Smug Snake/Professional Wrestling

Examples of Smug Snakes in Professional Wrestling include:

  • Jake "The Snake" Roberts tended to waver between Smug Snake and Magnificent Bastard, depending on how cartoonishly evil he was booked.
  • Triple H calls himself the Cerebral Assassin, and usually tries really hard to come off as a Magnificent Bastard, but in full Heel mode, he's always a Smug Snake. He respects nobody, he always loses it whenever he's not in control, and tends to react erratically when things don't turn out the way he plans them. Combine that with the fact that fans believe he uses his Real Life pull to always have things go his way, plus his idolization of the truly magnificent Ric Flair, just accentuates his smugness.
  • Dr. Stevie, who uses every trick in the book to either hurt Abyss, or try to turn him into his puppet. While slightly effective, his big flaw is that he keeps pissing off the wrong people. For example, he bribed Kevin Nash $50,000 to attack Abyss. Nash succeeded, but Dr. Stevie refused to honor their deal...
  • John Bradshaw Layfield spent his entire main event push as this. Despite being WWE Champion of almost a year (a fact he reminded everyone of constantly), the man couldn't win a match cleanly to save his life. Nevertheless, JBL constantly weaseled his way out of title matches via underhanded tricks whenever he couldn't beat the guy... which was everybody he fought. It finally took God Mode Sue on the rise John Cena to finally take the belt from him.
  • Wade Barrett from The Nexus slipped into this Trope more and more as he lost control of his own stable.
    • With The Nexus long gone, Barrett would try to recreate it on SmackDown with "The Corre", a stable where everyone was supposedly equal, with no leader figure present. However, Barrett's ego again brought an end to the stable, as his fellow equals in The Corre had enough of him.
  • Several wrestling managers such as Bobby Heenan, Jim Cornette and Jimmy Hart fall into the trope quite well as being managers, they have to rely on their mouths to do the talking. And they do that well.
  • Edge as a Heel.
  • Chris Jericho, specifically during his last heel run.
  • Michael Cole, since his Face Heel Turn. The crux of his character now is that Cole is a braggadocio, often trumping his superiority and victories (one of them being at Wrestlemania against fellow announcer Jerry Lawler[1]), as well as being "The Voice of The WWE". However, Cole ends up being humiliated spectacularly in various ways by superstars like John Cena, CM Punk, Daniel Bryan, and Jim Ross.
  • John Laurinaitis.[context?]

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  1. Though that was from meddling by the Anonymous RAW GM...