Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain/Heartwarming

  • Venom refusing to toss the ashes of the men he had to kill because they were infested with the mutated parasite because he refused to insult their sacrifice at his command, instead ordering that their ashes would be made into diamonds their comrades would always carry with them. Kaz sums up the sentiment best with:

Kaz: Shining lights....even in death......

  • Zero had been played up as a mega asshole for most of the game, and though Skull Face drops major hints a lot of the more heinous incidents were his doing alone, the final mission reveals the truth: Zero was innocent of the attack on Mother Base in '75, and condemned it as somethign completely beyond the pale. He even helped saved Big Boss' life because he still cared so much about him despite their estrangement he sacrificed most of his own protection just to keep his old friend safe during his coma, even getting Ocelot, EVA, and Kaz to all work together despite their difference with him and each other to do so. He also regretted what Cipher had mutated into beyond his control and how it had caused what happened to Snake in the first place, even apologizing to Snake during his coma before the poison Skull Face used on him rendered him a vegetable. It doesn't excuse everything he did, Peace Walker was all his fault, but he still had enough humanity to want to atone for how his carelessness hurt one of his oldest friends.