese Wind and Fire Wheels. Axel's power is fire, and is friends with Roxas, the nobody of Sora /Ventus, who would most accurately be represented by Wind.
    • Actually, Roxas' attribute is Light, not Wind. That's Xaldin.
      • Focus on the names, not the powers.
  • The stations in Sora's awakening in Kingdom Hearts 1 had the princesses in the order of which one Ven visited first but the colour of the station also shows which world Terra Aqua Ven showed up to first. Ven travelled to Dwarf Woodsland leads to Snow White's station being in green tones, Aqua went to Castle of Dreams first the station for Cinderella is blueish, Terra first went to Enchanted Dominion and so Aurora's station ended up red, no one noticed before because those colours also match the princess involved.
  • In Bb S, the Unknown battle is, according to Word of God, canonical. It doesn't make a lot of sense, since the first time around you can't fight the Unknown, only on your subsequent playthroughs. It does make sense if you consider a possible time travel.
  • You know that scene in BbS where Lea picks up Ventus' wooden keyblade and gives it a few swings? Well, twelve years and a whole lot of crap later, he gets a keyblade for real. Nicely foreshadowed, Nomura.
  • So why is it that Data-Roxas is torturing Data-Sora about losing memories in Castle Oblivion? It's because Roxas lost his memory of Xion. Even in the ending of 358/2 Days we can clearly see that Roxas remembers Xion to some extent, and Riku mocks him for it, so it's very likely that he wanted Sora to feel the absolute pain of remembering that there was someone so close to you but not being able to remember their face, name, or why they were so close to you.
  • In the White Room of the Old Mansion in Twilight Town (during KHII), one of Namine's drawings depicts four figures: two of them are obviously Roxas and Axel, but who are the other two? Perhaps Riku and Xion, drawn before the Ret-Gone?
  • Has any of you seen how Roxas and Naminé get on at both the prologue and the ending of Kingdom Hearts II? It´s almost like they are in love. But then, I realized that they actually are in love. Roxas got Sora´s memories, ALL of them. So, who could say that he didn´t get the memories from COM in which Sora´s memories get wiped and he starts believing that he loves Naminé? We all know how the subconscious plays tricks on us, right? Well, Roxas has memories of Sora falling in love with Naminé, but he can´t remember them. However as Naminé puts it, the memories don´t dissappear, they are just disconnected. This way, when he meets Naminé, he is actually remembering loving her, and that is how he falls in love so quickly.