Mimamori Moto Bitch is a 62-page Doujinshi hentai made by the artist Chimamire Yashiki. It's about a man named Manuma Keiichi who is shown the Sex Monitoring App that shows a woman's sex history by a friend and is shocked to discover that his girlfriend, Kanmi Meiko, is cheating on him with a muscular psycho named Akimori Jotou.

Tropes used in Mimamori Moto Bitch include:
  • Abusive Dad: Akimori suggests to pass off his child as Keiichi's if Meiko ends up pregnant. Considering the hints that he is in love with Meiko, he may have been joking.
  • A Date with Rosie Palms: While perusing the SMA, Keiichi begins masturbating while looking at his sex history with Meiko. When he decides to rub one more out for the night, he sees today's date on Meiko's profile while she's supposedly at a friend's place.
  • Berserk Button: Do not interrupt Akimori when he's getting a blowjob.
  • Best Served Cold: When the SMA offered live streaming, it showed Akimori and Meiko having sex at work during break. With a smile, he says he soon won't have to watch over her anymore, hinting that he's waiting for Akimori to get Meiko pregnant and expose the affair and dump her for good.
    • It's also possible Keiichi is waiting for Meiko to leave him for Akimori since Keiichi stopped having sex with her entirely.
  • Bigger Is Better in Bed: Meiko says Akimori's penis makes Keiichi's look small by comparison.
  • Bitch in Sheep's Clothing: Meiko acted like a sweet young girl but cheated on Keiichi with Akimori and pretty much exposed herself as a gold digger when Keiichi decides to break up with her. He now only lets her live with him out of pity.
  • Blatant Lies: Akimori claims he's rooting for Meiko and Keiichi while having sex with Meiko.
  • Buxom Is Better: Meiko.
  • Cool Motive, Still A Crime: While it's true that Akimori is better at sex than Keiichi, it doesn't change the fact that Meiko cheated on Keiichi and even went to Akimori's apartment of her own free will. Naturally Keiichi brushes off all her excuses when the affair is exposed and only lets her stay with him out of pity.
  • Crocodile Tears: When Keiichi accuses Meiko of cheating on him with Akimori, she cries and says she only loves Keiichi. However Keiichi is proven right when he spies on Akimori and Meiko having sex again. She then cries when he says he wants to break up even though she brought this on herself.
  • Full-Frontal Assault: Akimori when he beats the crap out of Keiichi. Justified as he was having sex with Meiko before Keiichi showed up..
  • Girl-On-Girl Is Hot: When Meiko says she was staying with a female friend's place after getting drunk, Keiichi sees the SMA showing today's date and assumes she was having lesbian sex and got turned on. Then it showed the word creampie.
  • Gold Digger: Meiko is exposed as this when Keiichi tries to break up with her and offers her the apartment which she says she can't afford on her own.
  • Good People Have Good Sex: Inverted, Keiichi is a nice guy but he has such poor stamina that when Meiko starts starts having sex with Akimori she begins to fall in love with him. While spying on the two, Keiichi notices how happy Meiko looks having sex with Akimori and she never looked like that when he had sex with her.
  • Hate Sink: Akimori is a psycho who barely tried to hide the fact he had sex with Meiko in front of Keiichi and beat the crap out of him nearly killing Keeichi in the process. His sole redeeming quality is that he may actually love Meiko who asked him to spare Keiichi.
    • Meiko herself becomes even worse than Akimori when she takes no responsibility for cheating on Keiichi and reveals herself to be a gold digger that just wants Keiichi's money.
  • Hunk: Akimori is a young bodybuilder that's well endowed with gyaru skin and wavy white hair.
  • I Want My Beloved to Be Happy: This is the only reason Keiichi is still alive after his beating. Akimori stops his attacks when Meiko pleads with him and Akimori not only stops but tells Keiichi to start satisfying Meiko. This also hints that Akimori loves Meiko.
  • Insane Troll Logic: Meiko claims she can't be held responsible for cheating on Keiichi because Akimori made her feel so good. When she and Akimori start having sex at work, she claims it's not cheating if they have sex during a lunch break.
  • "It's Not Rape If You Enjoyed It": It's strongly implied the first time Akimori and Meiko had sex was while she was drunk and didn't have her consent. By the time he's introduced, he and Meiko are chatting like good buddies while Meiko praises him nonstop in front of Keiichi. The second time they have sex, Meiko claims to be against it even though she went to his apartment. By the time Keiichi shows up to spy on them, Meiko flat out says she loves Akimori.
  • Jerkass: Akimori Jotou had sex with Meiko while she was drunk, and doesn't even hide the fact he had sex with her in front of her boyfriend and nearly beat Keiichi to death.
    • Meiko is revealed to be one when she makes excuses for cheating on Keiichi.
  • Jerkass Has a Point: When Keiichi is found spying on Akimori and Meiko having sex in Akimori's apartment, Akimori points out that spying was illegal. When Keeichi tries to attack Akimori, he fights back and points out that was self-defense. Even if Akimori killed Keiichi, he would have gotten off scott-free because of this.
  • Mr. Fanservice: Akimori when he sexes up Meiko. Becomes Fan Disservice when he sticks his tongue out and then he looks like a psychopath.
  • Muscles Are Meaningful: Even after having sex with Meiko for several hours, Akimori was still able to beat up and nearly kill Keiichi.
  • Netorare Genre: Meiko cheats on her boyfriend Keiichi with the more muscular and well-endowed Akimori. Thankfully it ends on a high note where Keiichi is plotting his revenge.... or waiting for Meiko to leave him so he won't have to deal with her any more.
  • Never My Fault: Meiko refuses to take any responsibility for cheating on Keiichi and nearly getting him killed. She even has the nerve to say he should thank her for stopping Akimori even though it wouldn't have happened if she didn't go to his apartment in the first place.
  • New Powers as the Plot Demands: On page 45, the SMA shows the currently location of a girl having sex which is how Keiichi is able to catch Meiko and Akimori having sex. By page 61, an update allowed for live streaming showing Meiko and Akimori having sex at work, which he'll use to hopefully dump Meiko for good.
  • Porn with Plot: The story of a man who discovers his girlfriend is cheating on him with an app.
  • Reality Ensues: Two examples:
    • Keiichi tries to pick a fight with Akimori for having sex with his girlfriend. However Akimori is much more muscular and stronger so Keiichi is nearly beaten to death. Meiko begging Akimori to spare Keiichi is the only reason he's still alive.
    • Once the affair is exposed, Keiichi stops loving her and wants to break up. They stay together only because Keiichi pities her. However he also stops having sex with her entirely.
  • Small Role, Big Impact: Keiichi's friend that shows him the SMA which exposes Meiko's affair with Akimori. His girlfriend also introduced Meiko to Keiichi.
  • Speed Sex: Keeichi's history with Meiko on the SMA shows that they had sex on the 4th and 17th days of the month and lasted a grand total of only 55 minutes (35 minutes for the 4th and 20 minutes for the 17th). However, Keiichi comments that during a public holiday, they went at it all day. Compare that to his friend that introduced the app who had sex three days in a row and he got only better each time.
  • Sex God: Akimori Jotou. His timer on the SMA; 8 hours and 45 minutes in just one night.
    • Meiko herself is one. Even after having sex with Akimori that long, she looks like a million bucks when Keiichi sees her chatting with Akimori. Akimori himself said he'd never get tired of Meiko's vagina during sex and when she performs a blowjob, he claims he was about to come again despite having ejaculated inside her seconds ago and still had energy to stop Akimori from killing Keiichi.
  • Slut Shaming: Keiichi calls Meiko a whore when he was nearly killed by Akimori and calls her that when the SMA is updated with live streaming and watches her having sex with Akimori.
  • The Insomniac: Keiichi lost a ton of sleep after watching Meiko's sex timer on the SMA going up.
  • Too Dumb to Live: Keiichi picking a fight with the much more muscular Akimori ends in a Curb Stomp Battle.
  • Ungrateful Bastard: Keiichi shows no gratitude towards Meiko after she stops Akimori from killing him and tells her he wants to break up. This is justified because he wouldn't have been in that situation if Meiko didn't go to Akimori's house to have sex with him.
  • Victim Falls For Rapist: Both times Akimori has sex with Meiko it was without her consent, but by the second time, she ends up falling in love with him and only wants Keiichi for his money. It's also hinted that Akimori may indeed be in love with Meiko as well as he spared Keiichi when she asked.
  • White-Haired Pretty Boy: Change it to White-Haired Hunk and you got the psycho Akimori.
  • Women Prefer Strong Men: Meiko flat out says she loves the muscular Akimori while kissing him after a massive orgasm/creampie. Keiichi was listening in when she said it.