Talk:Any Torment You Can Walk Away From

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Suggested rename: "Ordeals Are No Big Deal"

QuestionableSanity (talkcontribs)

It's super confusing to have a trope named directly after the title of a highly regarded work on this wiki. In fact, I discovered this trope by first being linked to the page on the Shakespearean play. I strongly suggest we rename this trope, and also comb any ingoing links to All's Well and All Is Well for any mixed-up links.

Second choice suggestions: "Trauma Schmauma", "No Drama From Trauma".

GethN7 (talkcontribs)

I like the third option.

QuestionableSanity (talkcontribs)

Actually, what about Drama-Free Trauma?

GethN7 (talkcontribs)

That works even better.

QuestionableSanity (talkcontribs)

At the risk of seeming unbelievably fickle, I have to suggest a new name, because it turns out that "Drama-Free Trauma" can be easily confused for "Angst? What Angst?"

This particular trope is specifically about the aftermath of a traumatic experience, not during. So, my new suggestion for this trope would be:

  • Any Torment You Can Walk Away From: A play on the phrase "Any landing you can walk away from is a good one", which involves shrugging off the fact that your aerial vehicle is now a mangled wreck on the basis that you're still in one piece.

Secondary title choices:

  • Trauma, Sans After-Drama
  • Shrugging Off The Trauma/Torment/Distress/Anguish
  • The Anguish Aftermath Doesn't Add Up!
  • Let Traumatic Bygones Be Bygones
GethN7 (talkcontribs)

Good point, I like "Any Torment You Can Walk Away From" as a backup choice.

QuestionableSanity (talkcontribs)

This time, I'll wait 24 hours before enacting another change. I'd like someone else to throw their two cents in.

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