An innocent bystander is enjoying a day at the beach without a care in the world. Suddenly, you feel searing pain as you scream in great pain and agony, sometimes even screaming like a little girl. You then discover that a crab pinched you either on the finger, foot, groin, or any other body part.

Oftentimes when you're at a beach or river or any body of water, you get pinched by a crab, a lobster, or any kind of pincered crustacean. This also happens often in Real Life... God forbid.

Subtrope of: Amusing Injuries

Examples of Pinching Pain include:


  • This Bud Light commercial.

Anime and Manga

  • Happens to JP in Digimon Frontier in the Beach Episode.
  • Pokémon: Ash Ketchum fell victim to this trope with Krabby in one of the earlier episodes, before catching it.
    • And in a later episode May's brother, Max, gets pinched in the butt by a Corphish that may or may not be the one Ash catches in a future episode.
  • In the Beach Episode of Zoids, one of the pilots fell victim to a Beach Bury, and had his nose nipped by a very opportunistic sand crab!

Film (Animated)

  • The Genie in Aladdin briefly gets pinched by a crab that looks suspiciously like Sebastian.
    • The original Sebastian pinches Louie in the nose to keep from being eaten.
  • In Fantasia 2000, Donald Duck is pinched by a whole mess of crabs.

Film (Live Action)

Newspaper Comics

  • Hawthorne did this lots of times to the hairless beach apes in Sherman's Lagoon.

Web Comics


Nip: An' that's how Tuck found th' new crawdad hole...


Western Animation

  • Happens to Pluto in the Classic Disney Short "Hawaiian Holiday".
  • A crab goes after both Tom and Jerry in "Salt Water Tabby".
  • The Garfield and Friends episode "Maine Course" had Jon receive a lobster from a seafood company. The minute the lobster is released, he promptly pinches Jon, Garfield, and Odie. When they've successfully had the lobster subdued, they realize, however, that they don't have the heart to cook him. Instead, they keep him as a pet and name him Therm. After that, however, they have to take him back to his natural habitat after discovering that he was very sick.
  • Hanna-Barbera's Moby Dick. In the episode "The Crab Creatures", Moby has his tail pinched by a Giant Enemy Crab under the title creatures' control.
  • Rolf from Ed, Edd 'n' Eddy is at one point set upon by lobsters that were running loose in his garden (long story), and positively flips out.

Rolf: Scourge of the sea, release Rolf! Nana, find the pliers!!

  • In Deputy Droopy, Tex Avery's last Droopy cartoon, a pair of crooks are constantly thwarted by Droopy inflicting pain on them when they're trying to be silent—at one point, a crook sits in a chair where a strategically placed lobster repeatedly snaps into him with a sound effect like heavy-duty shears.
  • Dr. Zoidberg rarely uses his pinchers defensively, but he does chop off Fry's arm in "Why Must I Be A Crustacean In Love", cuts Bender's legs at the feet on "Anthology Of Interest I", and literally disarms robot gangster Clamps in "Silence Of The Clamps".
  • A Pink Panther cartoon has a crab disrupt Pink's fishing trip.