My Little Pony and Friends/Characters

My Little Pony

My Little Pony Human Characters

Megan Williams

Molly Williams

Danny Williams

My Little Pony Ponies

Magic Star, Earth pony

  • The Ace: There are Loads and Loads of Characters, but there's very little question as to who their de-facto leader is.
  • Badass Normal: And this is why.
  • Only Sane Pony: Yes. Right alongside Galaxy and Wind Whistler, she gets the long suffering position of being one of the more sensible ponies who has to keep the others in line and keep them from getting themselves killed.
  • Team Mom: When Megan isn't around.

Fizzy, unicorn

Wind Whistler, Pegasus

Shady, Earth pony

Heart Throb, Pegasus

Surprise, Pegasus

Gusty, unicorn

Buttons, unicorn

Galaxy, unicorn

Paradise, Pegasus

  • Badass Bookworm
  • The Ditz: While nowhere near as obvious about it as Fizzy is, she could give her a run for her money any day of the week.
  • The Storyteller
  • Wrong Genre Savvy: While in a land of unicorns, dragons, elves, dwarves, and such, she wishes life were a little more like storybooks. Um...

The Flutter Ponies

My Little Pony Villains

The Witches of the Volcano of Gloom

Queen Bumble

Princess Porcina

The Raptorians

The Flories


My Little Pony Others



Glow Friends

Glow Friends Characters


Moondreamers Characters

Potato Head Kids

Potato Head Kids Characters