This page contains a complete list of characters found in the Web Comic, The Descended.

The Outcasts

Argus, Aria, Davos, and Sasha.

The Outcasts are the main protagonists of The Descended, lead by their founder, Argus. All of them are fairly powerful for their levels, making them a force to be reckoned with as they go saving (or destroying) the land. They're not exactly what one would expect from a "hero", having that status simply because they are the main focus of The Descended.

Despite their many flaws and lack of traditional heroic qualities, however, they are basically average adventurers who just so happen to have had bad lives. In the end, even though they all are unique in their traits, skills, powers, and backstories, they share a common interest:

Unwilling and incapable of settling down, they live for adventure, all with the ultimate goal of becoming the most powerful person they possibly can be...that is, if they can survive.



"Hey, it's not my fault I was Nerfed on the verge of Omnipotence!"


Argus, a Master Joat, the founder and team leader of The Outcasts. Despite controlling all the elements and classes, he has a strong affinity to lightning magic because his original class was Storm Mage. He is a rather experienced adventurer, having been around for ages, a fact not reflected by his level. The reason why is because he once was on the verge of Ascending to becoming a God. However—while his friend and traveling companion Hank made it in—the Balance of Power between Good and Evil would've been too disrupted had Argus also joined, so he had to be Struck Down to the Netherworld—while by no means a bad existence, Argus did not want that kind of afterlife, so willingly was Nerfed, Descending back down in desperation. Needless to say, he was not amused, and now seeks vengeance, ultimately hoping to achieve Ascension again—this time, however, as Chaotic Evil.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:
  • Affably Evil: A bit too affable, Argus.
  • A God Am I: He briefly was one.
  • Ascended Demon: His goal.
  • Ascend to a Higher Plane of Existence: He did so, briefly, but didn't get to keep it. He aims to do so, again.
  • Ambition Is Evil: Subverted. Seeking out to ascend isn't really that evil—people of all alignments have done it before. But it's harder to get to the higher-hundreds as an evil character, due to Everything Trying to Kill You, both heroes and villains alike. However, Argus actually has the power to ascend as an evil god, a quite ambitious goal.
  • Anti-Hero: Technically a Type V, but in truth, is far higher up on the scale.
  • Awesome McCoolname: This is what he thinks of "Argus" as being.
  • Bad Is Good and Good Is Bad: His experiences have made him firmly believe this.
  • Balance of Power: The reason he has chosen Chaotic Evil; there are still too many Good Gods, because getting to a high enough level to Ascend is very difficult as an Evil alignment.
  • Being Evil Sucks: Specifically, getting rid of those pesky Lawful Good tendencies is a bit hard to do.
  • Being Good Sucks: It's the reason why he couldn't stay as a God. It also has the bad habit of remaining in his personality, even after his alignment change.
  • Blood Knight: A side-effect of his alignment; he often-times purposefully extends the fights and messes around with his opponents, despite being able to cast a single spell which obliterates them.
  • Brought Down to Normal: More like "brought down to level 1"—he is far from "normal".
  • Card-Carrying Villain: Aspires to be one. Isn't...quite there yet.
  • Catch Phrase: "Hey, it's not my fault I was Nerfed on the verge of Omnipotence!"
  • Chaotic Evil: His new choice in alignment, but only technically—he fails at the spirit of the alignment.
  • Chewing the Scenery: Brian tries his best to convey this in sprite form.
  • Chronic Villainy: Inverted—he keeps falling into good.
  • Dangerously Genre Savvy: Having been across the world adventuring, he's Seen It All. Combined with the knowledge gained as a God, and he really can be this.
  • Do Not Call Me "Paul": Argus's real name is Jason Argo Maustrat. He prefers Argus.
  • Elemental Powers: All characters in the higher half of the hundreds become so powerful that the restrictions for multiclassing and multielementing are removed, so Argus eventually gained control of all eight elements.
  • Evil Feels Good: When he's doing it right, that is.
  • Evil Is Cool: He certainly thinks so.
  • Evil Is Stylish: It's surprisingly easy to make a Chaotic Evil character show great emotion in sprites.
  • Evil Sorcerer: Prefers his Mage side and is Chaotic Evil, but only technically fits this trope.
  • Expy: A brilliant yet mysterious winged mage dressed in black with a shadowy past and ego (who likes to mess with his opponents) using very high level spells whose name starts with an A. And who has an antagonistic brother. My, my, whoever could that be?
    • Making this joke WAS the reason the whole world of Soano was created.
  • Face Heel Turn: Changing his alignment after Descending from Lawful Good to Chaotic Evil would technically count, if he wasn't 1: the protagonist, and 2: very, very bad at the 'evil' half.
  • Fallen Hero: In more than one sense. The comic's not called The Descended for no reason, after all.
  • For the Evulz: While Argus does have a goal, said goal requires him to do this whenever he can: pointless violence, effectively.
  • Game Breaker: Argus kept all of his abilities and items (including the Potion Limit). Their use is somewhat limited, because many of them were designed for higher levels and higher stats, to make sure he doesn't God Mode all his enemies. However, he also gains the attributes he had at the level he had them at, while also gaining the standard increase for his level, making his stats effectively double what they should be at his level.
  • Genre Blind: Despite his immense amount of knowledge, he is prone to occasionally overlook things he really should have seen coming.
  • Genre Savvy: More-so than a standard character would be, due to his immense experience. Briefly being a God helped, too. This also means he's the only mortal character who will call out Tropes by their exact name. (It's canonical that all Gods have access to TV Tropes.)
  • Glass Cannon: A consequence of him being able to cast spells at far too low of a level. He has ways to overcome it, but it still is rather annoying.
  • Glowing Eyes of Doom: Only on his left eye, which is conveniently obscured by his hair.
  • God for a Day: Since time works differently between the Deities and Soano, the few seconds it took from Ascension to Descending were about this long to him—meaning he still gained a lot of knowledge about how the Heavens work in his brief stay among them.
  • God in Human Form: Essentially.
  • God Is Evil: Has the powers of a God, and his alignment is Chaotic Evil, so technically fits.
  • Good Angel, Bad Angel: He has them on occasion. The Good Angel has to convince Argus that what he's doing IS evil, effectively acting as forcing him to choose the lesser of two evils. The Bad Angel obviously wants him to take the worse option.
  • Good Felt Good: It did, until it almost got him killed, essentially by his best friend. He was not amused.
  • Good Hurts Evil: Or rather, Good interferes with attempts to perform Evil.
  • Good Is Boring: Slightly lampshaded, when Argus points out how he's effectively living life as a New Game+, and playing the hero twice in a row is boring; everyone is a villain on their second runthrough.

"After all, everyone knows that after having played through a game as good, they'll do it as evil and find it far more enjoyable."

  • Good Wings, Evil Wings: He retained the former, despite his alignment becoming the latter. He lost the halo, though.
  • Harmless Villain: For the average person, he tends not to be that much of a threat, despite his alignment.
    • His enemies, however, quickly learn that he is not this to them.
  • Holy Halo: Gained when he was an adventurer in the upper-hundreds, lost when he reversed his alignment and replaced with its opposite...
  • Horned Humanoid: Red devil horns after his alignment reversal.
  • In Harm's Way: He needs to go back into the fray to re-level himself up.
  • Invincible Hero: Obviously, has a bit of an advantage over most of his foes.
  • It Amused Me: His antics are almost all this. Argus could end most of his fights with pretty much no effort. He chooses not to, because "it's more fun that way."
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold: His alignment (Chaotic Evil) pretty much requires him to act as a Jerkass whenever he can. His former alignment, however, pushes him into this territory, much to his chagrin.
  • Karma Meter: We get to see changes in it, though not the actual meter itself.
  • Leitmotif: "Not Exactly A Hero".
  • Lightning Bruiser: He now is this, despite having once been a Squishy Mage.
  • Linear Warriors, Quadratic Wizards: Played with—Hank, a Rogue turned Joat, got to Ascend, whereas Argus, a Mage turned Joat, was forced to Descend. They had been equally powerful at the time. Now, Hank's a God, more powerful than any being alive—the cost is that he's stuck on the Heavenly plane, meaning he's not able to interact with the mortal plane, effectively rendering him harmless. But Argus is still on the mortal plane, with all of his powers—making him basically able to level a city.
  • Villain With An F In Evil: He wants to be Chaotic Evil. He really, really wants to. But it's hard to shake over sixty years of Lawful Good tendencies...
  • Mundane Utility: Argus's wings—while meant as a symbolic representation of his old alignment—actually allow him to fly.
  • New Game+: Argus considers his Descending to effectively be this. He even calls it by name.
  • Older Than They Look: Argus's exact age is unknown, but he was still adventuring frequently at the age of 60. Descending technically reset his age to 15, but his Wisdom Score is maxed out for a reason.
  • Old Soldier: Related, he's no stranger to combat.
  • Paint It Black: His hair was brown when he was a young adventurer, golden (much to his chagrin) when he became more powerful, and gray when he turned 60. After his Face Heel Turn, it went black.
    • His robes, however, were always black.
  • Peek-a-Bangs: shown on most of his official art; Word of God is that it covers his red left eye.
  • Person of Mass Destruction: While it'd be extremely difficult for him to do so, he could single-handedly level an entire city in a very short amount of time, having effectively the power of a God trapped on the mortal realm and slightly Depowered.
  • Physical God: Not quite, but close—he was briefly a god before being struck down, but maintained all of his powers and items, making him effectively this.
    • This is one of his main advantages over other Godly figures who want to play chess with him: they're trapped in other dimensions and cannot directly intervene. Argus, on the other hand, can.
  • Power Gives You Wings: And the Halo, though he lost it when he changed his alignment.
  • Power Limiter: While he has access to all of his high-level abilities (especially spells), he is limited to his level.
    • Granted, he still has double the stats a character of his level should have, but it's still a limit.
  • Roaring Rampage of Revenge: He tries to enjoy being evil, as effectively this against the Heavens
  • Sadist Teacher: Is supposed to be a Sadist due to his alignment, and teaches Davos.
  • Sanity Has Advantages: In combat, he'll tend to screw around. Gods help you if he decides to become this.
  • Screw the Rules, I Have Supernatural Powers: One of the factors in his Face Heel Turn; when the system didn't work the way he needed it to, he said, "screw that" and decided to take a different path.
  • Seen It All: Argus already went across the whole world once before; everything he's doing he's stated has been done before. (Just as a different alignment.)
  • Shock and Awe: Storm Magic (a combination of Energy and Wind Magic) is his preferred method of fighting. Because Wind Magic is mainly Buff-Based, the offense is mainly left to the Energy half, resulting in this trope.
  • Shonen Hair / Spiky Hair: His Sprite Art is shown like this; Word of God says it's accurate, except for the bangs, which fall under a different hairstyle.
  • Sliding Scale of Idealism Versus Cynicism: Firmly in the middle of the third wheel.
  • Smite Me, O Mighty Smiter!: He actually chose to Descend, because the alternative was life in the Netherworld—not a bad life, but not Argus's idea of Paradise.
  • Team Dad: Since he is Davos's mentor, he doesn't really mind if Davos takes a punch or two. That's good experience. He also knows Davos can handle mental stress. Attack his emotions, on the other hand, and Argus becomes this.
  • The Chessmaster: He prefers to make it up as he goes along (sometimes thinking things through quickly, other times just doing whatever the heck he wants to), but having been a Mage, he will do this on occasion.
    • He's considered to be in a long-term four-way chess battle. Hank is one of his opponents. Messing with The Cosmos is another. The fourth player in this long-term match is Chaos. Argus is at a disadvantage, but is holding his ground well enough.
  • Jack of All Stats: His class is "Joat", which stands for "Jack of all trades".
    • However, since he only took this class after there was literally no reason not to, he's more a "Master Of All", rather than "Master of None".
  • The Mentor: To Davos, due to Argus having traveled with extremely powerful pureblooded vampires in the past.
  • The Red Mage: Argus started as a Storm Mage, which is a combination of Energy and Wind magic. This got upgraded to Master when he became powerful enough, and later threw in the other classes to the mix as well.
  • There Is No Kill Like Overkill: Argus loves doing this all the time, because brutality is considered an evil act and he needs all the Evil Points he can get.
  • The Smart Guy: Has a maxed-out Wisdom score, and was originally a mage.
  • Villain Ball: Frequent victim.
  • Villain Protagonist: Technically, he's Chaotic Evil.
  • Visionary Villain: Argus has a clear plan for what he wants to do: reascend as a Chaotic Evil God.
  • What the Hell, Hero?: Has this attitude towards Hank and all Good-aligned gods, in regards to how they planned to deal with Argus.
  • Winged Humanoid: He was surprised that he got to keep the wings.
    • While meant as symbolic, the comic's avatar has him (attempting) to use them as a Mundane Utility: to fly.
  • You Should Use Your Powers For Good: He'd certainly do better at it then he would as a villain.
    • He did it before, got bored, and decided to do it the fun way, instead. And the whole revenge thing certainly doesn't help. So he decided to use his powers for Evil.

Aria L. Fulor


"Rogues are inheritantly manipulative. They cheat, they steal, they rob, they lie, they backstab, they run, and in general, they do whatever they need to in order to live. Lawful Good characters are honorable, bound to uphold the law, and do what’s right. The two do not mix well."


A Rogue who made a bit of a poor alignment choice which cost her life. Unable and unwilling to move on to the Netherworld, she decided to linger around the area she died in as a Ghost. When Argus found her, he offered her an Amulet of Solidification allowing her to interact more physically with the mortal realm and out of gratuity, she joined him. She was the one Argus found first in his recruitment effort, and is therefore his second-in-command. Like Argus, she hopes to get to a high level—to regain her mortal form without the aid of the Amulet.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:
  • Back from the Dead: Her goal.
  • Boy Meets Ghoul: Kind-of. Argus encounters Aria before any of his other recruits, offering her one of his many items, the Amulet of Solidification, which allows her to continue adventuring with him.
  • Conveniently an Orphan: A small part of her backstory, which is never brought up in the comic because it's unimportant.
  • Cute Ghost Girl: Her Amulet of Solidification allows her to interact with people normally, while retaining all the neat Ghost Tricks.
  • Ghostly Advisor: To Argus.
  • Ghost Pirate: Ghost Rogue, but close enough.
  • Honor Before Reason: What caused her death. She is quite a bit more reluctant to do it now, to say the least.
  • Humanity Ensues: Her Amulet Of Solidification allows her to interact with people physically. She'd prefer not to rely on its strength and be able to do it on her own power, so her goal is this.
  • Lawful Good: Technically, her alignment choice. She tends to cheat a little more than her alignment should allow her to.
  • Leitmotif: "Not Exactly Casper".
  • MacGuffin: The Amulet of Solidification is a significant one.
  • Morality Kitchen Sink: Her alignment is supposed to be Lawful Good, but being a Ghost has left her alignment a little...debatable. Being with Argus certainly doesn't help.
  • Our Ghosts Are Different: They're incapable of interacting with the physical world (touching things), but things like talking and visibility are no problem at all. Their heads are slightly larger, their feet are smaller, and they're semi-transparent, but they're otherwise still human-like. This is why simply giving her the Amulet of Solidification is enough to make her appear to be (almost) human. She still retains all of her ghostly powers, though:
    • Invisibility: optional.
    • Phasing through things: default state; she has to have the Amulet of Solidification to interact with the physical world, but it's not stuck always on.
    • Non-Elemental magic.
    • Limited telekinesis.
    • Non-Darkness-based Illusions.
    • Non-Water-based Manipulation. (Possession.)
    • Dreamwalking, though she tends to prefer not to.
    • Levitation—abused all the time.
    • Environmental Manipulation—limited, but her mood has an influence on the general atmosphere.
  • Sliding Scale of Idealism Versus Cynicism: firmly on the cynical side, to the point where many question if she is Lawful Good at all.
  • The Combat Pragmatist: She is a Rogue, after all.
    • However—due to her Lawful Good alignment, she doesn't always fight this way. Just most of the time.
  • Undeath Always Ends: And she'd prefer for it to be pleasant, rather than miserable.

Davos T. Vedmir


"I don't enjoy being a 'good vampire'—we're considered wimpy compared to evil vamps. We're expected to hunt animals, and it's a miracle that the sunlight does' harm most of us. I was just born this alignment. Unlike humans, it can't change, no matter how much I hate it. Who wants to rely on donors? I want to go out and suck blood!"


Davos is a Pureblooded Vampire Storm Paladin who wields a Double-sided bladed staff, and is therefore the main combatant of The Outcasts. He's an Orphan, sent to The Academy where he received bad treatment which influenced his general outlook on life. He came along with Argus because Argus traveled with "The Most Powerful Vampire in the land" and can teach Davos how to use his abilities.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:
  • Being Good Sucks: Especially since he is compelled to do good and cannot change his alignment.
  • Blade on a Stick: His weapon's a staff with a double-sided blade on each end, with a small core which can have blood run through it. It's the signature weapon of The Elite from his academy.
  • Blessed with Suck: A bit literally. That aside, Davos sees his alignment as this—it's meant to be a blessing, but Being Good Sucks.
  • Blood Lust: Has it, but needs to rely on donors.
  • Conveniently an Orphan: Made one at an early age even by human standards—for a vampire, it's even younger.
  • Cute Little Fangs: Has them. He would prefer them to be a different trope...
  • Eerie Pale-Skinned Brunette: Less so than normal, both in-universe and out. Out of universe, him being a sprite limits the effect. In-universe, it's because adventurers being unusual is considered the normal, and people don't give him so much as a second thought once they know he is one.
  • Evil Tastes Good: He thinks so, but can never know for sure.
  • Fangs Are Evil: He wishes they were.
  • Fantastic Racism: The Academy actually had no issue with him being a vampire—that was fine, to them. What they had issue with was the alignment he was born as.
    • To elaborate, The Academy publicly looks to be a normal facility, but is actually run by evil masters, so all the students of positive alignments go insane, all the students of negative alignments are rewarded well. Since Davos is a Pureblooded vampire, that means that he's immune to the insanity and control they'd normally exert over his alignment, making him a threat.
      • This is also the main reason he is dissatisfied with his alignment as demonstrated by the quote--due to the negative experiences he had in The Academy, forced to be an alignment frowned upon and immune to the side-effects.
  • Friendly Neighborhood Vampire: But not by choice—his alignment forces him to be one.
  • Glowing Eyes of Doom: Red eyes, but nobody really cares—it is a fantasy setting, after all.
  • Healing Factor: His 150% Endurance bonus offers this.
  • I Hate You, Vampire Dad: Sort-of. He doesn't remember his father and holds no ill will against him. He is, however, rather displeased with where he got sent with his birth-alignment; the two did not mix well.
  • Leitmotif: "Not Exactly Edward". (Sensing a theme?)
  • Made of Iron: His 150% Endurance bonus is this.
  • Mind Control Eyes: A Pureblood-exclusive ability, using a variant of Water Magic's manipulation of blood. He doesn't use it much, both due to lack of mastery, not wanting to rely on vampire tricks (in case he encounters a Vampire Hunter), and his alignment.
  • Naive Newcomer: Davos's emotions control his Wisdom Score—the difference between him being this and a Wise Sage with knowledge and experience far beyond his years (due to The Academy). He tends to be this more often than not.
  • Neutral Good: Much to his chagrin, this is his alignment. Unlike humans, it's locked in for good, meaning he is compelled to do good whenever he can, even if it goes against what he feels like would be best for himself. This also made him immune to The Academy's control, making him a threat.
  • Our Vampires Are Different: Vampire structure is quite complex, but Pureblooded Vampires are about as strong as they come—immune to daylight, require minimum amounts of feeding, can digest limited amounts of human food, immune to holy weapons, unaffected by water, maximized strength and speed, more vampiric abilities, etc. Unfortunately for Davos, he doesn't know how to use most of them.
  • Skilled but Naive: Definitely skilled, and his emotions can leave him slightly naive at times, so fits.
  • Sliding Scale of Idealism Versus Cynicism: Since he can't change his character alignment, he does the best he can with what he's got, firmly on the cynical side of the scale.
  • Sliding Scale of Undead Regeneration: Type 4, due to being a Pureblood.
  • Sliding Scale of Vampire Friendliness: Being a Pureblood vampire whose alignment is permanently locked as Good, Davos is pretty high on the list.
  • Shiny Midnight Black: His hair is this as a sprite. (His Facemaker version makes it a dark crimson instead.)
  • Super Senses: Has a 150% stat bonus to Instinct.
  • Super Speed: Has a 150% stat bonus on the speed stats.
  • Super Strength: Same bonus also applies to the Strength and Endurance stats.
  • Training from Hell: The Academy was rather nasty to him. He learned almost all of his abilities (not using his vampiric side) from there and became quite the powerful Paladin due to his training, but he was rather miserable.
  • Undeathly Pallor: He's drawn as white not out of artistic laziness, but because his skin is pale.
  • Vampire Bites Suck: Or rather, techniques used by a vampire are extremely powerful—Drain5 is not a 'bite': it's worse.
  • Vegetarian Vampire: But not by choice.
  • Your Vampires Suck: Davos does not take kindly to the Friendly Neighborhood Vampire depiction of his kind—even though it's true, he still hates this kind and would much prefer if he was another.

Sasha Gold Oblong


"Goblins are clichéd. Exclusively Evil? Been there, done that. Not Chaotic Evil, but perceived that way? Seen it before. Tragic past where a friend died at the hand of a Warrior? Certainly not new. Since I can't stop myself from being clichéd, might as well do what I want."


A Goblin Light Paladin, the Guardian of a small unnamed human village. After the local demon threat (will be) taken care of permanently, she (will) join the Outcasts as their healer. Her goblin village was attacked by a Darkness Warrior and destroyed, leaving her on the path of light. She is a bit impulsive and strong-willed, which Argus sees as a very valuable (albeit highly annoying) asset to his team.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:
  • Bare-Fisted Monk: She uses a sword, but her Goblin and Paladin skills means she could be this if she wanted to.
  • Chaotic Good: Her alignment choice.
  • Combat Medic: Being a Light Paladin has this as a side-effect. While her primary purpose is to heal, she is no slouch in a fight.
  • Expy: As hinted in her quote, she was designed to deliberately have similarities to Big-Ears.
  • Healing Hands: Her hands turn yellow when casting Light Magic.
  • Healing Shiv: Her sword can channel her light magic, acting like this. It's still a normal sword, though.
  • Holy Hand Grenade: "Not all light spells are healing-based."
  • Indy Ploy: She prefers not to wait for Argus's plans. It frequently works out well, but when it doesn't...
  • Leeroy Jenkins: She is a Goblin, after all; her antics can be this at times. She tends to show a lot more restraint, however.
  • Leitmotif: "Not Exactly Evil".
  • Lethal Harmless Powers: Light was designed specifically as a healing element. That is far from it's only use.
  • Light Is Good: Chaotic Good, to be more specific.
  • Light'Em Up: Her element of choice.
  • Our Goblins Are Wickeder: Nicely illustrated with her quote.
  • Power Fist: Can be created when combining her magic with her combat skills.
  • Sliding Scale of Idealism Versus Cynicism: Fits best on the idealistic side.
  • Spanner in the Works: Her quick-acting can ruin Argus's plans. However, it can be equally devastating to those who expect Argus's well-thought-out plans and don't expect her to come rushing in.
  • Team Mom: Acted as this when a village guardian, so after realizing she genuinely cares for her teammates, becomes one of these.
  • Technical Pacifist: She prefers to look for other ways around the problem, alternatives to combat or if fighting must be done, for as little harm as possible to be inflicted. But when push comes to shove, she will not hesitate (and in fact might do so before Argus does) to attack.
  • The Fettered: Effectively her choice in lifestyle.
  • The Heart: The only one on the team with a confirmed willingly-positive alignment.
  • The Medic: Her primary purpose on the team.
  • The Paladin: She's not lawful, but close enough to fit.
  • The Power of the Sun: Will not hesitate to demonstrate that—while Light is a healing-oriented element—it's not exclusively for healing.
  • What the Hell, Hero?: She's this to Argus—she tends not to mind his antics and in fact openly is fine with his choice of alignment. She criticizes him when he goes too far.
  • White Mage: Light Paladin, but close enough.
  • White Magic: Since she is a Light Paladin, she has access to Light Magic, which is this.

== The Elementals ==

Sanik, Sarge, Tyra, and M.

The Elementals are secondary protagonists, competing against The Latens. They were formed by Sanik with the intention of controlling all eight elements in the ultimate adventure. They were once known as heroes throughout the land, but have fallen into obscurity since their homeland has been destroyed.

When they were the same group as The Latens, they did, but the groups had a falling out after they were defeated by the "Agent of Chaos" and lived only through the Heroic Sacrifice by close companions of theirs.

Starting over from scratch, Sanik decided to take the chance for a fresh start and begin things again. Since then, their emphasis has shifted more towards saving others, growing strong enough to defeat the Agent, and learn the truth.

Sanik Archer Ronado


"Adventure Away!"


Sanik is the leader and founder of The Elementals. He frequently employs Wind Magic to aid his team, but prefers to rely on his ring and cast non-standard offensive Wind Spells instead. While he is technically a Battle Mage, his only weapon is a light dagger, so he much prefers not to employ it. He is pretty much the only person out of the eight Elementals and Latens who became more idealistic after their defeat, becoming even more noble and less pragmatic than he once was in the past.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:
  • Blow You Away: His Wind Ring gives non-standard Wind Magic which acts this way.
  • Catch Phrase: "Adventure Away!", shared with his brother, Kinas.
  • Discard and Draw: He used to be a Wind Rogue using a bow granting him many Wind Mage abilities. When he lost the bow, he kept the magic but switched to melee instead of Ranged, becoming a Wind Battle Mage instead.
  • Knight in Shining Armor: One of the few in the setting.
  • Lawful Good: One of the only people to play this alignment all the time and play it well.
  • Leitmotif: "An Hero".
  • Magic Knight: Technically, he's a Battle Mage, but people tend to forget he has melee skills due to his strong preference to magic.
  • Meaningful Name: His name, Sanik, was taken from "Sonic", which—to Brian—instantly relates to "Sound", relating to his wind abilities.
  • Not Quite Flight: Hovering, his most frequently-employed standard Wind Magic ability.
  • Razor Wind: Has the capability to cast it from his ring, but prefers more blunt magic.
  • Shonen Hair / Spiky Hair: His official appearance is this, as shown in his sprite art.
  • Sliding Scale of Idealism Versus Cynicism: Pretty much the only one in the cast who could keep himself on the ideal side.
    • Before his reset, however, he was cynical and pragmatic.
  • Status Buff: Since he uses Wind Magic, this is his job on the team.
  • The Fettered: One of the few characters who is this, and not a less-pure version.
  • The Hero: Probably the closest one on the cast page to the definition.
  • Wide-Eyed Idealist: The only character to have become more idealistic with his life's experiences.
  • White-Haired Pretty Boy: Technically silver-gray, but close enough.

Sarge Spark Shovexo


"Warriors have twenty skills, but boiled down, it's nothing more than stabidy stab stab stab."


Sarge is the main combatant of The Elementals, always blunt and to the point, but is by no means the headstrong typical Fire Warrior—Sanik and Tyra always take into heavy consideration anything he says, for his words carry wisdom as the man with the most years of war-torn experience of the group. The strongest of The Elementals, Sarge's stubborn endurance has helped the team pull through the toughest of times, allowing them in the end to persevere against all odds.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:
  • Alliteration: His name.
  • Chaotic Good: His alignment choice, opposite of Nathan's.
  • Honor Before Reason: Subverted. He's plenty reasonable, but he views pragmatic moves as dishonoring The Warrior Way, forming one of the main points in his rivalry with Nathan Betrax.
  • Fiery Redhead: Subverted. He's impulsive in fights and is quick to the trigger when the opportunity for battle arises, but outside of combat, he is one of the most level-headed members of the cast, and even when in battle does not rely on instinct alone.
  • Leitmotif: "The Brute".
  • Meaningful Name: His middle initial is Spark. Guess which element he is?
    • His first name counts as well: He's the oldest, most experienced of The Elementals, and when he says something, people listen—as one would expect from a Sarge.
  • Playing with Fire: His element of choice.
  • The Brute: His role in combat.
  • The Warrior Way: He believes in honest fights that don't employ "cheap tricks", but also believes that just because Warriors are fighters doesn't mean they have to fight stupidly. Since Nathan Betrax alternates between these two extremes, it is the main reason that Sarge hates him.



"It's amazing how many different creative ways you guys seem to cook up to get yourselves killed."


Tyra is The Lancer of Sanik, his support in more ways than one, and is the main reason that the team was formed. Her preferred approach to things is a little more passive than Sanik's, and this applies to combat as well: she's the team's healer, and employs Earth Magic aided by archery. It is due to her kind nature that The Elementals have continued to exist as long as they have.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:



"I see no problem with the viewpoint that we are all cheated constantly, for in that perspective there is absolutely nothing frowning upon cheating back."


M is the main spellcaster of The Elementals, doing the best job possible of staying out of harm's way—and this willingness to avoid direct confrontation carries over to M's personality: M is the tactician of The Elementals, who fills the gaps in Sanik's strategies. While M's methodical and logical approach is considered too conservative and prone to being incomplete, M's vast array of wisdom and know-how has allowed M to guide The Elementals through situations that would otherwise have been certain death.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:
  • Ambiguous Gender: Originally because Brian couldn't decide between M's original source material (girl) and a later influence (guy), but later kept after Brian noticed M's similarities to a certain character...
  • Expy: A Lawful Neutral ambiguously gendered mage with a one-letter nickname, who doesn't use the best combination of spells and is incredibly verbose. Hmm, that sounds familiar...
  • Lawful Neutral: M's choice of alignment.
  • Leitmotif: "The Brains".
  • Making a Splash: M's choice of element, Water.
  • One-Letter Name: M is just a nickname, but it is what all characters call M.
  • Sliding Scale of Idealism Versus Cynicism: Firmly on the cynical and pragmatic side of the scale.
  • Squishy Wizard: M takes noticeably more damage than the rest of the party during their battles.
  • The Smart Guy: Comes naturally to M as a mage.

== The Latens ==

Kinas, Nathan, Sinaer, and Enlecar.

The Latens are the Tertiary Protagonists of the story, but still have their part to play, that of equal importance to the other two groups. They started their career as part of The Elementals, but after their defeat at the Agent of Chaos, Kinas formed this group to go off independantly.

That fresh start also signified their fresh choices in alignment, all having changed from what they were before to be darker. They love the thrill of adventuring, but don't really care anymore about the lives of others—just themselves.

Their overall goal is the same as The Elementals, but their motivation is different: they want revenge. The truth coming out is just a pleasant side-effect of that. They're still "good guys", but only because they're fighting people worse than themselves.

Kinas Zachary Ronado


"Adventure Away!"


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Tropes exhibited by this character include:

Nathan Betrax

  • insert quote here*

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Lord Demon

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Tropes exhibited by this character include:

Indigo Montimer

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Tropes exhibited by this character include:

Myles White

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The Necromancer

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Tropes exhibited by this character include:

Agents Of Chaos


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Tropes exhibited by this character include:

Agent of Chaos (AKA, Celaren)

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The Author Avatar of Brian, the creator of The Descended.

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Tropes exhibited by this character include:

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