Morgan Freeman/Headscratchers

/wiki/Morgan Freemancreator
  • How much would it cost to make Morgan Freeman follow me around and narrate my life? I'm talking on a yearly salary; my guess would be around $1 million to $1.5 million a year.
    • Depends on whether he charged for expenses.
    • If I were you, I'd just try asking God him Him nicely.
    • Probably more than 1 million. I mean, he could probably make much more than that with small parts in a few films.
    • You have no idea how much actors get paid do you. Although you could write it all down and pay him to recorded it all.
    • On a related note, why hasn't some company ponied up the dough to get him to narrate books on tape? I feel that I could even listen to The Scarlet Letter if it was him reading it.
      • Hell, I would listen to the all books of the Twilight series plus the a full threat of twihearts praises and another of complains if everyone was said with that voice.
    • He should narrate children's books. Not only would it help them sleep, but they'd get a +5 to Nightmare Resistance and a +1 to Religion.
  • What's that weird stuff on his face that looks like the cheese on a pizza that's been baked too long?
  • Regarding his conversation with Stephen Fry... that's not why they call it Delta. Delta is a term referring to the terminus of a river that, due to silting, has split into multiple branching, forking rivulets. It's named after the Greek letter 'delta', which is shaped like a triangle, because it is shaped like a triangle, which is what happens when a river forks, forks again, and then reforks. Flooding is something that happens to rivers, but it's not delta. Delta blues is so named because it originated near the delta of the Mississippi and then, because the Mississippi was the major highway, spread up the river.
  • Is his voice naturally that calm and authoritative or did he work his ass off to make it that way?
  • How come he hasn´t worked in any animated film yet? With such an awesome voice...