Mermaid Melody Pichi Pichi Pitch/Characters

These are the characters that appear in the Mermaid Melody Pichi Pichi Pitch series of anime and manga.

Mermaid Princesses

Lucia Nanami


Voiced by: Asumi Nakata


"All these people are doing their best to find true love! I will not let you laugh at it!"

Lucia is the typical shoujo heroine: ditzy and lovestruck, but with a pure heart and a sense of love for her friends. In the manga, she was raised to believe that she was a normal mermaid civilian, and lived on the surface as a human with her guardians, "sister" Nikora and "pet" Hippo (who is a penguin). In the anime, she's always known that she is the Princess of the North Pacific Ocean, Pink Pearl Voice. Great, right... except for the "pink pearl" bit. The pearl that gives her her power and is directly tied to her life force is gone; she gave it to a little boy to save his life when they were six. She gets it back by the end of the episode from the boy, who turns out to be her classmate and crush Kaito, and realizes that she has to find the other ocean princesses and save the world. She's also expressly forbidden to confess her love or true identity to Kaito, but she's certain that she won't turn to foam if she finds some loophole. Little does she know that nobody turns to foam when they confess anyway...

Tropes associated with Lucia:

Hanon Houshou


Voiced by: Hitomi Terakado


"I know how to attract the guys, and I'll ♥ teach ♥ you! ♥"

Hanon is a flirty, carefree, all-around girly-girl that befriends Lucia on her first day of school. She's more serious than she looks, however, and has been watching Lucia for days and confronts her with her true identity at the end of the first chapter. Hanon is actually the Princess of the South Atlantic Ocean, otherwise known as Aquamarine Pearl Voice. With her strength and happy nature, she makes a great first ally for Lucia, even though they're always at each other's throats -- in particular, Hanon doesn't approve of Lucia dating Kaito at first, even though she's all over a human man, who, at that, happens to be her own teacher. Again, though, despite her peppy, fluffy, hypocritical image, Hanon feels tremendous guilt for the fate of her kingdom, which was besieged with her as the only apparent survivor.

Tropes associated with Hanon:

Rina Touin


Voiced by: Mayumi Asano


"It doesn't matter. Your true nature will come out soon enough."

The standoffish transfer student that Lucia decides to befriend on a whim, Rina is idolized by her classmates as "cool" because she spends most of her time brooding and making the occasional sarcastic remark. She, too, is a princess: Green Pearl Voice from the North Atlantic Ocean. Rina acts as an emotional pillar for her friends, but she herself has issues that need to be dealt with. Even more so than Hanon, she carries a measure of guilt about her escape; after being forced to leave their countries behind, Rina and her friend, Princess Noel from the Arctic Ocean, were ambushed by Gackto and only Rina got away. Despite what she thinks of herself for this, she's a strong and loyal friend of her team.

Tropes associated with Rina:



Voiced by: Ema Kogure


"Who said I'm joining you?"

Brash, bitter and initially unkind, Caren, otherwise known as Purple Pearl Voice and the Princess of the Antarctic Ocean, shows up mid-way through the first arc to rescue Lucia and company a few times. That doesn't, as she makes clear, mean that she plans to join them or become their friend. Caren is the fraternal twin sister of Noel, and as such, has a deep personal grudge against Rina for escaping when the other princess did not. She takes it upon herself to rescue her sister alone, and only when her brazen attempt gets her captured and the heroes rescue her but Noel sacrifices herself again does Caren realize that Rina wasn't selfish at all. She never quite integrates herself into the team for good, leaving more than once after the job's done, but is important enough to be listed here for the second half of the first arc/season.

Tropes associated with Caren:



Voiced by: Ryoko Nagata


Princess of the Arctic Ocean who was imprisoned by Kaito before the start of the series. Also the twin sister of Caren.



Voiced by: Satomi Arai


Princess of the South Pacific Ocean who suffered the same fate as Noel, but unlike Noel, the audience doesn't get a good look at her until the end of the first season.



Voiced by: Kana Ueda


"I want you to fill the seas with darkness as soon as possible, my prince."

Sara first appears as a mysterious figure in Gackto's castle, stealing all his attention from the Dark Lovers and making them jealous. The truth is, Sara has been there all along, directing Gackto from behind the scenes. She does what she wants, when she wants, whether it helps or hinders Gackto's plans, and strings him along to agree with it by flirting and pulling rank, the exact same way he treats his Dark Lovers. Sara has had her heart broken in the past, and no longer believes in love, hope and freedom. Her objective now is to take revenge on all the world, but at times, what remains of her heart can get in the way - which Lucia and company will need to exploit if they want to summon Aqua Regina.

Tropes associated with Sara:



Voiced by: Eri Kitamura


"Is this the feeling of 'friendship'?"

Major first arc spoilers here. Lucia, following Sara's last instructions, took the orange pearl to the Indian Ocean to create a new Orange Pearl Voice. The little girl, Seira, didn't fully emerge before Michel ambushed them and absorbed most of her life force. Now Seira is trapped as a spirit, much like Aqua Regina had been, inside the pearl, and much of the quest of the second arc focuses on getting back the pieces of her heart.

Tropes associated with Seira:


Kaito Doumoto


Voiced by: Daisuke Kishio


"I only really feel like myself when I'm surfing."

Kaito, Lucia's love interest, is a smug local celebrity due to his incredible surfing ability and a gaggle of fangirls that follows him everywhere. He pays little attention to them, but nobody knows that it's because his heart really belongs to a certain mermaid that saved his life as a child when his parents were killed in a storm. When he sees her again years later, he returns her pearl and begins to search for her, but all the while, he learns that this ditzy girl in his class named Lucia is different from his regular fan club. As Kaito becomes more and more confused, he develops powers that no human should display, making him an easy and interesting target for Lucia's enemies.

Tropes associated with Kaito:

Tarou Mitsuki


Voiced by: Daisuke Kirii


"I always thought mermaids were something out of a dream."

Tarou is mature, cultured, and beautiful - everything Hanon wants in a man. Too bad he's her music teacher. To his credit, he gently ignores her more overt attempts to get his attention, but even if he weren't her teacher, there's been someone else on his mind for a very long time. A composer and pianist, Tarou is sensitive to music and perceptive to the Masquerade -- early on, when he hears Yuuri's brainwashing music, he knows there's something wrong. He's clearly human, but he's more informed than the rest of his kind.

Tropes associated with Tarou:

Nagisa Shiroi


Voiced by: Chihiro Kusaka


"You never know until you try!"

If there's one thing that Nagisa is, it's persistent. Even though Hanon has a thing for older men and is still hung up on her crush on Tarou even after he turns her down, this underclassman won't stop working hard to get her attention, whether it's camping out in the middle of the night for tickets to the fireworks show or buying more drinks than he can consume when she's working at the beach shop. He's an immature dork, that's for sure, but soon Hanon begins to see a brave, unbeatable side of him... now if only he'd stop claiming that he was already her boyfriend.

Tropes associated with Nagisa:

Masahiro Hamasaki


Voiced by: Kiyotaka Furushima


"When I look at you, I can't help but believe..."

Hamasaki, who only goes by his last name, is a mysterious, charming biker who catches Rina's eye even if she doesn't want to admit it. Like Tarou, he seems to understand more about the Masquerade than he lets on, but he won't say for certain whether he knows that Rina and her friends are mermaids.

Tropes associated with Masahiro:

  • Demoted to Extra: In the anime, the revelation about his lineage is removed, as is all of his first-arc screentime!
  • Half-Human Hybrid: No, he's not this. There's a mermaid somewhere in the woodpile, though. This is never approached in the anime.
  • Only One Name: Throughout the manga, you never learn his first name, except in the volume notes.
    • Averted in the anime.
  • Second Love: For Rina, if you are counting her crush on Kaito.
  • Secret Keeper: The unknown variety... maybe.

Rihito Amagi


Voiced by: Takahiro Mizushima


Michal's older brother. He works as a maestro. Later revealed to be a member of Panthalassa.

Michal Amagi


Voiced by: Ryoko Shintani


"I don't care if your heart isn't in it! I want you to be with me!"

When Kaito's memory is stolen by Michel, he's rescued again and taken in by a wealthy girl named Michal who lives with her brother in a mansion. Michal is weak, sickly and lonely, constantly doubting herself and her own worth, and she becomes extremely clingy towards and overprotective of him, not letting him go home or go surfing even though it's what he loves to do. She quickly catches on that Kaito's classmate, Lucia, is his girlfriend, but her loneliness gets the better of her and she becomes determined to steal him away before he can remember.

Tropes associated with Michal:



Voiced by: Yuki Matsuda


A cientist working in Antartica. He and Caren fall in love with each other.




Voiced by: Daisuke Kishio


"The days of leaving the sea to the devices of humans are over!"

What does it look like? Seriously, though, Gackto (Gaito in the anime) is a self-obsessed pretty-boy prince that somehow manages to wear a fur coat and sit in a hot tub underwater. The main antagonist of the first arc, his aim is to trap the seven princesses in People Jars, use their pearls to summon the great Aqua Regina, and destroy the world as revenge for his people, whom she sealed underwater millenia ago to punish their king. At least, that's what he says his motivation is. He may not do much but drink wine, hold roses and order his harem around, but he holds formidable power, and he's out to double it -- and Kaito just may be the key to do that.

Tropes associated with Gackto:

Dark Lovers (Izuuru, Eriru, Yuuri and Maria)


Voiced by: Sayori Ishizuka (Izuru), Yuki Matsuoka (Eriru), Chieko Honda (Yuuri), Sanae Kobayashi (Maria)


"The Dark Lovers will never die until I've captured Gackto-sama's heart!"

These four strange women were Gackto's childhood companions under the seal, a group of sea creatures that he magically transformed into his own personal harem. Think about that for a minute. They're all completely devoted to him, but he plays with their hearts for his own ends, leaving them frustrated, eager to please, and constantly feuding with each other. When they combine their powers, however, they're a devastating force indeed.

Izuuru was originally a shark, and is the oldest and most overdramatic of the Dark Lovers, though the writer describes her as "the only normal one". Eriru, formerly a manta ray, is an idiot who twirls around to switch between her "evil" and "normal" personalities. Yuuri, once a fish, is now a precocious, bratty child. Maria, an eel, became a cold and gorgeous ice user.

Tropes associated with the Dark Lovers:

Black Beauty Sisters (Mimi and Sheshe)


Voiced by: Noriko Shitaya (Mimi), Miki Tsuchiya (Sheshe)


"Are you done yet? Now it's time for our own 'live start'."

Not actually sisters. Probably. We hope. The Black Beauty Sisters are a mercenary couple of anglerfish turned into girls, who take the stage as enemies in both arcs. Unlike the Dark Lovers, who are motivated by love, and the Winged Ones, who are motivated by duty, the Black Beauty Sisters only care about what rewards will come out of working for Gackto and Michel. They're strong enough to pose a major threat to anyone they face -- except their bosses, that is.

Tropes associated with the Black Beauty Sisters:



Voiced by: Junko Minagawa


"Just what am I!?"

Michel, the main villain of the second arc, is a cruel, manipulative angel who attacks the weak and blackmails the mermaids to enlist them in his self-declared war against humans. Still, Michel is sympathetic in his own way. He's being used the entire time, given painful "medication" that only makes him weaker and drives him slowly into insanity. In there somewhere is a good person, but as long as he's absorbing people whom Lucia loves, it's hard to tell.

Tropes associated with Michel:

Winged Ones (Lady Bat, Lanhua, Alala)


Voiced by: Sanae Kobayashi (Lady Bat), Megumi Kojima (Lanhua), Masayo Kurata (Alala)


"You made the ones you call trash... so what are you?"

Reanimated from the ancient past, these three join the Black Beauty Sisters as enemies who can use music just like the mermaids. They are Michel's servants and do whatever he asks out of respect and duty, but they know a secret that even he doesn't, which Fuku is trying desperately to keep them from telling.

Lady Bat, a crossdressing vampire, uses hypnotic attacks. Lanhua, a Chinese butterfly-woman, splits into a lot of chibi versions of herself. Alala, the last to awaken, is an all-too-perky young fairy.

Tropes associated with the Winged Ones:



Voiced by: Sanae Kobayashi


"Listen to me, because my words are Michel-sama's words, and Michel-sama's words are the Great One's words."

Fuku-chan is Michal's realistically drawn pet bird, who lives in a cage by her window. Fuku-chan is also Michel's simply drawn bird sidekick with a chibi human head and a halo. Tiny, arrogant and shrewd, he transforms and slips between these identities with no one the wiser, and tends to get slapped, thrown and snarked at by the Black Beauty Sisters and Winged Ones on the grounds of being a small annoying thing. Fuku-chan isn't as harmless as he seems, though; he talks back to the Great One himself, he administers Michel's medication and keeps secrets from him, and only he knows the truth about Michal.

Tropes associated with Fuku:




Voiced by: Miyako Ito


"What are you doing, Lucia-sama!?"

Hippo is the series' talking animal mascot, a fat little penguin in a sailor suit who speaks with a shrill voice and follows Lucia around. He's currently assigned to protect Lucia, but was initially created for another purpose. He thinks of Lucia as a failure princess because of her forbidden love, interest in the surface world and terrible singing voice, but, in fact, he's no better. Though he's obnoxious and shoves the rules into Lucia's face, he learns to relent when he, too, finds out what she means by The Power of Love.

Tropes associated with Hippo:



Voiced by: Eri Saito


A mermaid who poses as Luchia's older sister and is the hotel manager.

Madame Taki


Voiced by: Kumi Yamakado


A fairly incompetent and kind of old fortune-teller whose true form is a clam. She mostly functions as a gag character.

Aqua Regina


Voiced by: Kumi Yamakado


The goddess of the ocean, mother of all mermaids. She's incapacitated for a good chunk of the first season. She's responsible for giving upgrades for the mermaids.