A list of the many characters found in the Advance Wars slash Nintendo Wars games.

Wars World

Orange Star



The main hero of Advance Wars and Black Hole Rising. Often considered the mascot character of the series by fans, he is well known among the fanbase for his naivety and frequent lapses in intelligence. His units are well rounded, while his CO Powers, Hyper Repair and Hyper Upgrade, revolve around healing his units.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:



Orange Star's bruiser, notable for his brash spirit and ridiculous muscle growth throughout the games. He specializes in smashing things with his super powered tanks, and as a result, slept though Indirect Units 101. His CO Powers, Max Force, and Max Blast, further ramp up the firepower on his direct units.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:
  • Bash Brothers: With Andy.
  • The Big Guy
  • Crippling Overspecialization: Not so bad in Advance Wars 1, when his direct units had 150/100 stats daily, but as his powers have gotten nerfed, his horrible indirects (-1 range to all of them, with reduced firepower) make him tougher and tougher to use.
    • His indirects actually have normal firepower in Dual Strike. Their reduced range still sucks, though.
  • Dumb Muscle, to a degree.
    • He is at least somewhat smarter by Dual Strike, as he at least knows how stupid it is to walk into battle without planning first.
  • Heroic Build/Hunk: Complete with a Lantern Jaw of Justice.
  • Incredibly Lame Pun: Just look at his CO Powers.
  • Lightning Bruiser: At least until Dual Strike, where he lost his movement boost during his CO powers.
  • Love Triangle: He was hinted to be in one with Grit and Nell. Grit, not wanting to have it ruin his friendship with Max, left Orange Star.
  • Muscles Are Meaningless: In each AW game, his character design has gotten more and more muscular, while his units and CO Powers have gotten worse and worse. A popular fanon joke blames steroid use.
  • Linear Tanks, Quadratic Artillery: Max is better than Grit at low levels of play, but Grit is much better than Max in advanced play.
  • Odd Couple: Max used to be best friends with indirect specialist, and polar opposite, Grit, before the latter defected for Blue Moon. One of their Tag Victory quotes in Dual Strike lampshades this.
  • Pre-Ass-Kicking One-Liner: "Check out these cannons!"
  • Rated "M" for Manly
  • You Gotta Have Blue Hair: Literally.



The head of Orange Star's Special Forces, Sami is an infantry specialist. Day-to-day, her Infantry and Mechs are tougher to kill and hit harder, at the expense of everything else all other direct-combat units. While this sounds pretty suckish, in conjunction with her CO Powers and the affected unit's low cost, Sami is considered to be high tier. Her Victory March has earned her the nickname "Lady of War" amongst the fans. Personality-wise, she's the most sensible and dependable of the three. Strangely, though it says she likes long hair, she wears instead an ear-length cleancut hairstyle. Constantly Ship Teases with Eagle of Green Earth.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:
  • Action Girl
  • Bare Your Midriff
  • Fan Nickname: Lady of War. Anyone who knows the power of Victory March will know why.
  • Instant Win Condition: Sami's superior property-capturing skill make players of her particularly fond of this.
    • Her Super CO Power gives +2 movement for infantry and mechs, and allows them to capture any property that turn, regardless of health. An infantry on 1 HP can walk 5 spaces and capture a 20 HP HQ in one turn!
  • Only Sane Man: Sort of. Unlike Andy and Max (and many other COs), Sami is a career soldier who takes her work very seriously. We need a trope for the inverse of Military Maverick, a serious character in a Mildly Military game.
  • Pre-Ass-Kicking One-Liner: "Move out, grunts!"
  • Rated "M" for Manly: Despite the fact that she is female.
  • The Rival: Was this to Sonja when they were in the academy. Nowadays, they are good friends.
  • Ship Tease: With Eagle.
  • Super Soldier: Her infantry may as well all be super, thanks to their astonishing capture skills. A SINGLE GRUNT can capture a WHOLE CITY in a SINGLE DAY during her SCO Power. WOW.



Commander-In-Chief of Orange Star. She got the top job after Olaf left for Blue Moon, and the first game dropped some pretty heavy hints that they were father and daughter, but this was never resolved and subsequently dropped, mostly because that was nothing more than a joke started with a pun Andy made in the first mission of AW1. She's normally a super-secret unlockable with the ability to randomly do extra damage with ANY attack. Her powers only exacerbate this.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:



Former Orange Star Commander-In-Chief, now runs the Battle Maps game shop. Selling... people and maps. Another game-breaking secret unlock, he buys things cheaper than everyone but Colin, but with no decrease in effectiveness. His powers make everything EVEN CHEAPER and allow deployment from ANY CONTROLLED BUILDING. If he's facing someone that isn't himself, Nell, or Sturm, the battle's already decided.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:



Leader of the OS forces in Omega Land, she's Nell's little sister and leads the Allied Nations in Dual Strike. Day to day, she can heal units by 3HP instead of 2. Her powers allow her to summon three missiles against her opponents and to become her sister for the day.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:



A recent CO graduate, Jake excels on the plains. He fights better on them, but this means the player has to choose between the attack bonus from this open terrain or the defense from places like cities and forests. He uses 'hip' lingo and is always listening to music through his headphones. He's (arguably) the real hero of Dual Strike out of him and Rachel.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:

Blue Moon



He left the top job at Orange Star to take the one at Blue Moon. He's then stated in the next game to be a local to there though. He's a Papa Wolf to his men and takes his duties as head of BM seriously. In the first game, he seemed to be the villain, but this was later proven to be false. He's grown from his more cowardly persona into a Father Christmas look-alike. Seriously, one of his pallette swaps makes him look like Santa Claus! Strong in snow, but weak in rain.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:
  • An Ice Person: Olaf's units are unaffected by snow, which gives him a great advantage when he taps his snow-causing CO powers.
    • Especially in Dual Strike, where his CO power makes it last TWO turns, and it gives all his units a 20% firepower boost. But in the former two, rain devastates his movement range worse than anyone else, pretty much making him the reverse of Drake.
  • Awesome Music: His hilariously over-dramatic theme song.
  • Badass Beard/Badass Mustache: Especially in AW1 (even though he was a pathetic coward in AW1).
  • Canada, Eh?: "Ohhhhhhh Blue Moon!!! My home and native land!!!"
  • Card-Carrying Villain: In AW1.
  • Character Development: The complete transformation that he went through between AW1 and AW2 is one of the series' only actual examples of this.
  • Demoted to Extra: Not present in the Dual Strike campaign. The game handwaves it by saying he is busy rebuilding his hometown which got destroyed in the previous game. However, a clone of him fights the Allied Nations later on.
  • Dirty Coward: In the first game.
  • Doomed Hometown: Courtesy of Lash.
  • Expy: Of Santa Claus and General Winter.
  • Fat Bastard: In the first game.
  • Fat Idiot: In the first game.
  • General Failure: In the first game.
  • Idiot Ball: In AW1, he forgets to refuel his air units, leaves his HQ unguarded and focuses purely on offense, completely forgets to protect his battleships from being attacked by submarines, moves his units right past convenient cover in Fog Of War, somehow gets tricked into thinking that Clone Andy is the real Andy...and, of course, is ridiculously obsessed with destroying APC units.
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Really does care about his fellow C Os.
  • Kill It with Ice: His SCO Power smacks all enemy units for 2 HP damage.
  • Kill It with Water: And by "It", I mean Olaf.
  • The Mario: Weather aside, all of his units are average.
  • Patriotic Fervor: Really, REALLY loves Blue Moon.
  • Pre-Ass-Kicking One-Liner: "Your weapons are powerless before the might of nature!"
  • Slouch of Villainy: Seemed this way at first in AW1, as he would always slouch in his chair, and he seemed to be the game's villain at first. However, this was subverted later, as he isn't actually a villain, and he doesn't have the chair in later games.
  • Soundtrack Dissonance: Despite no longer even remotely being an actual villain in AW1's sequels, he still keeps the extremely stereotypical "villain" theme song that he had in AW1 in said sequels.
  • Stop Helping Me!: Olaf's snow powers can screw over allies as badly as they do enemies.
    • He also EXERTS this personality several times, notably the T-Minus 15 mission in AW2.
  • Ted Baxter
  • Took a Level in Badass: He was a pretty sucky CO in the first game. Then in Black Hole Rising, his mass damage SCO Power made him a lot more useful, and his powers improved again in Dual Strike, even overcoming his weakness in rain. He's also an example in story terms: he was a bumbling villain in the first game, but became a lot more competent in the sequels.



Another CO formerly of Orange Star that moved to Blue Moon. He was Max's best friend, despite there being a love triangle between the two of them and Nell. He's very laidback and takes no particular joy in fighting, though he's very good at it. His abilities are to hit better and further with indirects and suck with everything else (except for infantry). It's a surprisingly effective tactic, though, and he's often high tier.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:



New boy and rich kid of the Blue Moon army. He's unsure of himself, but seems to have good business acumen. He buys units cheaper, but they're not as good as standard units. The cheapness of units means you can roll out the advanced ones quicker and more frequently, putting him firmly in the top ranks.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:



Older and more confident sister of Colin. Her powers are similarly money based, in that she takes cash from her trust fund to fuel her army. This contribution to the war efforts is worth 100G extra for every city. Doesn't sound like much, but it adds up. She may not be as innately powerful as her brother, but together they make an incredibly powerful tag team. It is in fact widely regarded as one of the deadliest in the game. They buy units cheaper and faster, you can never get your powers out and they always have more money...

Tropes exhibited by this character include:

Yellow Comet



In the first game, he was a slightly slimy and unlikeable generic emperor guy (mostly due to his quick judgements and third-person speeches), but in subsequent games he's become a strong and honorable Father to His Men. He insists on the best for his army, and has MUCH more powerful troops for a big cost boost. He's another Game Breaker on his own and makes an even better one with his young daughter, Sonja.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:
  • Asian Rudeness: "Come back when you've matured some! Say, in ten years!!!"
  • Awesome Music: His incredibly-stereotypically Japanese theme song.
  • Berserk Button: Someone else threatening his daughter (Sonja) and/or his home nation (Yellow Comet).
  • Demoted to Extra: Does not appear in the Dual Strike campaign. Perhaps he was looking for his sock. His clone however, does.
  • General Failure: In Advance Wars 1, in which he constantly allows his pride to cloud his judgment.
  • Honor Before Reason: He actually sort of admitted to this in one of the battles in Black Hole Rising where he fought for a cluster of cities that held little strategic value (this has happened a lot in real life wars).
    • Also happens before "Fowl Play", where he insists on meeting with Adder even though Sonja points that it might be a trap.
    • He exemplifies this in Advance Wars (the first), where he goes to extreme lengths to defend his country... including trying to beat the crap out of a Power Trio that really meant it no harm.
  • Large Ham
  • Lord Error-Prone: In Advance Wars, certainly.
    • One mission is even named "Kanbei's Error?"
  • Mighty Glacier: In a sense: his units have superior offense and defense, but they're more expensive to deploy, so he takes longer to build up his forces.
  • Overprotective Dad: Once he did get over panicked on Sonja getting a paper cut.
  • Papa Wolf: Do NOT endanger or threaten his daughter. Seriously, if you thought (apparently) threatening his country made him go berserk... look, if you value your life, for the love of God, don't mess with Sonja. Sturm had to learn this the hard way.
  • Pre-Ass-Kicking One-Liner: "I hope you thoroughly enjoy the taste of my sword!"
  • Power At a Price: Literally, in this case. His units have superior attack and defense, but cost more to make. The inverse of Colin, although both are effective COs.
  • Rated "M" for Manly: Especially in Advance Wars 2.
  • Samurai
  • Third Person Person: in Advance Wars. Seems to come to his senses later, but still cannot find his socks.
  • Took a Level in Badass: In Advance Wars 2, in which he exchanged a lot of his former arrogance for actual military-commanding competence.



Daughter of Kanbei and head of his intelligence service. Her powers let her see further in Fog of War, making her dominate these maps. At other times, she's of little use, though.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:



Hinted to be the ultimate badass from the old series, he's Kanbei's increasingly senile mentor. He's a paratrooper master, meaning that his copters and infantry are beastly. He's definitely a mid to Top(or even God) ranker tier wise, and a Cool Old Guy to boot.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:
  • Awesome Music: His theme song combines this with Crowning Moment of Funny.
  • Beware the Nice Ones: He's old and calm, if a bit eccentric. However, you definitely do NOT want to make him angry, as Adder learned the hard way.
  • Cool Goggles
  • Cool Old Guy
  • Crippling Overspecialization: His infantry/helicopter fetish, especially when his opponents have Anti-Air units parked nearby.
  • Difficult but Awesome: True of him generally, but especially with B-Copters. It's tricky specialism in a unit that can be so easily countered, but with enough of them, you will just take everything apart.
  • Glass Cannon: His CO Powers boost a unit that is basically from this category (Battle Copters) Up to Eleven, especially in Black Hole Rising but slightly less in Dual Strike.
  • It's Raining Men: Copter Command paradrops 9HP infantry units on all the cities Sensei owns. Airborne Assault drops 9HP mechs.
    • Boring but Practical: There are so many uses for a sudden wave of 9HP footsoldiers.
      • His entire premise as a CO really, depending on how you view it, might cross with Awesome Yet Practical, basically he take every boring strategy in the game and put it in one CO. This resulted in a CO with the boring part of an ability of several CO(notably, he has Sami's Infantry and Transport Buff without the Capture speed, money making ability like Colin, and Copter buff from Eagle who buffs every air unit)
  • Lethal Joke Character: In Black Hole Rising, all of his vehicles and ships take a 10% attack penalty and his strongest units, his battle copters, can still be taken down in one hit by any anti-air vehicle. But a combination of the aforementioned Goddamned Bats and the fact that his copters are truly deadly once he's on a roll can make him almost as bad as Grit.
  • Eccentric Mentor
  • Everyone Calls Him "Barkeep"
  • Nerf: Copped a huge one in Dual Strike. His vehicles got stronger, but his infantry lost 30% of their attack power.
    • On the other hand, the faster CO power charge make him capable of spamming his absurdly useful CO power, making him a far more annoying CO to play against. Theres a good reason hes considered broken.
  • Older and Wiser: Sensei is implied to have been the CO Mr. Yamamoto from Super Famicom Wars.
  • Old Master: Why do you think he's called Sensei?
    • He starts to go a little senile in Dual Strike, even.
  • Old Soldier
  • Pre-Ass-Kicking One-Liner: "Ha ha! I didn't get old for nothing!"
  • Retired Badass
  • Those Two Guys: Has a bit of this going on with Grimm.
  • You Wouldn't Like Me When I'm Angry: In Advance Wars 2, he basically says this to Adder after royally kicking Adder's butt in "Foul Play"; needless to say, Adder almost-immediately starts running for his life.



A former wrestler who loves eating and brawling. He hits harder and takes hits harder. Though pretty two dimensional, he's high tier.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:

Green Earth



Arrogant but virtuous. He leads Green Earth, has spats with Jess and romantic hints towards Sami. He's an Ace Pilot that gets boosts to his air force.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:



A nice, laid back guy who often mediates between Eagle and Jess. He's a naval buff, meaning his abilities in that area are boosted. He's also immune to the effects of rain, which he can cause too.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:



Ground Specialist of Green Earth. She's got some undisclosed beef with Eagle.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:
  • Autobots Rock Out: Her theme song; although you probably won't be hearing it during the game's Final Boss levels, per se, you will be hearing it during Advance Wars 2's Green Earth campaign (which is still close enough).
  • Awesome Music: Her theme song is one of the most definitive examples of this in the series.
  • Bifauxnen
  • Closer to Earth: She's probably one of the more level-headed and realistic commanders in the game. Which, given the tone of the original Advance Wars, isn't really saying that much. Also, the fact that she specializes in ground units...
  • Crippling Overspecialization: Her ground vehicle fetish was a downright extreme example of this in Advance Wars 2, to the point where it actually weakened her infantry units.
  • Easy Logistics: Easier than the other characters anyway, as her CO Powers resupply all units with fuel and ammo. Ironically makes her pretty useful in air and naval battles, even though her planes, copters, and ships take an attack penalty.
  • Fiery Redhead: Usually averted, as she is quite level-headed. But she can be very passionate at times.
  • Improbable Weapon User: Her portrait in Black Hole Rising shows her hoisting a tank shell over her shoulder. Cue fan jokes about Jess and her comically oversized crayon.
  • Odd Couple: She is pretty much the complete opposite of Javier, but they work well together.
  • Rated "M" for Manly: Despite the fact that she is female.
  • Tank Goodness: Her specialty is tanks, and all of her land-based vehicles have superior firepower.
  • Tsundere: Type B. Eagle brings out her Tsuntsun side.



A CO styled on a Knight. He uses antiquated language and gets bonuses from Comm Towers.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:

Black Hole



Big Bad. Evil. Looks like Darth Vader. Gamebreakingly powerful opponent. Banned from tournament usage in Black Hole Rising since he improves all in his units movement, power, defense (though not to Kanbei's level), with no draw backs. His only weakness is that he has no regular CO-power and his Super CO-power has the longest wait in the game before he gets enough charge to use it, but given its damage and that it buffs his units caught in it, that's not an issue.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:



Imagine Max without his few restraints or glimpses of intelligence. You get Flak, but instead of a permanent power boost, he can hit stronger or weaker than usual, with his powers exacerbating this tendency and its effect.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:



Very thin, pale and gaunt. Obsessed with himself. He's quite the Smug Snake, and revels in his paper thin evilness. His meter fills up faster (according to the game) and lets him move faster when it does. In actuality, his meter charges up no faster than anybody else's, but his powers have a reduced cost considering their effectiveness.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:
  • Ambiguously Gay
  • Boring but Practical: Quickly charging CO Powers that give movement boosts are far more versatile and useful than you might initially think.
  • Card-Carrying Villain
  • Creepy Crossdresser: He wears high heels.
  • Dark Chick
  • Evil Counterpart: to Grit
  • Fragile Speedster: Adder's CO Powers give him movement boosts. The "fragile" part comes from the fact that while his units are average, average tends to lose out to specialized in Advance Wars.
  • Hannibal Lecture: Delivers one to Grit in Black Hole Rising, observing that Grit (who originally defected from Orange Star to Blue Moon) never really cared much about loyalty to a cause, and invites him to join Black Hole. Grit notes that he has a point, but the deal-breaker is Black Hole's barbaric treatment of civilians.
  • The Mario: Like Andy, his units are completely average day to day.
  • Meaningful Name
  • Narcissist: He is described as "a self-absorbed CO who believes his skills are matchless". His Hit is also "his own face".
  • Sissy Villain
  • Smug Snake: Come on. His name is Adder, for crying out loud (Snake in the Japanese original).
  • Ted Baxter: He believes his skills are matchless.



Evil genius who thinks nothing of maiming, murdering, experimenting, and building new death toys. Her powers are terrain-based. She's somewhat of a Shadow Archetype of Sonja. And a gamebreaker.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:



A man of few words. He leads his men very competently and nearly destroys Green Earth in the process. All his units are naturally more powerful than everyone else's for no cost (though not as much as Sturm's), but his high-powered Powers fill up slowly are extremely expensive, even considering how strong they are.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:

Hawke: We're leaving. NOW.


Von Bolt


Old man trying to live forever by sucking Omega Land dry. Seen as a poor man's Sturm. His Powers aren't as impressive as Sturm, and he fails to make the same impact.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:



Possibly a robot, or a weirdo who likes to dress like one. He's basically Flak, only with an even more erratic luck spread and much cooler dialogue.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:



Called Zak in the EU version. A short, arrogant man painted like a kabuki actor and using very flowery language, his special power gains him attack bonuses on roads and makes him a mixture of Adder and Jake. Also has the notably lowest Tag Break in the game: A whopping 35% attack penalty to team-ups with Rachel due to having called her ugly.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:
  • Awesome Music: His remarkably Asian-sounding (not to mention remarkably creepy-sounding) theme song.
  • A Warrior and a Scholar
  • Card-Carrying Villain: Just like many of the villains in "kung fu" movies.
  • Expy: of Adder. Gets a bonus on roads, but his CO meter is redistributed to make his standard CO power more expensive (preventing back-to-back CO power use.)
  • Flanderization: Regarding his low tag power with Rachel. Yes, he called her ugly... and sucked the life out of her beloved homeland, dictated exactly how, and openly said he doesn't give a rat's ass about the moral ramifications.
  • Glass Cannon: His units receive attack power bonuses when they are placed on roads (in other words, when they are placed in "zero defense" positions).
  • The Napoleon
  • Smug Snake
  • "Wake-Up Call" Boss: The second time you fight him in turn survival takes a lot of turns, until you realize various ways to beat him in just 1 - 2 turns.



Candy in the EU, she's an upper class socialite. Her powers revolve around controlling territory to gain boosts and inflict nasty wounds.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:
  • Awesome Music: Her theme song (which sounds more like the theme song of space aliens invading Egypt).
  • Graceful Loser: As she herself puts it...

"Congratulations, Allied Nations. I'll raise a glass to your victory!"


An approximate character tier list for the Wars World series (please note that these games are the kind of games that force people to reconsider what "overpowered" is, since most COs are stronger than average):

  • Deliberate Game Breaker: Sturm
  • Lethal Joke Character: Sensei
  • Powerful, but not quite game-breaking: Jess, Hawke, Nell, Eagle, Sonja (in Fog of War), Kanbei, Grimm, Kindle, Von Bolt, Lash, Sasha, Javier (when controlling just one communications tower)
  • Balanced: Andy, Max, Sami, Olaf, Adder, Sonja (out of Fog of War), Koal, Rachel, Jake
  • Underpowered: Drake, Javier (without a communications tower)
  • Joke Character: Flak, Jugger (though both can lean towards Lethal Joke Character if luck swings your way)

Days of Ruin/Dark Conflict (American name/European name)

Brenner's Wolves/12th Independent Legion



A description of the character goes here.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:



A description of the character goes here.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:



A description of the character goes here.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:

Dr. Morris: Honestly! Where is your sense of humor?
Lin: It was shot off in the war. Very sad.

  • Expy: Imagine Sonja, grown up and with a heavy dose of cynicism.
  • Good Is Not Nice: Compared to the other idealist heroes, Lin is a lot more cynically pragmatic.
  • Hypercompetent Sidekick: She's actually the one who comes up with the army's tactics, not Brenner. Played with in the tactics session for Fear Experiment.
  • The Lancer: to Brenner initially, and later to Will.
  • Shoot the Dog: She shoots Greyfield at the end of the Lin's Gambit mission.
  • The Stoic



A description of the character goes here.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:




A description of the character goes here.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:



A description of the character goes here.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:



A description of the character goes here.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:

New Rubinelle/New Laurentia

Admiral Greyfield/Sigismundo


A description of the character goes here.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:



A description of the character goes here.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:
  • Ace Pilot
  • Awesome Music: His theme song (once it gets past its utterly pathetic-sounding intro, at least).
  • Card-Carrying Villain: Even though he is considerably closer to being an Anti Hero than most of the other ones in the franchise.
  • Catch Phrase: "It's time for Waylon to do some whaling!"
  • Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass: In fact, his theme song even reflects this by having an extremely goofy-sounding intro (which is basically the only part of it that you hear when escorting him, due to him being too cowardly to actually do anything with his units) but then immediately turning into full-blown death metal once said intro is over.
  • Cool Shades
  • Dirty Coward
  • The Dragon: More specifically, he is Greyfield's main sidekick.
  • Eagle Land: He seems to rather-clearly represent Flavor 2 (Murica the Boorish).
  • Evil Cannot Comprehend Good: More-specifically, he is too selfish to be able to understand why Brenner and Will want to use their military-commanding talents to help other people.
  • Evil Counterpart: To Brenner and Eagle.
  • Hot-Blooded: "Now hit me! Whooooo!"
    • His thrill-seeking antics are so over the top that the men in his unit were happy to ditch him in favor of going with Brenner.
  • Heroic Build: An extremely ironic example.
  • Hunk: He is perhaps one of the most villainous examples of this trope since Gaston.
  • Hypocrite: See Not So Different.
  • Jerkass
  • Laughably Evil
  • Mighty Glacier: Tasha's opposite. He boosts the defense of aircraft, which are usually Glass Cannon units.
  • Money, Dear Boy: He wants no part of what he calls Brenner's "charity work", but he's all for living in (relative) luxury as a mercenary for Greyfield.
  • Moral Event Horizon: He probably crossed it a long time beforehand, but Waylon (on Greyfield's orders) murders Forsythe execution-style, in front of just about everybody, and keeps his smug-ass attitude rolling the whole time.
  • Nigh Invulnerability: Is given to his air units whenever he uses his CO Power (Wingman).
  • Not So Different: At one point in his game, he incredibly-ineffectively attempts to pull this trick on Will by telling him this:

Waylon: Stuff it, junior! You and your little toy soldiers make me sick! All self-righteous...strutting around like you own the damned joint...you ain't helping people because you care! You do it to feel important! You're a hypocrite, and you ain't better than me! Least I'm honest! Least ol' Waylon's honest about who and what I am!


Intelligent Defense Systems



A description of the character goes here.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:

Will: Aaargh... I refuse to...
Caulder: Yes, yes. You refuse to abandon anyone. I know this story well. You suffer from a regrettable human affliction...the concern for others. You think this is an admirable trait, but you are mistaken. Excessive empathy is an illness. And I am afraid that both you and Captain Brenner were terminal cases.

  • Gamebreaker: In a game where CO powers have been nerfed, he's the one character who's probably stronger than most of the original CO's. His only power is his CO-Zone, and that's all he needs. It's 3 by 3 and never changes, and gives any units in it 50% increase to attack and defense, and heals them 5 HP every turn.
  • Grand Theft Me: His plan for Cyrus.
  • Lack of Empathy: "What is life? Merely a protein-based mechanism for energy consumption. It is really nothing special."
  • Large Ham: He's so cartoony in retrospect that for all that he's actually even crueler than Greyfield, he at least is actually amusing to watch.
    • In the PAL version, his hamminess is toned down a lot, making him a much more serious villain.
  • Mad Scientist: So much so that the rest of the scientific community cast him out.
  • Meaningful Name: Japanese/Europe only. Stolos is an alternate name of Stolas, a demon from the Ars Goetia said to be a keeper of wisdom. Its appearance? An owl.
  • Obviously Evil: To the point where he almost makes Sturm's evil-ness look subtle.
  • Omnidisciplinary Scientist: For someone "kicked out of the medical academy", he doesn't exactly limit himself to medicine.
  • They Called Me Mad ...and they were right.
  • Shoot the Medic First: The main reason why he's such a Game Breaker is that all units in his (large) CO zone are healed by 5HP at the beginning of his turn, plus he has Tabitha's monstrous Zone boosts. This, of course, means that destroying the unit he has boarded is a top priority. Considering that it has 180% attack and defense, this is easier said than done.
  • Suspicious Videogame Generosity: In the beginning of the final battle, you have a rather large advantage. Do not be fooled, Caulder is not an Anticlimax Boss. He's Nintendo Hard.
  • What Is Evil?: Tries it on Will. Given his nature, nobody's fooled.
  • Xanatos Gambit: He does a few of these. Justified in that his main motive is curiosity about how humans will behave when thrust into adverse conditions; whatever way they react, he still wins.



A description of the character goes here.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:
  • Break the Cutie: It is implied that Penny's "slightly" psychotic personality is due to Caulder's experiments on her.
  • Companion Cube: Mr. Bear, though this is only present in the NA version.
  • Consulting Mister Puppet: Penny does this constantly to Mr. Bear.
  • Creepy Child: Lily's leitmotif in the JP/EU version, "Cold-Hearted Doll", lampshades this.
  • Defeat Means Friendship (sort of)
  • Eyes of Gold
  • Elegant Gothic Lolita
  • Giggling Villain
  • Hive Mind: In the epilogue, Penny eerily implies this is somewhat the case with all of her "siblings", as they are "one big system".
  • Heel Face Turn
  • Lethal Joke Character: Do not be fooled by her large but puny CO Zone. Her day-to-day power (the only CO with one in this game) is complete immunity to weather effects, regardless of if the units are in her Zone or not. Rain severely limits your vision and brings fog of war, sandstorms reduce attack signficantly, and snow reduces movement. Now, imagine that Penny gets three turns of having a huge advantage over you, ESPECIALLY if it rains. And that large Zone helps the CO Gauge build up very quickly.
  • Opposite Gender Clone
  • White-Haired Pretty Girl



A description of the character goes here.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:

Non-playable characters



A description of the character goes here.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:

The Beast/Drakov


A description of the character goes here.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:

Caulder: You served your purpose well, my savage beast. I am quite satisfied. But you are no longer of any use to me. You may continue dying...


Doctor Morris/Doctor Moritz


A description of the character goes here.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:
  • Hurricane of Puns
  • Pungeon Master: The fact that he does it in the worst situations possible doesn't help. He does crack a decent one in the end, or at least to Will.
  • Shoo Out the Clowns: After a bit (roughly, the post Lin's Gambit difficulty spike), he really only shows up to make others comment that it isn't the right time to make jokes, or to do something scientific.
  • The Smart Guy



A description of the character goes here.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:
  • Butt Monkey: Gets stuck with Greyfield, and trying to prevent Greyfield from nuking his own men to kill Brenner could very well have earned him a Senseless Sacrifice. Finally leaves Greyfield's service due to Greyfield executing troops for having the Creeper, only to have been hit by the Creeper himself.
  • Dying Like Animals: No denying he's a Chicken.
  • Only Sane Man: The only non-Mook in the room where nuking Brenner was planned who didn't cross the Moral Event Horizon at best for it.
  • What Happened to the Mouse?: In the European version, his final fate is never revealed. The American version all but states that he succumbed to the Creeper Virus in The Saved Village.



A description of the character goes here.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:

Unnamed IDS Agent


A description of the character goes here.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:

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