Basic Trope: A brief glimpse of a woman's underwear for purposes of titillation.

  • Straight: Alice is wearing a miniskirt on a windy day. A sudden gust, and the audience gets to see her panties.
  • Exaggerated: All the female characters on the show wear outfits that practically guarantee panty shots--and even if a couple wear trousers, that's no protection.
  • Justified: Short skirt + gust of wind or the like happens all the time in real life.
  • Inverted: Alice normally walks around in just her underwear or an equivalent brief outfit--but there are exciting moments when she wears more clothing.
  • Subverted: Alice is going commando.
    • Alice is actually a man, and this is the reveal.
    • It's too dark under the skirt to see anything.
    • Alice is wearing shorts under her skirt.
  • Double Subverted: Upon realizing she forgot to put her panties on, Alice promptly does so, giving the audience a glimpse as she pulls them snug.
    • Alice is wearing panties, but finds them uncomfortable. She takes them off, giving the audience a view as she pulls them out of her skirt.
  • Parodied: The female characters are fully aware of the male audience and deliberately put themselves in position to give panty shots to keep the audience's interest.
  • Deconstructed: Alice likes wearing short skirts and panties, but she hates how prone her skirt is to revealing her panties. This puts her into a dilemma about her fashion sense and ultimately leads to her abandoning the short skirt and panties for more conservative clothing.
  • Reconstructed: Alice doesn't care if people see her panties; it's what she wants to wear. Turning on men is simply a bonus in her mind.
  • Zig Zagged: Sometimes in the series, a panty shot will be set up, and it will happen. Other times, it will be subverted, averted or cut away from at the last moment. This actually increases viewership, as the uncertainty keeps the audience from getting bored of underwear.
  • Averted: Magic Skirt
    • All female characters wear trousers or other underwear-hiding garments.
  • Enforced: "Our target audience is teenage boys who can't get actual pornography legally. Be sure to include plenty of panty shots."
  • Lampshaded: "Have you ever considered wearing something that doesn't fly up at the mildest breeze?"
  • Invoked: Alice deliberately goes out in a miniskirt on a windy day, because she spent a bundle on these really cute panties and it's a quick way to show them off.
    • Bob carries around a leaf blower to arrange sudden wind gusts.
  • Defied: "That's some wind out today. I think I'll wear jeans instead of my miniskirt."
  • Discussed: "The coolest girl in our class? Alice, because she doesn't mind letting us boys get a glimpse of heaven."
  • Conversed: "Y'know, there can be too much of a good thing. I'm beginning to think the girls on this show have brain damage or something, the way they keep falling over to show their panties."

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