Sex Is Violence/Professional Wrestling

Examples of Sex Is Violence in Professional Wrestling include:

  • Wrestlers will sometimes get very obvious erections while wrestling.
    • Renee Dupree would sport a very obvious erection when he wrestled, which he would show off during his prancing finisher move.
    • Though to be fair, it's possible (and common) for men to get erections without any sort of arousal.
    • In the case of professional wrestling, this may not have all that much to do with "violence" per se.
    • Wrestling is hard, rough exercise, involves a lot of close contact, and gets the blood flowing. Most if not all of your muscles will get an increased blood flow... and although the penis is not exactly a muscle, it does need increased blood flow to become erect. It's also entirely possible that some wrestlers just get off on pain. Theses have been wrote on this subject before (boxers, wrestlers and other "rough" fighting sport practitioners may have unwittingly gotten into the sport because they subconsciously enjoy the pain associated with it), but their validity is a discussed matter.

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