• Ass Pull: Gainax goes into full self-aware parody mode when Stocking dices Panty and reveals that she's a demon with only twenty seconds left of the final episode.
  • Crack Pairing: Garter/Chuck in episode 11.
  • Crazy Awesome: Every single millisecond of this anime counts as this.
  • Crowning Music of Awesome:
  • Cult Classic: Gained a loyal following for the unique and raunchy style.
  • Ear Worm:
  • Ensemble Darkhorse:
    • Scanty and Kneesocks, given how quickly high quality fanart was produced for them after the episode they were introduced aired.
    • This also applies in-universe. They quickly win-over the school, and in "If The Angels Wore Swimsuits", there's a lot more bets for them winning the volleyball match than the angels.
    • Also, Brief surprisingly for the same reason. The bunny outfit might have helped. And putting his bangs up definitely helped.
    • Amongst each sisterly pair, Stocking and Kneesocks seem to be more popular than Panty and Scanty. This probably has to due with Stocking and Kneesocks having more moe traits than the other two.
  • Evil Is Sexy: Scanty and Kneesocks' Transformation Sequence.
  • Fan Discontinuity: One way some people deal with the obligatory post-credits Gainax Ending is to disregard it altogether, treating the scenes throughout the end credits as the true ending since they give some amount of closure to events that took place in the past few episodes. It goes like this: Corset is destroyed, Hell's Gate is sealed, Garterbelt gets better after dying and exploding, Panty and Stocking continue to live on Earth. The credits end and all is well. But wait: it turns out Stocking is a demon and slices Panty to pieces, Garterbelt explodes and unexplodes all over again, Corset is reborn through Brief's penis, and the two villains plan to lure Brief to another city to unlock the gate to Hell there using the pieces of Panty's body to leave behind as a trail for him to follow, sending Brief and Chuck on a whirlwind adventure to collect Panty's remains, restore her, and defeat the villains once and for all. Talk about an Ass Pull...
  • Fan Dumb: Following the events of "Ghost: The Phantom of Daten City", message boards were quick to accuse Stocking of being a slut. Sure, ignore the girl whose goal is to screw a thousand men before returning to heaven, it's the one who enters a committed relationship, falls in love and gets engaged who's the slut round here. Not that Stocking is the epitome of purity herself, but calling her a slut based upon her falling in love with the gross ghost is kind of missing the point.
  • Fandom Gank: The ending left fans in tears, when Stocking said, "Surprise, I'm actually a demon" and then killed Panty.
  • Germans Love David Hasselhoff: A good amount of Americans like the show, particularly due to the Western art style.
  • Growing the Beard: In the two episodes up to the (sadistic) Cliff Hanger finale.
  • Holy Shit Quotient: A legitimate and appropriate response to some of the stuff that goes on.
  • Hype Aversion: There are those who will never even give the show a chance because of the constant praise of what they only see as Hentai, as well as those who tried it due to the praise and still didn't like it.
  • Memetic Mutation:
  • Memetic Sex God: Let's just say after episode 12, many, many people have made Brief this.
  • Nausea Fuel: In "The Turmoil of the Beehive", it's implied that Panty does not know what a condom is. You have to wonder, with as much sex as she has on a daily basis (and her seemingly non-existent standards) that she would be a veritable cesspool of venereal disease...however, according to Word of God, "angels don't get fat, grow old or get sick". If the girls don't return to Heaven they'll become humans and be unable to maintain their lifestyles without some serious side-effects, which explains their motivations.
  • Nightmare Fuel:
    • Briefly seeing Stocking so... bony in "The Diet Syndrome".
    • Corset is somewhat creepy.
    • Stocking's Expression when she cuts up Panty.
  • Offscreen Moment of Awesome: We never get to see Garterbelt's battle with Zombie Panty & Stocking.
  • Straw Man Has a Point: Most of what the Daemon sisters say about Panty and Stocking is true.
    • Probably not an actual example, considering that Panty & Stocking being colossal bitches is both deliberate and a large part of the humor. Having the villains point it out is just part of the joke.
  • Squick:
    • The entire "The Runny" episode, but bonus points for the part where Stocking blows a huge snotball from Panty right up Oscar H. Genius' nose. UGH.
    • The Panty & Stocking in Sanitarybox shorts from the volume 5 release are nasty.
    • Prickles. That is all.
  • Superlative Dubbing: Not only is the Funimation English dub better, but it's more vulgar to a good extent. It helps compliment the Western art style.
  • Tear Jerker:
    • Almost the entirety of "Vomiting Point". You can't just sit through watching the poor guy's life without shedding some tears.
    • You would hardly expect a legitimate Tear Jerker from a show like this, but Gainax manages to deliver one in "Ghost: The Phantom of Daten City". The Ghost that Stocking dated for most of the episode was an amalgamation of the regrets of men who had never discovered love. As soon as he found it by proposing to Stocking, he disappeared from this world, having precious little time to experience said love.
    • Panty + Brief. In a good way.
    • This troper got a little misty in episode 13 when Garterbelt died the first time. Brief's Inelegant Blubbering over him did not help.
  • This Is Your Premise on Drugs: Bayonetta meets Futari wa Pretty Cure meets Powerpuff Girls on pot.
  • True Art Is Incomprehensible: "Chuck to the Future Part 3", which steps right into Mind Fuck territory.
  • Ugly Cute: The Gonk version of Stocking.
  • Uncanny Valley: "Vomiting Point" features character designs that are... creepy to say the least. They are, of course, interestingly similar to the style of Tekkon Kinkreet.
  • Villain Decay: Remember "Les Diaboliques", when Scanty and Kneesocks were actually a very real threat? Immediately they came down with Team Rocketitis the next episode. They even went so far as to use a Paper-Thin Disguise for that episode! It's almost like they intended for that... wait a damn second... They became a whole lot more threatening again in "Panty + Brief".
  • What Do You Mean It's Not for Kids?: The show has a cute art style, but is very raunchy with tons of profanity.
  • What Do You Mean It Wasn't Made on Drugs?: In fact it was. According to an interview[1], the concept for the show came up during a Gainax company party when the whole staff was pretty drunk.
  • The Woobie:
    • The old man from "Vomiting Point". Poor guy.
    • Brief. Poor, poor Brief.
  1. in Young Ace, November 2010 issue, according to the other wiki