Popful Mail

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Popful Mail is a side-scrolling action-adventure game, originally made by Nihon Falcom (developers of the Ys series) for NEC's PC-88 and PC 98 home computers in Japan, and then ported to the TurboGrafx-16 CD and Sega CD systems. Working Designs worked on the localization for the North American Sega CD version (the one that will be covered in this entry). There's also a little-known Super Famicom version.

It stars a charmingly inept elven bounty hunter named Popful Mail (think Lina Inverse with Pointy Ears), who's spent much of her adventuring life chasing after the notorious criminal Nuts Cracker. She manages to corner him, but is only able to retrieve Nuts' head (as his body runs away from her during their melee), which is practically worthless. Frustrated, she takes her trophy and wanders toward a town, where she learns of an even better bounty - 2,000,000 gold for the capture of an evil old wizard named Muttonhead.

The WD localization of Popful Mail exhibits the following tropes: