• Crowning Music of Awesome (The aptly titled "One Who Walks the Path of Strong-Fisted Supremacy". The title alone sounds like something Raoh would use for himself)
  • Crowning Level Of Awesome (In Original Generation Gaiden, Mizal brings out hordes of Bartolls instead of regular Shura Mecha-Mooks, making his level the only level Lamia Loveless can have her vengeance against the Bartolls. Pretty much the only satisfying thing Mizal could ever provide to players when he's alive (the other being the player killing him, which incidentally, he provides in the very same level)
  • Game Breaker (Ialdabaoth's nigh untouchable with high damage output...and that's not even before casting the Focus Spirit Command)
  • Memetic Badass (Folka's pretty much the SRW fandom's Chuck Norris)
  • Moral Event Horizon (Mizal crosses it in any time he orchestrates Altis' death; Fernando and Maysis concurs)
  • Nightmare Fuel (Raha Extim has nipple rings and a dragon's head in its crotch. And it has the power of Raoh, to boot)
  • Tear Jerker (Altis's deaths in both games)