• And the Fandom Rejoiced: After a long stretch of fan dissatisfaction with Mike Costa's tenure on the main title, the two new books, More Than Meets The Eye and Robots In Disguise, were announced with fan-favorite creative teams. The former features the team that produced Last Standofthe Wreckers plus artist Alex Milne, while the latter is written by John Barber, who was able to actually assemble a coherent storyline from the movie chronology. To say that fans were pleased is an understatement.
  • Ensemble Darkhorse: Even those who disliked Costa's run seemed to like the Character Development he gave Thundercracker, continuing what Shane McCarthy started in All Hail Megatron and actually utilizing Thundercracker's bio for the first time in forever. Additionally, many are fond of Bob the Insecticon, Sunstreaker's spiky yet strangely adorable pet and helper-dog.
  • Foe Yay Between Megatron and Optimus, especially during Prelude to Chaos. In spades. The two talk about previous battles like old friends, Optimus is desperate to convince Megatron to change and their first conversation even ends with them chuckling about past encounters. Megatron even thanks Prime for saving his life the first time he met him, an encounter that he'd previously pretended not to even remember.
  • Fridge Logic: It's a massive plot point early on that the Autobots simply have no means to get off planet, neither energy nor transport-wise... but if that's the case, just how did all those Autobots we never saw on Earth in previous series get there?
  • Rescued from the Scrappy Heap: Hey, remember Drift? The Autobot samurai from All Hail Megatron who was basically a bad copy of Drizz't Do'urden? Thanks to James Roberts, he's been made into a snarker who's a bit of a religious fanatic about the Circle of Light. In short, he's been turned into an Expy of TFA Prowl, and the general opinion of him has gone from "He's every sucky fancharacter cliche rolled into one!" to "Drift? He's actually pretty cool."