Taimanin Asagi, or Anti-demon Ninja Asagi, is a rather dark four episode Hentai OVA based on a game by Black Lilith.

The main character is Asagi Igawa, a ninja who fights demons but is planning to retire in order to marry her boyfriend Kyousuke. However, Oboro, a demon who Asagi supposedly killed earlier in her career, is back with a vengeance, and kidnaps Asagi and Kyousuke, turning Kyousuke into a monster and forcing Asagi to fight in the Chaos Arena, an illegal fight in which the losers are raped for the crowd's entertainment. Asagi's sister Sakura, also an anti-demon ninja, attempts to rescue them but is captured and also forced to fight.

The show is noted for looking like it was filmed on a shaky handheld camera with focus problems, and for the extreme tentacle and non-tentacle rape.

Thanks to popularity amassed from both the first game and OVA series, the Taimanin series has become Black Lilith's biggest Cash Cow Franchise. Over the years, the series has spawned 2 sequels, several Spin-Offs, a couple manga and live action adaptations, an upcoming[when?] PrequelReboot, a currently ongoing Card Battle Game, and (as of now) four more animated OVA adaptation, Hell Knight Ingrid (which is loosely based off the spin-off Taimanin Murasaki), Taimanin Asagi 2, Taimanin Yukikaze, and Taimanin Asagi 3.

Tropes used in Taimanin Asagi include:

The Series in General:

  • The Ace: Asagi is often refer to as " The Strongest Taimanin".
  • Action-Hogging Opening: Many of the visual novel openings with its fast pace music and imagery of the characters fighting. It almost makes you forgot that you are playing a Hentai.
  • Action Prologue: Tends to be a recurring theme in the franchise. Near every installment starts out with an action-heavy scene to establish the characters as Badass Action Girls. The rest of the story would focus on... "other things".
  • All Your Base Are Belong to Us/The Siege: During the midpoint of Taimanin Asagi 3, the JSDF raid Gokuruma City. In reality, a deniable black ops unit sent out to do the most depraved forms of wetwork, heavily supported by Edwin Black's goons.
  • Alternative Continuity: Taimanin Asagi Battle Arena and the upcoming Sequel/ReBoot "Taimanin Asagi-Zero".
  • Amazon Brigade: Averted. While most of Taimanin featured are female, there are several male members within their rank, notable examples include Kuroi Yatsu and Tatsurou Akiyama.
  • And Then Oboro Was A Vampire: At some point after the first game.
  • Ask a Stupid Question: When Asagi ask "Is Sakura alive?", someone replies " Of course she is, idiot."
  • Ass Shove: Well this is a Hentai, so many of the Taimanin are forced to suffer this.
  • Audience Participation: In the chaos arena, the audience members may punish to loser.
  • Back From the Dead: Original Oboro, TWICE.
  • Badass in Charge: By the time of the third game Asagi is pretty much the leader of the Taimanin faction.
  • Balloon Belly: Many of the characters suffers this, not from over eating, but from cum inflation, as well as having various other uncomfortable biological violators shoved into every orifice.
  • Big Bra to Fill: In many of the ZIZ's live action adaptations. Many of the actresses, including the ones for Sakura, Ingrid, and Oboro, are noticeable rather flat chested, which is a sharp contrast to the far more bustier animated characters.  To be fair, it probably isn't easy to find an actress in Japan that has similar physical characteristics as the character, much less "portion size", and being willing to "recreate" some of the scenes from the games.
  • Bio Augmentation: Tends to be a recurring theme in the franchise. Usually the antagonist would modify the protagonist's body in order to make them more susceptible to sex. The most popular would be drastically increasing their sensitivity toward sexual pleasure and turn their entire body into an erogenous zone.
  • Blood Sport: The Chaos Arena definitely fits the bill, only difference is that the defeated combatant can be raped and humiliated instead of killed.
  • Bob Haircut: Oboro in addition to a ponytail.
  • Body Snatcher: This how Oboro comes back to life in the first game, she body jacks Kyousuke and morphs his body to resemble hers. The real Oboro [Koukawa]'s power is basically this.
  • Breakout Character: Ingrid first appears as a side character in "Taimanin Murasaki". Thanks to her overwhelming popularity among the fan base, she was given a much larger role in "Taimanin Asagi 3" and even given her own OVA series.
  • Break the Badass: The usual premise of each installment in the franchise, normally by having the antagonist trying to drive the protagonist to madness through sexual torture.
  • Breast Expansion: Medically induced to both Asagi and her younger sister in the first game.
  • But You Screw One Goat: Asagi is forced to mate with a Hellsteed midway through E2.
    • Lillith's spinoff game has her banging a pig at one point, and in her OVA series, she's narrowly saved from being plowed by a Cerberus by her Master crashing the party and magicking it and a good portion of the guests into chunky salsa.
  • Card Battle Game: Taimanin Asagi Battle Arena, double's as a *Crossover between Black Liliths various over titles(such as Majo Anneroze and Diviner Knight Towako, etc).
  • Call a Rabbit a Smeerp: In the Card Battle game demons are referred to "Asmodian's".
  • Cash Cow Franchise: The Taimanin series as a whole is Black Liliths best source of income. As of now the franchise includes (but limited to), several Spin-Offs, at least animated 5 OVA adaptations (counting Spin-Offs), a couple live action adaptations, a Card Battle game series, 2 sequels, and an upcoming Prequel/ ReBoot. Not bad for a series about a bunch of Superhero Cyberpunk ninja getting raped by their enemies.
  • Cloning Gambit: What's going on behind the scenes throughout "Taimanin Asagi 2".
  • Crapsack World: Most definitely.
    • To add more detail, it's about as terrible as the worst aspects of Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex on it's public face, with Japan being mostly decent but with a lot of problems festering under the surface even without the demonic threat, America is about as bad as in GiTS:SAC (though largely because of Edwin Black's influence), and China has a lot of tensions with America, meaning Japan is often caught between the two in their power struggles. On a more fundamental level, it's heavily implied Japan is one of the last holdouts against the demonic influence that has mostly firm control over America, and Edwin Black is working to change that.
  • Cold War: Between the United States of America and the Chinese Union, instead of stockpiling nukes its demonic technology. Japan is just the one caught in the middle.
  • Come For The Hentai, Stay For Wakamoto: Anybody who watched this hentai would be fine just listening to his voice.
  • Cutting Off the Branches: The easiest way to follow the canon storyline is to see the next installment, although the series mostly follows a No Canon for the Wicked formula. Some examples include:
    • Kiryuu working for the Taimanins after the advents the Taimanin Murasaki, indicating that the game indeed ended with his capture.
    • Ingrid's route in Taimanin Murasaki is made non-canon after it was revealed that she was still a virgin in Taimanin Asagi 3.
    • In a similar case, Yukikaze and Rinko were still virgins in Taimanin Yukikaze 2, rendering most of the possible advents in the original Taimanin Yukikaze as non-canon.
  • Cyberpunk: The setting has shades of this.
  • Darker and Edgier: For a series that's already dark and edgy Taimanin Asagi 3 cranks it Up to Eleven.
  • Dirty Harriet: Both Asagi and Sakura go undercover as prostitutes in the second game.
  • Discontinuity: With the exception of the original animated OVA, all OVA spin-off/sequel after the first series are non-canon.
  • The Don: Edwin Black.
  • Downer Ending: A standard of the series. Most of series's Multiple Endings are these. Also, any OVA adaptation created by ZIZ Entertainment is likely going to end on a downer ending.
  • Driven to Madness: The usual goal of the antagonist is to do this to the protagonist. For what purpose, depends on the antagonist, but usually is to turn the protagonist into their mind broken Sex Slave.
  • Eagleland: America has a background role in a lot of series backstory, and while they aren't portrayed in an entirely flattering light, a lot of that is chalked up to corruption and Edwin Black's shadow influence over them, and there are factions in the American government that are fighting back against him.
  • Earn Your Happy Ending: Asuka's true ending in Taimanin Asagi 3. Is also Asagi's true end by proxy.
  • Elaborate Underground Base
  • Ensemble Darkhorse: Ingrid, who first appeared in the Taimanin Murasaki spinoff.
  • Even Evil Has Standards: Black may be a vampire criminal boss who runs an arena of rape, but even he's disgusted by how far Oboro goes for revenge.
  • Failure Is the Only Option: In Taimanin Yukikaze, Yukikaze and Rinko's mission to rescue Mizuki, Yukikaze's mother, would ultimately end in failure regardless of the choices the player makes. In the bad ending route(s), Yukikaze and Rinko would ended up as mind broken Sex Slaves. The only way the player can attain the good ending (after completing all bad ending routes) is by having the mission aborted before it can really start, resulting in a Bittersweet Ending. While Yukikaze and Rinko are spared from a life of subjugation, with the body modifications done to them so far being completely reversible, Mizuki still remains missing and can't be rescued in this game.
    • In Taimanin Asagi 3, Asagi's route can only end on a Downer Ending. The only way to attain the one true ending is by playing Asuka's route, which is unlocked after completing Asagi's route.
  • Fan Disservice: Unless you like this type of Hentai.
  • Flanderization: In the bonus mini-episode, Asagi is a pervert.
  • Friend to All Children: Ingrid actually has a big soft spot when it comes to kids. In her OVA, Kiryu was able to exploit this when capturing her.
  • Gag Boobs: Played For Drama.
  • Go-Go Enslavement: In Taimanin Yukikaze, the standard uniform for slave prostitutes at the brothel at Under Eden include evening gloves, stockings, high-heel shoes, and an almost see-through micro bikini.
  • Government Agency of Fiction:The Public Security Intelligence Agency Third Investigation Division (Section Three), which the Taimanin forces are apart of.
  • Hidden Elf Village: Gokuruma, home of the Taimanins. The third game fan translation calls it Gosha Village.
  • In-Series Nickname / Affectionate Nickname: Ero-Kunoichi
  • I Will Punish Your Friend for Your Failure: As punishment against Asagi, Oboro decides to punish her sister Sakura.
  • Loads and Loads of Characters: Just check out the character page that, so far, only covers the characters that appeared in the canon storyline. The ongoing card game has already introduced over 50 new characters.
  • Lovely Angels: The series really love to play this tropes. To list them off we have, Asagi and Sakura (Taimanin Asagi 1 and 2), Murasaki and Sakura (Taimanin Murasaki and Taimanin Asagi 3), Yukikaze and Rinko (Taimanin Yukikaze 1 and 2), and Kurenai and Ayame (Taimanin Kurenai).
  • Katanas Are Just Better: A Taimanin's main weapon of choice by default, although the Yatsu siblings are an exemption(Kuroe uses a huge jack knife and sub machine gun, Murasaki on the other hand uses a large battle axe). We find out in the third game more experienced Taimanin can specialize in whatever weapons they show particular skill in and usually switch to that as their default choice.
  • Kill the Ones You Love: Asagi does this to Kyousuke close to the end. He had been turned into a monster, he was lucid at that moment, and she said "I love you" just before breaking his neck and killing him quickly. You would have to have a heart made out of stone not to feel anything over that.
    • In Taimanin Asagi 3 near the end of Asagi's route she is force to choose between sparing her loved ones or killing them, go ahead and guess which one is required for the true ending. Not the true ending, thankfully.
  • Impaled with Extreme Prejudice: Asagi kills off her Arch-Enemy Oboro in this way at the end of the first game.
  • Instant Awesome, Just Add Ninja: Sexy demon-hunting Cyberpunk ninjas that wear tight Form-Fitting Wardrobes, including Spy Catsuits and Leotards of Power. No wonder this is Lilith-Soft most popular franchise.
  • Made a Slave: Many of the characters suffer this.
  • Mad Scientist: Kiryuu Sabato. His mentor, Furst, is arguably even more depraved.
  • Moral Event Horizon: Oboro turned Asagi's boyfriend into a monster, turned Kyousuke away from her, painfully expanded her sister's breasts and butt to make her a human sex doll, and making Kyousuke nearly kill Asagi by raping her.
  • Multiple Endings: Comes standard in each visual novel. Most of them are usually Downer Endings, but the one good/bittersweet ending were the heroes escape is usually the canon ending.
    • This trope overlaps with Once More, with Clarity in TA3, as the true ending of Asagi's route unlocks Asuka's route, which not only clarifies a few things in Asagi's route, it also causes a divergence that relegates Asagi's route ending to non canon by changing events so that Asagi can have a Bittersweet Ending, which is surprisingly heavy on the sweet instead of bitter.
  • Naughty Tentacles: A metric fuckton exist in every single game.
  • Netorare Genre: There are elements of this in the first Taimanin Asagi and in Taimanin Yukikaze.
  • Ninja School: Gosha Academy. Somewhat double's as a Super-Hero School.
  • No Canon for the Wicked: If the sequels/spin-offs are any indication, it is that the canon endings of each of the visual novels are normally " the good ending" (the heroes escape, the bad guys are captured/killed). However, please keep in mind that the best possible ending can still be a Bittersweet Ending.
  • No-Holds-Barred Beatdown: In the second episode of the anime, Asagi suffers this at the hands of a wrestler woman, Power Lady. Also occurs in the first game, but can be subverted in the third.
  • Noble Demon: Ingrid and Edwin Black to a certain extent.
  • Porn with Plot: Yes, there is a LOT of porn, but once you get past it there is surprisingly amount of detail and backstory to the game world, which explains why it got so crapsack.
  • Pyrrhic Victory: The true ending of the second game.
  • One-Winged Angel: Edwin Black in the third game.
  • Ordinary High School Student: Sakura, doesn't last long as she eventually transfers to an Academy of Adventure after the Chaos Arena incident.
  • Pragmatic Adaptation: In many of the live action adaptations. While the overall story usually follows the same plot line as the visual novels, many of the h-scenes had to be remove or altered either because of the low budget to replicate the scene, the fact the some of the scenes are so extreme, or just impossible, that they can't be done without causing lasting injury to the actresses.
  • Reincarnation: In the "true end" of Asagi's route, Asagi and Black discuss this trope. Which explains why they are on the same side now but were once enemies and why Murasaki and Sakura and alive again.
  • Rape Leads to Insanity: Like in most hentai, after a character is raped after a long period of time, they are likely to end up as mind broken slaves to the antagonist. Depending on the player, the protagonist(s) can either recover with most of their sanity intact, or remain in a state of insanity. Results vary in the OVA series.
  • Retirony: At the beginning, Asagi was planning to marry Kyousuke and leave the demon-hunting business...
  • Sex Slave: Several of the characters are forced to be this at one point or another.
  • Sexy Backless Outfit: Many of the Taimanin's uniforms have their backs complete exposed. Many villains have a similar theme.
  • Shoot the Shaggy Dog: A few of the game tends to be this. For example, in the first game Asagi was planning on leaving her life as demon hunting ninja so that she could marry her boyfriend. However, her boyfriend is captured and turned into a monster by her arch nemesis. After spending days having both Asagi and her sister sexual tortured, Asagi is forced to Mercy Kill her boyfriend before breaking free. The sisters are able kill Oboro and destroy the Chaos Arena, and Asagi goes back to career as a ninja. However, Oboro is revived in the next and the Chaos Arena is rebuilt in TA3, rendering Asagi's accomplishments in TA1 moot.
  • Sidekick: Sakura Igawa, up until the third game.
  • Shared Universe: Many other games by the same company, while not directly connected to the series itself, use the same setting.
  • Slave Brand: Most of them usually have a magical purposes other than mark a person as a slave, for example the brands used by Under Eden in Taimanin Yukikaze is used to prevent one of their slave prostitutes from running away or disobeying. If they do etheir of these two action, the branded person would be inflicted with pain, or in worse case scenario, have their limbs blown up. The heart-shape brand in Taimanin Asagi 3 is an extreme form of brainwashing, forcing the brand to perform any action ordered by the person who branded them. It can be broken by killing the originator of the seal, though, but only through a creative use of Briar Patching, as displayed by Asagi in her route.
  • Sorting Algorithm Of Evil: When it come it villains in the series, each installment normally tries to one up itself:
    • In Taimanin Asagi, the main villains were Oboro and Edwin Black. However, Black chose to take a back seat to these event and watch them unfold. Oboro is skilled enough to defeat an average Taimanin but can't defeat Asagi in a fair fight. She ended up using trickery to capture both Asagi and Sakura. But when the sisters were free to attack Oboro, she didn't last long.
    • Taimanin Asagi 2 gives us Oboro's clone and Saya as the main villains, while Black once again takes a back seat to the advents. Clone Oboro is the same as the Oboro from TA1, meaning she still can't beat Asagi in a fair fight. However, Clone Oboro has more resources than TA1 Oboro and controls an entire city. Saya is stated to be much stronger than Asagi and Oboro, and was able to defeat and capture the Igawa sisters with little issue. But when Asagi was able to tap into her inner demon, she quickly defeated Saya.
    • Taimanin Murasaki, which takes place between TA2 and TA3, has Kiryuu serve as the main villain. While Kiryuu isn't physically stronger than Saya, he is still a lot smarter than Oboro and more well versed in demon technology.
    • The main villains in Taimanin Asagi 3 are a stronger vampire Oboro, Kiryuu's evil(er) mentor Furst, and Edwin Black who has finally taken center stage as an active threat against Asagi and her allies. Black also controls most of the world at this point, and is strong enough to defeat Demon!Asagi.
    • The Spin-Off series Taimanin Yukikaze has a noticeable shift in villain threat level from TY1 and TY2. The major villains include a brothel operator, a fat Corrupt Politician, and an orc that is about as strong as a Mook. None of these three can defeat a Taimanin in an actual fight, and only captured Yukikaze and Rinko because they were Skilled but Naive. In the canon storyline, their plan failed before it even began. In TY2, the villains now are much stronger, and have more fighting capabilities. Not to mention, the true main villain in TY2 is apparently almost as strong Edwin Black, and just as cunning.
  • Spin-Off: Quite a few in fact. Taimanin Murasaki, Taimanin Yukikaze 1, Taimanin Yukikaze 2, and Taimanin Kurenai.
  • Stalker with a Crush: Murasaki really, REALLY loves Asagi. To the point where she has Sakura steal Asagi's bath towels and seeing her naked gives Murasaki heat flashes.
  • Super-Powered Evil Side: Asagi gains one near the end of the second game. According to clone Oboro, all Taimanin are capable of having a Super-Powered Evil Side.
  • Superpowerful Genetics: Taimanin's have various abilities (Asagi can move at light speed, Sakura can travel through shadows, etc). Its actually implied by Oboro that most, if not all, Taimanins have some form of demon lineage.
  • Super Soldier: Saya. This is what Oboro's clone wants to turn Asagi and Sakura into.
  • The Syndicate: The NOMAD organization. In an interesting twist on the trope, it's two tiered, with an overt legitimate business conglomerate front and somewhat more covert human criminal organization that engages in a lot of nasty yet mundane criminal enterprises, and the even more hidden yet nastier demonic element controlling the former. With Edwin Black's death in the true end of TA3, it falls aparts pretty hard, as he was the glue holding it together by force of will, and given how prone certain factions were to backstabbing each other before he died, NOMAD pretty much devolves into rampant self destruction without him to keep them focused.
  • Throwing the Fight: A spectator of Chaos Arena accuses to Asagi of losing the fight on purpose.
  • Took A Level In Badass: Sakura goes from plucky sidekick in the first two games, to a plucky combat instructor for the Taimanin school in the third game.
  • Token Good Teammate: Ingrid, for the NOMAD organization. She is pretty much the only member that does not indulge in raping or torturing her opponents. In fact, the only thing "evil" about her is that she just works for the organization. Naturally, this makes her a target among the other members.
  • Twenty Minutes Into the Future: The series takes place in near future, usually the story would label year(s) to be 20XX. Accord to Word of God, the series takes place somewhere between the years 2050-2100.
  • The Unmasqued World: By the time of Taimanin Asagi 2 the general population becomes aware that demon's live amongst them. Hell, even in the first game there's an Orc named Pig who runs an antique shop!
  • Urban Fantasy
  • You Have Failed Me: The losers of fights are severely punished.
  • You Gotta Have Blue Hair: Asagi: Blue (though usually a subdued blue-black version). Sakura: Yellow. And Oboro: Red-violet. Murasaki: Blue. Ingrid: Pink.
  • Your Princess Is in Another Castle: Twice in the Taimanin Yukikaze visual novels, although it is more like your "Your Mother is at Another Evil Brothel". No matter what choices the player make, Yukikaze will not be able to save her mother in either game.
  • Your Size May Vary: The Chaos Arena.
  • Waif Fu: Asagi is stronger than she looks..
  • Was Once a Man: A couple of the demons in series were once human, but through some form of dark magic and/or mad science they were turned into monsters. Examples include Kiryuu, Saya, Shigeru, Kyousuke, and possible Oboro (which is debatable considering her true origins).
  • What Could Have Been: According to a creator's note, Kousuke was original supposed around Sakura's age, and would become Sakura's Love Interest, mirroring Asagi's relationship with Kyousuke. However in TA3, Kousuke was much more younger than Sakura, and became Asagi's Love Interest instead, in favor of Ship Teasing Sakura with Murasaki.
  • Why Won't You Die?: Oboro proves about as difficult to kill off as The Master from Doctor Who.
  • Wretched Hive: Tokyo Kingdom, home to terrorist organizations (for example the Ryuumon), unwanted refugees, and lower class demons(Orcs, Kobolds, and goblins ,etc).
    • Yomihara can also be considered this. Both the Taimanins and the Japenese government has little to no control of this place. It is for the most part, sealed off from the rest of the world with only a few individuals being able to go in or out of the town. Slave trade is very popular in Yomihara. Asagi even considers Yomihara to be much worse than Tokyo Kingdom.

The "Hell Knight Ingrid" Spin-Off Anime has examples of:

  • Adaptation Distillation: The OVA is technically an adaptation of Taimanin Murasaki, however many plot points were removed due to time constraints. For example, Sakura was completely taken out of the OVA, and many of the scenes with Murasaki were removed. That being said..
  • Adaptation Expansion: The OVA gives a lot more focus on "Ingrid's route" from the game, including new scenes for Ingrid that was not present in the visual novel.
  • Alternative Continuity: Seeing as Kiryuu is still alive, and the fact that Ingrid has remained a virgin until TA3, it's safe to assume that this OVA is non-canon to the visual novel series.
  • Aristocrats Are Evil: Kiryuu loves to throw fancy parties for his aristocratic associates. The main advents usually ends up being a depraved rape show, which many of these aristocrat take pleasure in watching.
  • Ascended Extra: Ingrid goes from being the third-billing character in Taimain Murasaki, to being the main protagonist of this series.
  • Baby Factory: During the final episode, Kiryuu planned to subject Ingrid and Murasaki to this fate. The two would have been force to mate with Kiryuu's creation, the cerberus-like hell hound, Nabelius, and give birth to an army of these creatures. But thank Edwin Black and Kurou Yatsu's timely rescue, they were spared from this.
  • Balloon Belly: Ingrid was subjected to this, twice.
  • Big Bad: Kiryuu Sabato.
  • Big Damn Heroes: Edwin Black and Kurou Yatsu in the final episode.
  • Blood Splattered Warrior: Murasaki in the second episode during her fight with Kiryuu. Unfortunately for her, Kiryuu laced his blood with a powerful aphrodisiac.
  • Death by Adaptation: Kiryuu was killed by Ingrid at the end of the OVA series, but he is still alive in the visual novel series.
  • Demoted to Extra: Although this is a loose adaptation of Taimanin Murasaki, the titular character of the game is made the Deuteragonist in this anime. Sakura was completely removed from the OVA, despite being a main character in TM. Also, Asagi was only briefly mentioned in this, but unlikely the visual novel, she does not make an actual appearance. This is mostly done to give Ingrid more screen time.
  • Deuteragonist: Murasaki Yatsu.
  • Even Better Sequel: Some fan consider the Hell Knight Ingrid spin-off series to be this for the TA1 OVA, as it remove the shaky cam that many fan didn't like, but still manages to retain it's fluid animation and intense scenes.
  • Flash Step: Ingrid pulls this off in the first episode.
  • Hell Hound: Nabelius, a cerberus-like demon created from Edwin Black's DNA. Kiryuu created this creature for the purpose of destroying Edwin Black.
  • One-Woman Army: Ingrid was able to fight off legions of Kiryuu's demons in the first episode.
  • Sex Slave: Kiryuu forced Ingrid and Murasaki to be this for most of the anime.
  • Spin-Off
  • Villain Protagonist: Ingrid. While Ingrid is Noble Demon, she still works for Edwin Black, which technically still makes her a "villain" from the Taimanin's  point of view.
  • What Could Have Been: The Hell Knight Ingrid OVA was originally going to be a more faithful adaptation to Taimanin Murasaki focusing primarily on Murasaki. This was dropped in favor on focusing on the Ensemble Darkhorse Ingrid, while Murasaki was given the role of the Deuteragonist.
  • Wouldn't Hurt a Child: Ingrid couldn't bring herself to hurt a little girl in the first episode, unfortunately her, said little girl was Kiryuu in disguise.

The Bonus Episode has examples of: