• The first exchange between Eilonwy and Taran:

Eilonwy: I'm Princess Eilonwy. Are you a lord, or a warrior?
Taran: Uh, no. Uh... I-I-I'm an assistant pig keeper.
Eilonwy: Oh, what a pity. I was so hoping for someone who could help me escape.

  • Or this:

Creeper: Oh, I'm sorry. I've ignored you. You did come for the Black Cauldron, didn't you? Good. Then climb in! It will only cost you your life.

  • This goes straight into a whole other territory:
  • In the beginning, when Taran is boasting to himself about his perceived or wished abilities. By doing so, he loses sight of the pig. Yep, that's right, he couldn't perform the simple job of keeping the pig near him because of his dwelling on his own competence.
  • When Gurgi offers his partially eaten apple as part of the bargain deal. It's hilarious and a little sad because it holds such value to him.
  • Interestingly enough, the Horned King actually provides a funny quote: